Chapter 1. Our st
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Chapter 1. Our st
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Chapter 1. Our story begins with the world. For the last few thousand years, it's been divided up into tiny pieces, each piece belonging to a race, who then get to run around the edges of the world, fighting each other, and taking their lands, and keeping everything nice and quiet. But every race has a few people in it who are more interested in keeping things to themselves than anything else. They are called the Mages, and they do things like find treasure, or magic... Chapter 2. One day, a few thousand years from now, a young mage named Aya stumbled upon a secret. It was a secret known to mages, but never told to anyone. For most of the world, in fact. She also happened to be of the most powerful family in all of Manhattan. Their family house was once a library, which the family has been guarding ever since they were exiled from the rest of the world. While they guarded the house, they lived in the basement, and rarely ventured into the library. For the family had no idea the world was filled with secrets... Chapter 3. The story picks up several years later, as Aya is still a little girl and starting her first year at her family's estate. But now she's grown up and no longer a virgin. She has also found a book hidden away in the house, a book full of secrets about her family. She starts putting these secrets to the test, for once she's done she'll find out her very fate. Chapter 4. Aya is sixteen, she has two years to live, and she's spent the past six years trying to be an orphan. At this point in her life she'd given up any hope of finding a boyfriend, because she'd always assumed she'd become an orphan. So she's more than a little surprised to find out one day that there are other people like her, who are looking for a true family. Chapter 5. She is Aya, and this is her story. Chapter 6. Now it's winter, and Aya is going to meet the man she knows will change her life. The man she will marry, and begin a new life together. But before she does, she's going to have to survive this winter, and make sure that she, and the others, survive long enough to get home to their own time. Chapter 7. So that's what's going to happen. Well, that's what's going to happen to the other girls too, but since this story is all about Aya, that's what's going to happen to her... Chapter 8. The end of the story starts now. Chapter 9. So, this is the last installment of the first story, and this story, Aya's story, is done. This was a pretty long story, and Aya has decided she's not going to write any more stories unless she can get this story published. However, if she does decide to write more, the next one will be shorter. It will be much easier for her to finish. With this last installment, I am sure that you have enough of a story idea for the next one. You know, the sequel. Now, I'm going to list what you're looking for. What you're looking for, or what I'm looking for, is a story about two mages. These mages have a bit of a history between them. I don't need any explanations on how the story will play out between them, although I'm sure you'd be able to give me some. What I need, though, is the other side of the story. I need some background. I need to know who the two mages are, and why they're mages, and what happened before they met, and even why they never met. Some answers to these questions will be provided in future installments of this story, but I need a history. So I've included a background with this story. A few of the things in it are facts, and a few are facts that aren't always true, but will be true for these mages. Chapter 10. This is our story. The history of these two mages begins in a city known as Nantucket, in the far west of America. In the year 1500 AD, the city of Nantucket was the most prosperous city in all of America. It's economy was based off of its trading with Native Americans for furs and other goods. Then in the year 1550 AD, Europe was hit with a deadly plague, which decimated its population. While Nantucket was untouched by the plague, most of its population also perished. In the days of the European settlers, there was a rumor that the Plague was being spread by "Mage-like people". The city was afraid, and banned the use of magery by its citizens, though no one could find any sort of proof that this rumor was true. A few years later, in the year 1590 AD, Nantucket was decimated again. This time, it was by an earthquake. For the past thousand years, Nantucket had been hit by many different natural disasters, and the people of the city never stopped rebuilding. This particular quake damaged much of the city, and when it was finally rebuilt it was mostly just stone. In the year 1593 AD, the plague returned to Nantucket, and killed another quarter of its population. For the second time, the city was decimated. Once again, this time even worse than the first time. This time, the city itself was destroyed, and there was no way of repairing it. In the years following this second death, the city fell into ruins, and it slowly became known as the Lost City of Nantucket. Chapter 11. In the year 1598 AD, a young boy named Aya was born to a couple who lived in Nantucket. He was a mage, and even though the laws had been passed about a thousand years ago, Aya was forbidden from using his magery. His parents were also from the Mage-race, and one of his great-great-grandfathers, who was also a mage, had a daughter who lived in Nantucket. Their family was one of the powerful families in the city, but their house had become an orphanage, and they'd been living in the basement of the house since the day they were exiled. It was only due to the fact that Aya's father was the owner of the house that he wasn't forced to leave it. For Aya's father had no interest in seeing his family's power taken away. Chapter 12. Aya's parents died when he was twelve, and their death broke his father's heart. He'd been trying to find a woman to marry, to no success. However, when Aya turned sixteen, he finally did find a woman to marry. His family was wealthy, and could easily afford a wedding, but his mother died just before the wedding, so he had no one to give him away. But on the day of the wedding, when Aya's stepmother and her family came to visit him and his new wife, an interesting thing happened. While she was in the house, she heard a loud noise from down below. Her curiosity took her, and she went to investigate, only to find a small girl sitting in the basement, playing a harp. The girl had long golden hair, and was crying, but the girl couldn't stop. She wanted to be free. Chapter 13. Aya and his wife were both curious about the girl, and the woman asked Aya what her story was. Aya explained that she'd lived in the basement of the house for a thousand years, but that she'd found a secret of the house, one that she couldn't live with. She told Aya that if she found a way out of the house, she was going to go and find a place for herself, somewhere where she could live with her people. Aya and his wife decided to help the girl, and told her that they'd find a way out of the house if she'd help them. The girl agreed, and for a while she worked very hard in a little hut they'd made in the attic, until one day they managed to bring her home. Aya's wife was a Mage, and she quickly found out that the girl was from her race, too. And so, the girl and her family lived in Nantucket. They'd never leave. Chapter 14. The girl was called Aya, and she'd grown up to be a very handsome woman, but still quite girlish. She and her daughter (named Sarah, after Aya's stepmother) took care of Aya's father, and he was getting quite old, but he seemed to be happy with them. He'd even taken in Aya and Sarah's father after their deaths, and he had him living with them too. They lived a very simple life, and Aya was very happy. Chapter 15. However, Aya wasn't happy with everything. He had grown up to be very strong, and he had been using his power, which was forbidden to him. His power came from his father, and after his death, he was never able to get a hold of his power. He had no idea what he was supposed to do with it. He was quite happy with his father, but he was unhappy with the fact that the world had been so destroyed. He had become a bit of a recluse, but he still kept in touch with his family. He even became friends with one of his great-great-grandfathers, and they talked to each other about their Mage-race, and about the world. Aya began to wonder about why he had his power. He started thinking about things he didn't understand about life. He wanted to know more about his Mage-race, and the world, but he had no way of learning about the world. He didn't know how to be a mage. Chapter 16. The year of 1583 AD, and Aya started wondering about his power. For he knew that his power was inside of him, and he was sure that he'd had it for quite some time, but no one knew what it was. He knew that he had the power of magic inside of him, but what kind of magic he didn't know. He was able to do things that he didn't understand, things that he thought of as the result of luck or chance. He started thinking of himself as lucky, and a bit of a trickster. He knew that he couldn't be a mage, though, as the laws had been passed against it. So he didn't know what to do with his power, and that's when he decided to do what he was best at, which was tell stories. He started playing games with people, and telling them stories to get them to think of things, and then he'd tell them stories about how things should be. Soon, he'd been able to turn most of his friends into his playthings. Chapter 17. Aya had always been a story-teller, but he'd never been good at it. He thought he was very good, though, and his games and stories started to get people's attention, and their attention turned to the games. Aya played with them for a while, but then he realized he'd never been good at playing games. He'd been a bad story-teller, and was very interested in playing games. So, when the people found out they'd started paying him to play with them. It became a thing, and the Mage-race started paying him to play, and they asked him to tell them stories, and that's when he decided to become a story-teller. Aya had gotten very good at this, and he'd started getting rich. However, one day, Aya was asked to tell a story of the people who made the world. He refused to do so, but the people just wouldn't leave him alone, and they eventually told Aya that if he didn't tell them the story they'd go to the Mage-race, and tell them that he had failed in his story-telling, and that he was a bad story-teller, and that he wasn't good at all. So, Aya reluctantly agreed, and told them the story of how the world came to be. Chapter 18. He'd had a great deal of success at this, and a lot of people started to listen to his stories. However, the stories were quite short, and people got bored with them quickly. It was because of this that he decided to start using the stories to lead people to things he wanted them to learn. For he'd figured out that it took people a long time to learn things, and that they'd keep coming back to him for more, if he told them stories about things they'd want to learn about. So, he started telling people about the stories that he wanted them to read, or study. Chapter 19. Aya had become very good at this, and had learned a great deal about a wide variety of topics. One day, he came across a man named Socrates, and Socrates listened to Aya's stories very closely. They didn't always agree, but in a way, Aya seemed to know what he was talking about, and his stories seemed completely honest. Socrates had a very different way of thinking, and his stories always followed a pattern, but were always different, and very interesting. Aya was quite enthused with Socrates, and he decided to take Socrates to the people. He went to the village, and told the people that Socrates was a great man, and that everyone should go to hear him talk about things. Soon, everyone was listening to Socrates talk, and the people loved him. Socrates realized he'd found something truly great, and he was quite humbled. He stayed in Athens for a while, and started to tell stories, and Aya started to come to him. They'd work together, and Aya would tell Socrates a story, and then he'd follow it up by telling him a story about how it should be. Socrates came to understand and appreciate the importance of stories, and the power that they had. They were the most important things in the world, and Aya was quite right. Chapter 20. Aya had been telling people about many things for a very long time, and he kept finding himself telling people about the stories he knew they'd want to know about. He'd heard people were reading about the world, and he knew that they were finding the true stories, and that's what Aya decided to do. He wanted to have an entire library, and he started one. He'd found a way to send his stories to anyone who wanted to hear them. Aya wrote the stories himself, and told the people that he'd written them, and that he was just telling them stories about what the stories had to say. His stories were very interesting, and quite entertaining. He knew that he'd made it into the books of the world, and he was very proud. Chapter 21. However, Aya's friends weren't pleased with the whole idea, and one day they told him that it would be best if he stopped telling stories. Aya took this seriously, and he told the people about his stories. He realized that he'd failed, and had started telling lies. He began to feel ashamed of himself, and wanted to stop talking about stories. He did try, but he was quite good at making people believe him, so he just kept going. He went on his way, but he didn't go far. He'd told people that he was telling the stories he was making up, and they'd believed him. They'd been talking to him, and Aya knew that they weren't telling him the true stories. He knew that they'd be coming back to him for more stories, and he knew he'd have to tell the true stories in the end. When the people came to him again, Aya did not want to talk to them. He still didn't believe he'd be telling lies, and that's why he was very happy when they started telling the stories he'd made up. He realized that this was only beginning, and he knew that he had to stop lying. So, when the people had all talked to him about his stories, Aya decided to write about them, and about how to create the perfect world. He also wrote about himself, because he was a story-teller himself. Aya was quite proud of himself for writing about the stories, and he thought about making up another story that would tell about his world. Aya wrote a story in which people came to him, and they were all happy to hear his stories, and to learn about them. He thought of a name for his new story, and called it the World Story. It was the story he'd been telling for many years, and which many people had come to him to learn, and which he'd told them he was just telling stories about. Chapter 22. Aya had just finished writing the story he wanted to write, and he started telling the story to the people. It was a long story, and quite interesting, and Aya had gotten quite popular, and was always being told stories. He thought the story was complete, and decided to tell it again. He realized that he'd never told the story in the first place, and the