Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Once considered th
Concrete may have
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Chapter 1. Our st
Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like Stop dancing like that. it looks like
"youre a piece of shit and I hate you. I had dinner with my family with some
very important people who weren't pleased that my time was taken up for
dancing. It really wasn't necessary."
It was my first lesson, so I was really excited to get so much attention from
the teacher. He was a super cool guy and did an amazing job of teaching me
all the basics. Afterwards we just hung out, drank some beers, and ended up
making out. That was a long time ago, but I still remember all the techniques
and steps of how to dance. It looked like you didn't get any of the above,
which is a shame! I hope you have fun partying on my dime!!
Wilson Kriegel@ENRON
10/17/2000 07:15 AM
To: Jillian Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: I'm Coming Over!
I can't wait!!!
Are you up for a night of dancing?
What are you drinking? I have that in the fridge already.
What do you mean by 'I'm going to dance like a maniac?'
Also, do you have any idea where Jill might be? I don't think she said.
Jillian Ellis@ECT
10/16/2000 02:07 PM
To: Wilson Kriegel/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: I'm Coming Over!
ESA has not authorized you to use EOL addresses. There could be a
possibility of lawsuits and having to turn over passwords.
I had not yet booked my flight when I sent the message below. In case ESA
didn't give you the ok, I was wondering if you would be up for a night of
dancing? You can just get off work around 6:30 and I'll pick you up at your
house. Just let me know!
I had not booked my flight yet but was wondering if you wanted to get some
dinner one night after work. It will probably be after 6:30 because of traffic.
Wilson Kriegel@ENRON
10/13/2000 12:26 PM
To: Jillian Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: I'm Coming Over!
I had not yet planned on flying yet... let me think about it. I might take
you up on dinner, but I am still on the fence about flying. I will let you
You must be the only person in Houston never to go out.
I have a couple of questions, though. What are you going to have me do while
you are away? Are you going to pick my brain while I am gone? And is this the
whole weekend?
How far out are you guys?
Jillian Ellis@ECT
10/13/2000 09:57 AM
To: Wilson Kriegel/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: I'm Coming Over!
You are not going to believe this...
I am moving in the "Merit" direction!!!!! I am leaving work on Friday to go
house shopping. I am driving from Houston to Austin on Saturday morning and
then I will drive back to Houston on Saturday afternoon. I will sleep on the
way back and will be there Saturday night. Does that mean you will actually
see me? Well it should mean seeing me. So I will call you Saturday
afternoon from Austin.