Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
Stop dancing like
We've recently dis
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
FTL is not possibl
Once considered th

That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Once
We've recently dis
Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and I must come to an agreement. If you die, do not leave me alone. You must make me a vampire, as well, for you to be taken to the light of day, but you must remain by my side to make sure I don’t join you.” “Deal,” I replied, trying not to think about my brother any longer. I’d already come to terms with his death, and I wasn’t eager to do it all over again. “Then say goodbye, and let us begin.” “For the last time, good luck,” I whispered as he took a deep breath. “Then, I must rest. May the sun go with you.” He shook his head. “The choice is yours, Sam. It’s your choice.” I felt his fingers brush against my forehead as my vision began to blacken, and in the moment before it did, he placed his hand over my heart, pressing down. And I let myself fall into the infinite darkness, but I could see his face in my mind, his love. My mind began to drift away from me, from the darkness, away to some warm and comforting place where there was happiness. I could feel myself coming back to consciousness, and I finally smiled, looking around. I was back, in Boston, in my room. Mom and Dad were there, sitting on the couch. They had smiles on their faces and seemed at peace. They looked so happy that I didn’t want to break their happiness, so I tried my best to act as if I was still dreaming, and I sat up, hugging my knees to my chest. “Good morning, you three,” I said, glancing at them. I was glad that they weren’t going to make me go to school, but then I realized that school was my last thought, when I was still lost in the darkness. I could have had the day off. They smiled at me. “Are you okay, dear?” asked Mom, noticing that I’d had a strange look on my face. I chuckled. “I’m fine, mom. I just had a strange dream.” “O-kay…” Dad said, then got up. “Well, I’m off to work. Good day, dear.” Mom followed Dad to the door, stopping there to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Have a good day, honey.” Dad smiled at her, then left, and I put my head in my hands. “I don’t know why I’m having so many strange dreams.” “Because of all the stress,” Mom said as she walked back in and sat down on the couch. “It’s okay to have them, dear.” I looked up at her. “But I just dreamed that the sun went black, mom. I can’t have those dreams. I can’t think like that.” She nodded. “It’s okay, Sam. I’ve already talked to your dad, and he’s okay with you taking the night off.” “Good.” I said, nodding. “I guess I just need a break.” She smiled at me. “Yeah, you’re allowed to have a break. I’m glad you do.” I sat there, taking in her scent, her softness. I didn’t think I’d ever notice her scent as much as I did now. “Thank you, mom.” “You’re welcome.” She replied. “Can you take a break with me?” I asked, not wanting to be by myself, and getting comfortable on the couch. She got up, and we both sat on the floor in front of the TV. “Sure, honey. We could go to Fenway.” “Sure. I think that’s a great idea.” She started to laugh. “Sorry, honey. I know you just lost your brother, but you can’t keep bringing up dead people. It’s all you do.” “I know, mom, I know. But I’m sorry.” “It’s fine. Just, maybe not today. It’s Friday. Let’s just do something fun today.” “Okay, mom.” I said as I leaned over, giving her a kiss. “Good. Then I’ll get us a snack. Want me to make us some nachos?” “Uh, yeah, thanks.” “Anything for my two favorite people.” She said, as she walked out. I watched TV for a little while, then went to take a bath. I lay there, listening to the water running in the background, thinking about my brother, and my last conversation with Sam. “I’m glad she’s your sister,” I whispered, “but she can’t be the only one. I can’t live like this. I can’t have the burden of being someone’s mother.” I heard a loud bang, and then I heard Mom yelling. The sound of the TV faded away, and I quickly opened my eyes. “Shit, why am I still awake? No need to get up,” I mumbled. “I guess I’ll just lay here a little longer.” I soon fell asleep, and it seemed like it was the middle of the night. Everything was silent, until I heard a soft, low laugh. I looked up, seeing a figure sitting in the corner. “Oh, god, is it them? That thing can’t be Sam,” I said. “I knew that it was impossible, but it’s making me think about my brother, and I can’t do that. It’s impossible, and it’s cruel, even if you didn’t kill me.” I stood up, taking a step in its direction, but I then saw what it was. “No, it’s impossible. This is impossible.” I stood still, looking in its direction, and I tried to move. It seemed as though I was frozen, unable to do anything. I didn’t want to move, so I just stood there, standing motionless. “They must have done this, because they’re killing my mind. I can’t do anything anymore. I can’t think. I can’t function.” “What are you talking about?” asked Sam, now standing in my room. “This can’t be real. It can’t be. It’s a dream, Sam, but it doesn’t make sense. How are you here? You’re a killer. How could I not remember you?” “You’re not dreaming, Sam. You’re a lost soul, a vampire who doesn’t understand what’s going on. I can help you.” “Help me how? How could you have a part of me, and I have no idea who you are? What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to live now? Do I have to go on being a vampire, only for you to take it away again? This is all so horrible!” He smiled. “This is my fault. I’m sorry, Sam, but I’ve always watched over you. I’m sorry that you don’t remember this. I’m sorry that I failed you, but I’ve always watched over you. You’ve always been mine, and I was always yours.” “I don’t want you to be mine! I never asked you to be mine!” “It’s okay, Sam, you don’t have to get angry. You’re just scared.” “But you killed me! My god, what is happening? How could you have killed me, Sam? How? How?” “I don’t know how, Sam. That’s how it was for me. I was brought here, and I had to do what I did. I had to kill you. It’s what had to happen.” “But I didn’t do anything to you! What right do you have to take away my life?!” “I have my reasons.” “Reasons? Who are you?” I screamed, taking a step forward. “Who are you?!” “No! I won’t answer you! Stop looking at me like that! It’s what I did! I didn’t want to. I didn’t have a choice, Sam. I had to do it.” “So, you’re not even a real vampire? What kind of vampire are you, then? Did you get lost?” “I’m not a real vampire. I’m a monster.” “Then, who are you? You’re an abomination, but you’re not a vampire. So, what kind of creature are you? A monster that has some kind of control over vampires? Some kind of god?” “This is what I wanted. I knew that if they found me, I’d be forced to do this. They would force me to turn into one of them, but I’ve always been one of them, all along. I was put here to watch over the family, to protect them. I couldn’t let anything happen to them, no matter what. If you can’t be protected by me, then you’re