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Ships were lost during these dark voyages, and said to have had their crews, when discovered, massacred. To save the shipwrecked families from this fate, many of whom were left, the colonists were allowed a grant of land, on condition they would come as missionaries to teach them the Christian faith. This was in 1717. The colony in this way became a colony of great promise. About 1720 the first vessel from England reached the colony, and the first child born in the colony, Sarah Hovey, a daughter of Captain Edward Hovey. The first baby was born in Virginia, on October 15, 1733, Sarah Bolles. In 1736, about fifty colonists left the Colony of Virginia, who had come from the colony of Maryland, to found the colony of Georgia. For nearly a century this colony flourished, and was a very successful one. Among its famous early citizens were the Ways brothers, men of strong character and courage. In 1753, when the colony of Georgia was invaded by the British and the Indians, the two brothers put their shoulders to the wheel, their bravery saving the colony. In the middle of the last century, there was no longer any land that could be bought cheaply enough to enable the colony to remain a permanent one. The state of Virginia had a new constitution which permitted the creation of the new counties. It also required that the people have title to the land they occupied. This was not possible in the present unsettled and wild condition of the country. On April 1, 1776, Virginia became a state, its capital being at Richmond. But before then, a little group of men had met in Frederick County and formed a little organization called the Society of the Cincinnati. This had four members, who were to be the principal founders of the state of Ohio. A few of the members were present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Of course there were not enough signatures to constitute a state. So this little company of gentlemen laid the cornerstone of a future state of Ohio at Washington's headquarters, but before it could be turned into state land, the State of Virginia was split off, and Washington's headquarters were moved to the new capital, at the city of Washington. From 1781, the war against England dragged on, and at times there were heavy setbacks. Washington and Lee were the leaders of the army, and there were few officers whose bravery and conduct had been more conspicuous than that of the great Lee. In the latter years of the war, there were severe losses. There were not enough soldiers to go around. In 1801, Congress passed a law that slavery should be abolished in the state of Virginia. Then Virginia, like all the other states, was divided into counties. Virginia, of course, had four. Washington, Westmoreland, Botetourt and Berkeley, and a new county, called Jefferson, was formed from one part of the county of Henry in the state of Virginia. There was already a county named Jefferson, somewhere else, so a new county was formed, having that name. It was the first new county in the state. It was named for Thomas Jefferson, who had been a leader of the state in the days of its struggle for independence. He had been ambassador to France, and had written the Declaration of Independence. Washington, the capital of Virginia, is on the Potomac River. There are two railroads in the city. The Northern Railway and the Virginia and Southern Railway. The city is divided into three parts. The river front, or on the Virginia side, called the Hillside. The Capitol, or the centre of the city. There is one hotel that is open to anyone. And on the west side is the public square, where the city hall stands, and the old courthouse. The county courthouse, in which Jefferson County is situated, is one block farther back. Jefferson is the largest county in the state. It is about half as large as England. The state library and museum are situated on Capitol Hill. The statehouse was built by a man called William Mason. He was a soldier of fortune, serving in the armies of France and England, before he settled down to farm his estate in the colony of Virginia. The Virginia State Botanical Gardens were begun in 1879, but it was not until a few years ago that they were really properly undertaken. Now there are about two hundred acres of well selected land, with about a hundred plants in each bed. There are large gardens on the hillside and in the center of the city. There are bouquets of magnolias and other kinds of shade trees. There is a fine park with about two hundred acres. It is used for tennis, croquet, and other outdoor games. The state university is at the city of Lynchburg. The college was founded in 1824, on the land of one of the original twelve commissioners of the county of Botetourt, named George Washington Waddell. It has since been enlarged to about one hundred and fifty students. The buildings were made with brick. It is in the southern part of the state, about halfway between Roanoke and Charlottesville. Lynchburg is the nearest town to it. The first building of the university, the chapel, was begun in 1828, and finished in 1834. The main hall was built in 1838. The dormitories and the gymnasium were completed in 1890. The state capitol at Richmond is the scene of some interesting sights. It was made a state capital by the act of the Virginia Legislature, in 1779. It was one of the seats of government, until the federal capital was chosen for Washington in 1790. It is the third largest building in Virginia, and was built by a man named Henry Harrison. He was a shipowner. He used to be a member of Congress from Virginia. The Virginia Museum at Richmond is the oldest museum in the United States. It was started about 1771, the year after the Declaration of Independence, by men who belonged to the Society of the Cincinnati. This society is a society of officers and men who had been present at the Declaration of Independence. It is a most exclusive society. They meet each year at Cincinnati, Ohio, and in this club, there are some three hundred members. The society began the museum as a memorial to the men who had been at Lexington and Concord, and the first exhibit they put there was a copy of the Declaration of Independence. The museum is under the direction of Colonel Mason A. Henry, whose chief delight is in antiquities. There are two large building in the city, one on each side of the old Capitol. The Capitol was used as the house of representatives for several years, after the Revolution, and was occupied by Congress for many years, and is now occupied by the state capitol. It was used by Congress during the time that they moved their headquarters to the city of Washington, and when Jefferson was President, he decided he wanted to return to the state of Virginia, so he moved the capitol back to Virginia. It was built in 1788, and is two stories high, of brick, in the Ionic order. It has been recently redecorated, and now looks very nice. In the centre of the building is a statue of George Washington. There is a beautiful statue in the rotunda of John Marshall, the chief justice of the United States. The statue of Thomas Jefferson is in the senate room. It was originally in another part of the building, but was put in the senate room, in 1816. On top of the capitol is the dome. It was built at a cost of $1,500,000, with forty-eight columns of granite, weighing about six tons each. The columns were made in Connecticut, and brought by ocean freight. Each column was eight feet wide, sixteen feet high and forty-eight feet long. The capitol is used for state courts. This has been a long and very interesting story. In early times, the people did not have very much law. One case might last for years. Even in Virginia the law was very hard to get. Lawyers were a very scarce commodity. And when it was given, it was so expensive it was not practicable for ordinary people to have it. It was only to the very wealthy, or to the very wealthy who made their home in the state, that it could be used. Many years after the Revolution, Congress passed the Judiciary Act, which provided that when there was no special court, or when all the judges were needed for state business, the judges could sit as a court for small causes. This was a great relief to people. They could get justice without paying their lawyers. When people became rich enough to build fine buildings in a city, or to furnish them with grounds of their own, the need for justice lessened, and there were fewer cases to be heard. Finally, there were no more buildings in Virginia with courts in them. There was no courts in Virginia. When Washington became President, he found Virginia a country where it was perfectly lawful for one man to take all the land that he wanted. He had to have some law to say that he must not do that, so he called on his friend George Mason to make him a law that would tell him that he could not take this land from one person and give it to another. He and Mason were at first very angry with each other. But Washington said that he would do no more than was necessary for the public good, and that the Constitution was the best that could be devised. But Mason refused to let him put that law in. Mason said that no man had a right to take the land of another without paying for it. Washington and Mason, however, eventually became friends. Mason agreed to have Washington make a law which would give Mason his rights. It was not hard to make a law that would stop one man from taking all the land that he wanted. After Mason made his law, Washington also made a law which would stop one person from taking all the land that belonged to another, without having to buy it. This law was called the law of descent and distribution. There was also a need to make laws about roads, and Washington made one of the first road laws. It was a law about a road to Newport News. Washington wrote to the Governor of Virginia, saying: “That road is one of great necessity for the trade, commerce, and welfare of this country, and the expense attending it has prevented the owners of a great many pieces of land from improving them, in consequence of which, the poor people have suffered much in their way of life.” Washington also made a law about the sale of public lands, which at that time were being sold at low rates. He said that these lands belonged to the United States, and he wanted them to be sold at the rate of fifty cents an acre. But the people who bought them were not allowed to pay the fair price, because there was so much trouble to get the money from the government. The law on this was in effect until 1850. The last important law Washington made was one which created the office of district judge. There were forty-eight of these, and they were called district judges. They were appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate. At first, they could not be removed except by impeachment. But eventually, these district judges, who had been appointed in Virginia, were replaced by men appointed in other states. The Virginia law which made these district judges was passed in 1785. The president of the United States, and those who are appointed to be district judges, must be American citizens. There are two sets of district judges. One set are federal judges. The other set of district judges are for the states. The federal judges serve for life. All the rest serve for four years. These district judges were made for Virginia because there were no court buildings. There was no court house in Virginia. There were many cases to be tried. The district judge had to do justice by holding court in the county seat. There were about seven hundred county seats in the state. The Virginia General Assembly thought that these county courts were too expensive, and it passed a law that there should be one district judge for every county seat. This was very unwise. There are three hundred and fifty counties in Virginia. There are eight hundred and fifty two county seats. The law made about three hundred and fifty district judges. This arrangement continued until 1801, when George Washington was removed from office. The law for district judges was passed in 1785, but he was not removed until 1801. When he was removed, District Judge James Monroe took his place. James Monroe was a man of great ability and of very great ability as a diplomat. He became a very good President. The District Court of the United States is the highest court of the United States, and the first district court to hold sessions was established at Charlottesville. The district judge was named John Mercer. He was very anxious to get to work. He made many changes. He said: “The law is a living law. It cannot be made to suit every emergency.” Mr. Mercer wanted to make the law suit cases heard, and so he got rid of trials for damages. “A trial for damages is a trial to punish,” he said. “It may not be wrong, but it is most expensive. The law is the best way to settle all differences.” There was also a need for the creation of some means to help people who had to take the case to court. But Mr. Mercer said that no laws could be passed to make it possible to do this. He said: “It is not in the power of the federal court to enforce contracts.” In other words, the federal court was only for the federal government, and it could not help people who were trying to settle a business dispute. “If a law were made to compel one party to abide by the terms of his contract, the other party might break his contract and refuse to perform it.” Mr. Mercer realized that people could not get justice in the courts. He decided that it would be much better for people to be able to get justice if they were not poor. Mr. Mercer wanted to set up some means where poor people could get justice in the courts. He wanted to set up some means by which people could get a lawyer to fight their case for them. He said: “To bring the poor in the courts and to put it out of the power of the rich to put them in the jury boxes is a wrong and unjust way.” He wanted the law to be simple. “The courts of justice should be for all. The law should be such that the poor could read it and know how to defend themselves.” Mr. Mercer came out of the courtroom after his court was held. He was very well satisfied with the work. He said: “The court suits I have tried are the most interesting cases I have ever tried.” He also added that the people were very proud of his work. He said: “They all come to see what I can do.” In these district courts, there is no right to a lawyer. The only right that the law allows for people is the right to a jury. The first time a man has the right to have a lawyer present to talk to him about his case is when he is going to be tried for murder. “Murder is the only one of the common crimes which has its own peculiar method of investigation.” Before the right to a lawyer was given, murderers were always hung. Mr. Mercer said that he felt like the murderer. A trial for a murder involves a whole lot of questions. “There is no rule or general principle which can be laid down for the determination of such cases. They have to be tried and determined one after another as they come up.” The law that Mr. Mercer made concerning murder was also used to decide other things. This was done because of the great need for the laws that are now in the United States. In other words, the need to decide things as they came up. For example, if there was a case of arson in a building, the law decided whether or not the law concerning murder should be used. The first time that Mr. Mercer had the law on murder used was on the twenty-second of December, 1787. He did not say anything on this occasion. The law was not written down. There was no trial. Afterward, there was a trial. After the trial, the jurors decided that Mr. Mercer was not guilty of murder. Mr. Mercer had many reasons for the act that he did. He did not think that it would be right for judges to try a murder case if they did not understand it. He wanted to keep the people from being unhappy about his work. He thought that the people would feel that he had done something about it. This feeling would help to make up for the fact that the law was not written. He did not want to let anyone say that his was only a partial law. The law was not a perfect law. The law said that it should be the highest court in the country. And yet, it did not say that it should be the only court. The district judge did not have any power to enforce the law. He could only help to decide questions. And yet, he was the highest court. If you broke the law, there would be a trial. If you were guilty, the judge could sentence you to death. “The sentence should be death.” The law was written with the people in mind. Mr. Mercer’s idea was that the law should be written in plain language. He did not want to have lawyers write it