That turned dark q
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Stop dancing like
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Release me. Now. O
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Tiffany, you reall

Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once
Ships were lost du
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Our st
We've recently dis
Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. Or I will see you soon enough." "Warden," said Zee, keeping his voice steady, "listen to me. If I die in the next few seconds, there is something you must know. There is a secret, something you must understand about this planet. One day soon I will be back, and then I will tell you the truth about this place. But for now, this is all I can tell you. You must not let the king catch me." He paused and looked around. He could feel the pain. They all could. They could feel the life going out of him. He was not sure how much longer he could stand this. He needed to act quickly now. The blood was boiling in him. He would need time to calm himself before the bloodlust took him. If you are reading this, then the king has already won. Here are some extracts from the notes. The warden The warden and his "pets" The warden is a human A warlock The king His court The law of the king Battle strategy Tactics of the King The secret of the king The king has a daughter The daughter has gone missing The girl's mother Mother of the girl Other worlds The last night on Earth The girl in this world The girl's mother Her death The mother of the girl Zee's memory The memory of the king and the princess The king's secret The king is a warlock, a high warlock An alien Zee meets a woman Zee meets a queen A new king The king's daughter These are all guesses. We don't know the truth about the situation, though the events are pretty much in order. The king was likely in the future for the first several years of Zee's life and is the brother of the king of the first couple of paragraphs. The king in his time is dying of leukemia, according to Zee. Zee is definitely human, though it seems like the first few children weren't born there and came from a different timeline, and Zee himself later changed the timeline. When the princess is dead, it makes the timeline consistent with Zee's history. There are no hints of the warden or his people having anything to do with this. Other timeline people are all either "pet" experiments, or visitors to the prison, such as Zee and his friends. All the things that can change people's DNA, however, did not happen until Zee was there. My attempt at plot reconstruction: The warden (Warder? No idea. "Warden" is probably the correct spelling, but that's the best I can do.) is a human being. A warlock, if I'm not mistaken. He's using DNA for "experiments" in his personal "menagerie" to make things more interesting. And they ARE interesting. But that's in his future. And he's dying. The warlock uses his warlock powers (he can manipulate DNA in particular) to experiment on humans. One day he comes up with the perfect people and calls them "pets." He keeps track of his "pets" by changing their genetic code and keeping them alive with the help of a robotic device. (The warlock has an interesting history.) The warlock makes sure that his pets are immune to cancer and a few other diseases. I think his warlock powers even give them superhuman strength. The warlock has not developed weapons, yet. He doesn't understand how to (he doesn't want to anyway), but one day the warlock creates a new breed of the pets: children. The warlock thinks that having humans as pets will bring more interest to his experiments. He keeps his pets in cages, locked up, and the only thing they have is food. They get food every day. But the warlock knows that all his pets will die some day and will stop coming, but as long as he has enough food to feed them for a few months, he can keep them alive. Since the warlock doesn't understand genetics or how the human body works very well, he has to figure out another way to make his "children" reproduce. So he does some experiments on the DNA. Somehow, he creates a male child, who has green eyes. Maybe he made him. In any case, he can't have a baby with this child. He needs a woman. The warlock finds a woman (a human woman). She's young and beautiful. He sees her with his daughter. He likes her and falls in love with her. He knows that his daughter will never love him, but that's the least of his concerns. He falls in love with her, and marries her. After the wife gives birth, they keep their captive children together. The warlock's wife doesn't really know what is going on. I'm pretty sure he just told her that the children are sick (and that he loves her) and they just happened to have a very quiet child. The warlock creates more children. His daughter dies, but he marries another woman. He thinks that he can get a son this way, but he fails. The first woman is called the "mother of the girl" in this text. The warlock falls in love with his second wife (the second woman), but he doesn't know that his wife was with someone else when he met her. When he comes back from his "adventures," he finds out what is going on. (The warlock's wife may be "alive".) She probably hates him and doesn't want him to know. He finds out and becomes furious. He kills the king. After the death of the king, the warlock can't keep the son and the daughter anymore. He gets rid of them. One day he makes a new "world". I'm guessing that he doesn't create the environment, but that he removes everything that reminds him of his past, including his family and the children. He thinks that he can make it look like another planet and set up an entire history for the family. In the new history, the warlock marries the "mother of the girl" (the queen in this timeline). In the new history, the daughter is dead, and the mother is called "the mother of the daughter" now. The warlock thinks that he can keep the daughter dead in his new history by taking care of her. He puts the same treatment on the son in the original timeline and the king dies. And he changes the name of the family to "the king's family" because the warlock is the father of all those children. After he dies, the warlock is succeeded by his son, who starts a new timeline. This son marries a woman and has a son with her. The son marries a different woman (because the first woman wasn't pretty enough for him). They have a son together. His daughter is dead, so he doesn't care. He keeps his family, including his son, locked up in his "home." Zee, a young man from our timeline, somehow arrives at the prison in the past (the first couple of paragraphs). He is very confused and thinks that everything is real. He likes the home that the warlock built and lives in it for a long time. He feels like he has a "family." He sees that the warlock has his son and daughter, but he's confused because Zee doesn't know that he can do this. He wants to do this, but Zee doesn't know about his children, and has a child of his own with his new wife (this was likely his first wife). Zee doesn't understand the warlock or his situation. It isn't until he meets a new warden who is able to convince him that he is a scientist and that he is a man. Zee is a "pig" because he never got the real memory back. So he decides to create a new history. He thinks that it would be easy if he has his friend, who is from another timeline, as his partner. He remembers the day when he got the information about the other timeline and he has been obsessed with it ever since. I think Zee thinks that if he meets his future self, that the warlock will let him come back and meet his children. He comes up with a plan to get what he wants. He and his friend do things that change the timeline slightly. Then they return to their timeline and Zee has met his friend. Zee's friend meets a nice girl and they fall in love. So now they want to have a child with her. They make a new child in that world. That person is Zee's daughter, but Zee is never shown to have had any idea of his daughter's existence. Now he thinks that his daughter is from another timeline. So he asks his friend, who is the son of Zee and another woman, and he introduces Zee to the woman and the son. The warlock's "family" is very large in this world, so Zee thinks of a way to make a family. He gives his friend a child. He changes the timeline again and gets a son. He doesn't tell his friend that his child is dead and comes to see his friend on his wedding day. He thinks that he's doing a favor to him and says that he should be happy because now he can have a child with his old wife and maybe have children with her. Zee