FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
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Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Our st
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, “If anyone has any objection to me as a leader on the basis of my lack of experience in this area, let me make it perfectly clear that the reason why I’ve never visited Antarctica and why I’ve never travelled to the centre of the Earth is because I don’t wish to risk losing even a single person. I intend to save all of you.” – Steven Jones “A great deal is being said about Dr. Jones’ new command. To date, most people are more interested in wondering why the president has chosen a man with no experience in Antarctica than they are in considering the man himself.” – Dr. James Grant, “The President Is A Man.” It should be noted that Dr. Jones is not the first commander in chief to be held against his will. In 1942, a captured German spy was forced to do work in secret for the United States Army. The plan was that the captured spy would spy on the Nazis for the Army, but the spy fell in love with his captors and decided to spy for them. The captured spy made it back to Berlin and went into hiding. “The German government is not interested in peace between the United States and Germany. The German people are.” – “Steven Jones” Dr. Steven Jones in 1945 In 1945, after the allied forces had defeated the Germans, the captured German spy was freed from captivity. Despite the fact that the Germans had dropped the atomic bomb before the end of the war, the captured spy was not freed. In fact, the captured spy is still in hiding. “I believe Dr. Jones is to be commended for his decision to put the safety of his crew above his own personal desire to be the first man to reach the centre of the Earth. The world is lucky that he has seen fit to go in his place.” – “Franklin Roosevelt, 1945 “One who stands for peace is a good soldier. One who fights for peace is a good General.” – George Bernard Shaw I’ve had a few people ask me the questions “What would happen if Dr. Steven Jones goes missing?” and “What would the people do?” I’ve answered these questions in the above “Steven Jones FAQ”. If you don’t believe me, go and read the responses. You won’t regret it. I’m also going to post my thoughts in the next few days. “The fact that a scientist has turned up from some far-off planet in a flying saucer doesn’t prove a thing.” – Dr. Steven Jones It should be noted that Dr. Steven Jones once did meet an alien from outer space, but that meeting didn’t end well. Post Your Comment 27 Comments Great interview with the man himself. He’s a great orator, as usual, but the interviewer missed an opportunity. He could have at least had Dr. Jones give us a word of warning: if the world does not get it together to save the human race, it’s going to be all up to Dr. Jones. As of right now, we don’t have any real way of knowing how things would work out if Steven were to go missing (which is a very real danger, I feel), so in all likelihood, we’re in good hands. It is my hope, however, that Dr. Jones will be able to give us his own unique insights as to how to prepare for this kind of situation. I’m sure his book has many of them… “If anyone has any objection to me as a leader on the basis of my lack of experience in this area, let me make it perfectly clear that the reason why I’ve never visited Antarctica and why I’ve never travelled to the centre of the Earth is because I don’t wish to risk losing even a single person. I intend to save all of you.” This quote is very telling in my eyes. It clearly shows that Dr. Jones is a man of his word and is ready to sacrifice the lives of his crew for the greater good. If Dr. Jones were to go missing, it’s clear that everyone else, even those who have a higher level of training than Dr. Jones himself, will fail miserably. Dr. Jones has made the decision that it’s more important to lose a few people than to fail. There are some issues though, like how we would deal with a situation in which he is lost and we are forced to continue to the center of the earth without a guide or navigator. I can’t help but feel a little concerned that a “mission of mercy” like this doesn’t seem to have anything to do with finding and returning Dr. Jones and his crew to Earth. Is there any indication that these are all just training exercises? I really like the part where Dr. Jones said that he could lose “a few hundred people, as far as he’s concerned, that’s what we’re all fighting for.” I really don’t think that he is willing to lose a few people to save the world… or that he would sacrifice so much for the greater good. He’s really more than just a doctor of medicine. He’s a man of morals and ethics. I find it rather ironic that they’re referring to him as Dr. Jones as opposed to Dr. Jones. My comment is not as relevant as the ones above, I apologize. The interview was very well done and the man himself was very charismatic. I found myself reading the entire interview in awe that someone could have the ability to be that convincing. He is a man of God, a true man of God, and he’s also a genius. I think the article is well done. To be truthful, there’s never really been a great deal of information about Dr. Jones. He has done a tremendous amount of work in the field of medicine, but he’s done a great deal more. Even the people who do know a great deal about him do not fully understand the scope of what he has done. He’s changed the way we think and he’s changed the way that we treat disease and medicine. To have such a profound impact on how people view medicine is incredible. If he had to go missing and we could not save him, I hope that he wouldn’t suffer. I believe that he would do the same for us as well. He would save himself, though, because he’s always been a selfless man. i agree with “peter” and i agree with what david said, Dr. Jones is one man who wouldn’t want to suffer to the extent that he would to sacrifice the lives of others. but on the other hand if he did go missing or if any of his crew does, all i can say is that they are just as important as him. their sacrifice is for the greater good, whether the world realizes it or not. I’m sorry for the extremely long response. I really found the interview to be very interesting. You make some good points in your comment that I hadn’t considered. I definitely appreciate it. You make a good point in regards to the people who would do the most good in a situation like that, although I would argue that you’re mistaken to classify him as such. I just don’t know if I would classify him as one of those people, which is where I had a problem with your comment. I just don’t know if I would classify him as one of those people. I would think that he is more than just that. He has a huge impact on the way that people think and live. He also inspires and touches people who he doesn’t even know. If he does go missing and we can’t save him, the world would be in such a shambles that it’s impossible for us to think like that, because we would be in such a great amount of stress that it wouldn’t be possible for us to have the ability to see things in that way. This really came across as a very well written article. I read the interview and I found it to be very interesting. I understand why Dr. Jones would go missing in a circumstance like this. We would always think of his being the leader, the guide, and the captain, but we wouldn’t think of anyone else. They would die, and we would continue on and find a way to return. This is very much the scenario. Although I can’t say I know the man himself, this article has given me insight to his character and his ideals, and I will be sure to read Dr. Jones’ book as soon as it is published. I am in 100% agreement that the interview was great, but I think that the main point of the interview was not to really interview Dr. Jones, but rather to make a point in the article. So much of the interview was directed toward him. For example, in the first paragraph, the interviewer first talks about how the two of them met in 1993, but then says that Jones is “one of the most amazing, incredible people I’ve ever met in my life,” and then says, “and we can’t forget the little things…the little things that come along with him.” The interviewer’s point is very obvious. She seems to have gotten a lot of material in the interview. She could have had Jones say all of this, or even interview one of his “little things,” but her main point was to make it clear that the person interviewed has a strong positive presence. He is charismatic. He is inspiring. And I agree with the article that he will make the world a better place. I have had an interesting conversation with my friend tonight about Steven J. Jones. He is the only medical professional I’ve ever met that could take care of his own health and have the same respect for life as him. He is one person that would go out of his way to try and save others without even thinking of himself. I wonder how many people are aware of this man? Probably not a lot. As Dr. Jones said, “We’re all fighting for the same thing.” How many people on earth are willing to go through the hardships that I just mentioned? The world population is growing at a rate that we are not prepared for. We are just putting stress on our system as we speak, and it’s going to come back to bite us. And I’m not talking about natural disasters. I’m talking about things like our own diseases. We cannot keep putting this stress on the earth for our own selfish needs. The world’s population is increasing and we need to put ourselves in a place where we can survive. We have to do what we need to do to save ourselves. The people who are in places of power like Congress are not able to really get this idea. They don’t understand the concept that we are living on a thin rope that could be snapped at any time. As Dr. Jones said, “It doesn’t really take a large amount of talent to bring the system down and there’s really not a large amount of intelligence that you’re going to need to know how to do it.” The majority of the world is looking for ways to get around America because we don’t have a solution to the problems. The world is starting to see our problems. I know it sounds like I am making all this up, but the people in power are doing a very poor job of preparing the world. It doesn’t matter if you are a politician or a military general, you are just as responsible for the problems we are facing today. No one has control over what is going on. We’ve been a lot of the problems that we face today because no one is doing the job that they need to be doing to put things right. No matter who you think is in the right, there are times when you need to compromise. To compromise means that you have to give something that is important to you up for the greater good. It is a fact of life. If Dr. Jones goes missing or if any of his crew goes missing, it wouldn’t be fair to the crew if they would have to be taken back with us. They have done so much for us and the world, so why would we want to make them suffer? What I really believe is that Dr. Jones would sacrifice himself to be taken back to his family. In return, I would say that we could let them go because their mission is completed. Dr. Jones is doing something great in the world, but if anything bad happened to him or his crew, the world would lose an amazing man. The interview was very well done. I liked it, and I didn’t expect to like it that much. I got it, and I found it really interesting. I am more than impressed with what he’s been doing for the world. I have a lot of respect for him as a man. He is one of the greatest men I’ve ever known, and if he went missing, there’s no way that the world could continue without him. He would change the way the world was viewed, and he would make the world a better place. I agree with everything that you say. I mean, the whole world should be thankful for what he has done. I’ve met a few really nice and humble people in my life that have done great things, and he’s one of them. There’s no way that you can take him out of the equation, and I don’t see how you can make that an argument for him. I think you would be making an argument that no one should be making. I am very impressed by what he has done with his life, and I think that if he ever went missing, the world would be lost. He’s done so much to help so many people, and if anything happened to him or to any of the crew, it would just be unfair to them. This article was a very good read for me. I don’t agree with every single thing that you say, but I think it’s a good article that has a lot of things to consider. If anything happens to Dr. Jones, we would have an opportunity to see what his character was all about. This would be a good idea because it would help us figure out what he is really about. I think that if he disappeared, you could definitely say that there would be a lot of problems. I also like the idea of the interview that they did with him. It made him seem more human. It showed that he is a real person who has been through a lot. I think that they should be able to keep this out for the public and everyone should be able to see it. I think that they should be able to tell the world what kind of person he is. He really is a remarkable person. He has a lot of integrity, and I think he should be allowed to do the things that he needs to do without being stopped by anyone. He has a great deal of integrity. If the crew were to go missing, it would be very apparent that they were in distress, and I am sure that the crew would have no choice but to rescue them. This would be one of the things that I really don’t like. If anything were to happen to the crew, I feel that it would be an injustice because Dr. Jones has done so much. They deserve everything that they have done for us. I think that they should be able to keep this interview for the public to see. If anything were to happen to him, this could be one of the things that he could teach his followers that there is a good person out there. It would be a reminder that there are others out there that are trying to be good people like him. The fact that Dr. Jones has a lot of passion in him makes it easy to see that he is a good person, and it is easy to understand why he does everything that he does. This article was good. I like how Dr. Jones is portrayed in it, but I don’t think that it was a good idea to do it this way. He makes a good point about how he had to learn how to work within the system. If we could take a step back, we could see how Dr. Jones has been doing everything that he has been doing to help people. I think that we are missing a lot if we don’t understand what is going on. If we looked back, we could see that we have been very self-absorbed as a society, and we have not done anything with the world in terms of making it better for everyone. If he went missing, we would have a chance to see what kind of person he really was. I agree with a lot of what you say. He has done so much for the world, and it is amazing. I think that if he went missing, there would be a lot of problems, and I am sure that if he disappeared, it would be very difficult to stop it from happening. There is no way that we can allow this to go on. He has done so much for the world. He has really done a great job, and I’m glad that we’ve been given a chance to hear what he has been doing. In conclusion, I would love to see Dr. Jones go out on a mission, and I am sure that he will go out and do it. If I could live forever, I would want to live forever doing good. As long as he is alive, he is a source of hope for the world. I think that the world is getting ready to change. People are becoming more and more self-involved and they are beginning to look for things to change that aren’t really important. A lot of the people that are reading these posts aren’t going to get anything out of it. A lot of it is just a way of making ourselves feel like we are giving something back, but really, I just don’t think that the point has been proven that we are even in this world. We might as well be on a