Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
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Quietly, Quiggly s
FTL is not possibl
Release me. Now. O
Stop dancing like

Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
But first, you and
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Once
We've recently discovered a new method to dynamically create and destroy content. We're currently using this technique to provide a custom version of a JRE to a web site. There's an obvious similarity to Sun's techniques used in their Java Applet API, but ours do not meet any standards at this time, so Java Applets will NOT work with our products. Also, our content is not compiled but rather dynamically created, and our methods are not called with a URL parameter. This is going to make life more challenging for those who have tried to reverse engineer our engine, but is also an important security measure to ensure that a customer cannot give a copy of our product to someone else, either through distribution of a standalone executable or through a browser enabled, Java enabled web site. I think that the security features are a far more exciting point for those of us who are security minded, as the technique will hopefully help to ensure that our products are usable even in an executable form. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ You don't want these to work in a standalone executable. You don't want them to run in a browser enabled Java enabled web site. Why ? Because our content is dynamically created, our methods are not called with a URL parameter. _________________________________________________________________________ _________ Send a message by reply email. From: Subject: Hello Eric, To work around the security-related issues, you may create a new URL format by prefixing the string '' to a method call and redirecting it with JavaScript. Eg. 1. Go to 2. A prompt will be displayed asking for a name to use for the new method call. 3. Give your method a name and select the name from the select field and click 'Add'. 4. A URL will be displayed. 5. For testing purposes, '' can be appended to the URL, like this: If you plan to sell your product, you may not want to do this. The 'this' word will be used by our product to call your custom method. It is safe to append it to your URL as we don't use it internally, but any customers that receive your product should remove it before distribution. _________________________________________________________________________ _________ We don't want to use it internally either. We're not making a standalone product here. We're selling one package that will be deployed in the field. That's why it's a "you may not want to do this". Please do not call your method like this. It could be bad. If you want to pass something from JavaScript to your methods, use a post request. That's it. That's the way it's done. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ You do know about JavaScript (don't you ?) You can pass whatever you want with a post request. I have some sample code that is part of the SDK which demonstrates how to use this technique. Look at how the 'create' methods are being used. Look at the comments in the files. Look at the examples. If you still think this is bad, please ignore this email and we will work something else out. I have wasted enough of your time with this. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ We do care about the ability to add or remove content. If you create a new product, you can simply add a new method call by adding a new name/value pair to the URL. The current methods could then be renamed, leaving the existing methods intact. Alternatively, you could change your methods to a POST protocol or pass more parameters. What you can't do is simply add a URL parameter and have it work without changing the code. If you are going to make a product, it will be released publicly and you will be expected to respond to inquiries. You cannot expect us to make changes to a product, ship it and then have another version of the product released the next day. If you're going to make a public product, don't do it. _________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow A product that is released publicly should not be limited to what a previous version contained. I can see how the current method calls would allow a product that is designed for a specific set of content, but no new content can be added without modifying the code. If there is no access, how are users supposed to keep adding content? The methods have been designed so that our code does not have to change to allow for new content to be added or to allow old content to be removed. Customers could add their own methods for updating their content. If we need to make a change to the product's functionality, it will involve modifying the API for adding new content, which can be done for the method calls. If I'm going to make a product that will be released publicly and we have to change something about it, how am I supposed to react? This is exactly the kind of thing you should discuss with us BEFORE you do it. It's not really very productive to do this after the fact. You can see this in the example code for the SDK. We specifically try to keep the API flexible so that we can easily change it without affecting customers. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ A lot of customers use our product to develop web sites that contain scripted, interactive content. There are many, many websites that are using our products in this way and cannot be changed to a different method call. It is difficult and expensive to change the structure of a site after the fact. Customers do not want to do this, and they should not have to. As stated earlier, any customers that receive the product should remove the 'this' string to allow the product to work without modification. Since there is a limited number of names, it's okay to use them all. If it turns out there are names that are not being used, they will be removed. The only thing we can't do is to create a separate list of names. All of the numbers can simply be bumped up by a few numbers. Some people believe this is a bad idea, which is what made me write this email to you. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ If you still think this is bad, please ignore this email and we will work something else out. Why did you even send this email ? This is obviously a very big misunderstanding. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Please accept my apologies. One of our clients has asked us to implement a Java-based product that creates content dynamically through a Java control hosted in their web site. In some cases, they want to remove some content as well. They have asked us to create a new version of our product in this way, which is why we decided to use the 'this' string to dynamically create the required Java methods to create content. -Eric ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow ________________________________________________________________________ _________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________ Eric Hanchrow We understand that