Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Stop dancing like
Concrete may have
Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s

Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once
Ships were lost du
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Our st
We've recently dis
Ships were lost du
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for what would come next. Once inside the cave he looked around for a light switch but of course, there wasn’t one. “Well, heh. I guess that’s my cue.” Quiggly said as he looked around at the room, trying to find a good place to start looking for something. “Let’s see…” Quiggly said as he thought. “Hmm…where should I start looking? I wonder…” As he walked through the dark corridors of the cavernous room he noticed a very peculiar smell. A very familiar smell but one that he had never experienced in real life. Quiggly was quite intoxicated with the smell because he had encountered it before, very recently actually. “Ah, yes. I remember that smell.” Quiggly said with a grin. “I can’t place where but it smells a lot like that cider my Uncle keeps drinking.” He said as he entered a very large room. The smell was intoxicating and for some reason, Quiggly had a very big appetite. “Just as I thought. The cavern was not the place he was captured. I can smell the cider everywhere here and it smells very…sweet. I smell something else too. Something I can’t put my finger on.” Quiggly said, his mind trying to figure out what exactly it was he smelled in the air. “What’s that smell?” Quiggly said as his nose led him down a dark corridor to a very large room. “And who would have put them here?” Quiggly asked as he stood in the middle of the dark room with his back towards the entrance and the cider in his hand. Quiggly paused for a moment as he sniffed the air to try and pinpoint the source of the sweet smell in the room. “I wonder if that is my cider,” he mumbled to himself. “Or even if this is my cider.” Quiggly said as he walked to a few sacks of what appeared to be flour. “Well, whoever put these here made sure to fill it full of the cider and the flour.” Quiggly said as he took one of the sacks and set it aside. “Hmm, this bag feels much heavier than the other sacks. There must be a lot of cider in this bag. It must be worth a lot. This is the perfect place to bury my cider and make myself a great bargain with it.” Quiggly said to himself as he put the sack of flour down and opened the bag of cider. Quiggly poured a cupful of the liquor and took a sip. “Heh. I am getting a taste of cider! What a perfect night for me.” Quiggly said with a laugh as he took a sip of cider, just before a sound from the door behind him snapped him back to reality. “Well, there was no point in hiding. I am sure the cider must be in the back. I will just leave as if I am bringing the cider. Then the person guarding this door has to be expecting me to be bringing the cider. I don’t want to make any trouble. I will just tell the person guarding the door that I saw a lot of cider in the storage area and just started bringing it out to drink because I have not drunk anything at all today. That’s all I have to do to distract the guard and then take all the cider I need and get the heck out of there.” Quiggly said to himself as he walked towards the door. As Quiggly opened the door to walk through, he reached for his canteen but there wasn’t anything in it. Quiggly looked around and could not figure out where his canteen went. “Oh, what a strange time for me to decide to go without my canteen. I will just go back and grab my canteen from my bedroom. I won’t need it anyway, since I know exactly where the cider is.” Quiggly said to himself as he walked out the door and went back to his bed to grab his canteen. “I wonder if I am too greedy. I probably should have brought at least two bags full of cider, just in case there were a few guards.” Quiggly said to himself as he remembered all the cider he bought. He knew he would need a ton of cider if he was going to drink every last drop and hide his cider. But I didn’t buy one of those big bags, I bought seven! I was so greedy. I am already so thirsty, I don’t want to be that stupid again, I have already been so stupid, why even do that again? Yes, he will keep that in mind from now on.” Quiggly said to himself as he left his bedroom and began to leave the cave. “Now all I have to do is grab the cider and get out of here. I still don’t know what to make of the person who gave the cider to the guard but I am not going to stand for this. I’m going to put a stop to this right now. No one will stand in my way ever again. Once I get this cider and get out of here, I’ll think of a nice cider-flavored drink to honor my plan. This plan is going perfectly for me. My plan is not going to fail. I just wish I could taste some of this cider, but I must save some for myself before it goes bad.” Quiggly said to himself as he made his way out of the cave and out of the forest, all the while keeping an eye out for the guard. He knew the time was drawing near and all he had to do was keep his cool and make it out of there unscathed. Just as Quiggly exited the cave, a group of people came out of the forest. “Now, I know I shouldn’t believe what I see but I am going to believe it. They have cider and I need it. Now I need to figure out a way to get it without any of them finding out what I am really up to.” Quiggly said as he continued to walk, as if it was a normal night. “Maybe I should just take one of the ciders. After all, it is my cider. I found it. I found it! “Quiggly said to himself as he saw the people and he was about to give himself away. Quiggly was walking around in the darkness and thinking how nice it would be if he had a cider to drink when all of a sudden he was interrupted by a guard. “Hurry, keep on your toes. You need to hurry. There are cider and we need it. So hurry.” Quiggly heard the guard shout. Quiggly walked a little faster but didn’t look back as the guard and his entourage passed by. “I almost lost it. If I had not seen that sign I would have looked right past the cave and I would never have known that my cider was in the cave. Why is it that I still don’t have a cider? I wonder if that guard had any left. I need that cider more than anything else. I should just go back into the cave and look for it. The guard went this way. I can find it if I go this way.” Quiggly said to himself as he began to head towards the cave. Quiggly saw a sign posted on the wall of the cave and quickly walked to the opening of the cave to read what it said. “The guard’s going to go inside the cave and look for the cider. They’ll be here soon so I better hurry.” Quiggly said to himself as he was readying himself to find his cider in the cave. He saw a small rock he thought would make a good door knocker, so he grabbed it and took it into the cave. He found a piece of wood that was flat on top and had a little space on the top and one edge. He put the flat piece on the other side of the hole where the guard would be standing and held a small piece of wood in his hand. He was about to lift the wood and knock on the door when he saw a movement outside the cave and the noise that the guard made when he passed by. “Wait! I have a plan now. All I have to do is wait until that guard walks by again. Then knock on the door once and use the wood to cover the sound of my knocking. Then quickly run out of the cave, run as fast as I can to hide. No one is coming. I am going to do this.” Quiggly said to himself as he waited for the guard to pass by. Quiggly gently lifted the piece of wood above his head and slammed it down with all his strength on the flat piece of wood, making a loud bang. “Suck an egg! I would have never thought of that. I didn’t know I could do that. That noise could have given me away. I am so glad I was able to see through the little bit of window in the door. I thought I was going to hit it just right but you know, this time, it worked out great. I knocked the wood right off the guard’s head and ran out of the cave before he knew what had happened. No