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FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, "For some time in your life, you'll be the greatest person you know. Your accomplishments will exceed even your wildest dreams. But when that life is over, and you can look back on it, you will realize it was a small thing, because it was all made up in that second when your life began. That's when you'll know your life really began. That's the time you'll be able to sit back and laugh at what a little faggot you were all that time." In reality, the quote from the movie is an outright fabrication. What's real about it is that there's no doubt that we all live in a world of the unexpected, and every moment we face new situations. Every day that we're alive is a new chance to reinvent our lives. This "reinventing" of a life is why all of us here at M-Blocks are here, and it's why we do the stuff we do every day. It's what you do that defines you. So whether your own definition of reinventing a life is just doing something new or making a new start or making a fresh start, this section is going to give you tips on how to do just that. # The Basics First, let's talk about the very basics of reinventing your life. # 1. Your Home No, I'm not talking about a new house, a new car, or some new clothes. All these things are useful. But they aren't life-changing. Your home is where you live. It's where you're going to wake up and go to bed every day. It's where you'll eat and shower. It's where you'll do a lot of the things you've been doing in your life. So what are you going to do about it? Do you need to leave your home to reinvent a life? Will going to a new city for a couple of months reinvigorate you? Can you make your home more comfortable for you to reinvent? Can you renovate your living room to the state of the living rooms of your parents? Can you get rid of the couch and replace it with a rocking chair? Can you make your place the place you want to live? # 2. Your Work Now you might think that your work is the only place you need to look for new opportunities, but that's not true. Do you find yourself stuck in the same routine day after day? Do you dream of a new job but don't know what to do next? Reinventing a life means that you can have your job, and you can keep working at your company. But just working at a company will not keep your life going; it won't make you happy. Do you need to make a change in your work? To take advantage of new opportunities in your field, you can get a job at a new company, move to a new state, or move to a new country. # 3. Your Family There's a good chance that you know your family best. So how can you reinvent a life? Do you need to leave your family? Are you considering a divorce? Is there any family member who is suffering, dying, or sick? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, there are other things you can do to keep your life going. # 4. Health Your health is the most important part of your life. Have you ever thought about what's going to happen if you get sick or if you have an accident? Are you prepared? Will you have the money to pay for the care that you need? Have you thought about whether you'll be able to get better? If your answer is no, you may want to rethink your life. # 5. Money Money is important, but it's not everything. Do you have money? Do you have a lot of money? If you don't, you may want to reinvigorate your life. You can earn money with your skills. You can get a job. You can start your own business. You can do it all, but you must have something to do it with. You can't do any of this if you don't have money. The point of reinventing your life is to be free from the weight of money. You have to start the day thinking only about what you have, not what you don't have. This is the most important thing to remember. # 6. Hobbies Hobbies are a big part of your life. You love playing games with your friends, reading books, hiking, going to concerts, and so on. Do you find yourself spending all your time doing these things? If you do, you may need to reinvigorate your life. # 7. Yourself The most important part of a life is you. You're the only one who can do all the things that you do. You need to think about how you're feeling, how you're living, what you like, what you don't like, and what you want. Think about how you're living. Are you enjoying it? Do you think about changing it? Most of us can't do much about how we feel, but we can certainly try to change the things that we can do. That's where your personal growth comes from. What do you want to do? What are your dreams? What do you want to change? Do you want to be more organized? Do you want to help people? Do you want to do a lot of things you never did before? You're the only one who can answer those questions. # 8. Mentor It's good to have someone you can talk to. Someone you can call when you need help, support, or advice. How do you find that person? Who do you trust? How can you meet someone new? How can you meet a new mentor? # 9. Support If you're stuck, it can help to have someone who can talk to you. It can help you get things going. Are you struggling? Are you alone? How can you get the support you need? How can you find someone to talk to? How can you talk to someone about what you're going through? # 10. Your Friends The last thing I want to talk about is your friends. I mean, you're friends, right? Do you have a good support system of friends? Do you have a good friend? Do you have good friends who can help you out? It's good to have a friend. It's better to have a good friend. # 11. A New Start I want to close this section by talking about making a new start. This may mean that you leave your home, your job, or your family. You may have to reinvent your life completely. Can you leave what you've known for a while and start over? It's scary. It's exciting. It's what makes life interesting. It's where you put yourself in a position where you can grow and change. It's where you start over, a second time. # The New You The last thing I'd like to talk about is the "new you." The "new you" is the part of yourself that you can do anything with. You can become the best version of yourself. You can become the best person you know. You can do anything. You can be anything. So the next time you find yourself in a place where you're having a hard time deciding what to do next, think about all the options, and then make your own decision. Don't just follow the crowd. You're an individual. You're going to be who you are. Make your own decisions. Be an explorer. Be an inventor. Be a creator. Be a leader. Be a teacher. Be an activist. Be the person that you want to be. Make your own choices. Live the life you want to live. Live the life you deserve to live. Live the life you were born to live. # Closing Thoughts Inventing a life is living a life that matters. We all have the ability to reinvent a life. What we do with that ability is the true measure of a life. What we do with our lives will be the true measure of our lives. What do you want? To help you get there, there are steps to take. You need to go out there and live. You need to see the world. You need to grow up. You need to learn the skills that you need. You need to get out of your comfort zone. And most of all, you need to love. When you do those things, you'll have reinvented a life. # Chapter Seven ## The Power of Reinventing _The thing that we need to find in life are ways in which we can express ourselves._ —Erich Fromm There are so many things we can do to reinvent a life. They're like directions, like roads, like rivers. We need to find those things in our lives that make us feel alive. It could be work, it could be sports, it could be food, it could be family. Whatever makes us feel alive, it's that thing that we can do. What's your thing? How do you live your life? How do you live your life like it matters? ## The Power of Self-Love Reinventing a life is important, but there's one more thing we need to do, and that's make sure that we love ourselves. We need to make sure that we love ourselves. Why? Because we're human beings. We're going to die. We're going to have emotions. We're going to have thoughts. If we're going to live, we need to be able to love ourselves. Because we're human beings, that means that we need to love ourselves, love others, and to live well with others. ## Life Lessons This is an amazing time to be alive. It's a time to reinvent a life. Reinventing a life is like living a life. Living a life is great, but we're going to reinvent it. So make sure you're living the life you want to live. Take care of your life. And make sure you love yourself. It will be a great time to be alive. # Chapter Eight ## The Importance of Love _Every human being is infinitely loveable._ —George Bernard Shaw I want to end this book by talking about the importance of love. We're here for love. We're here to learn and grow from love. Love is what we do. It's what we talk about. It's what we give. It's what we do. ## Love When I was a little girl, I remember loving to go to my friend's house when we were both kids. I remember looking forward to the adventure of meeting her family and eating her mother's food. Her mom was always so warm to me. She'd give me a big hug, and she'd make me feel like I was the most special girl in the whole wide world. I remember looking forward to going to her house. Her mom would always bake me a big chocolate chip cookie, and I'd always eat the cookie before the one that I brought to share with her. At her house, I would have fun and play. Her parents loved me as much as I loved them. We would talk, and we'd play. I know that when we left her house, I was going to think about the cookie. I loved the cookie, and I loved the house. I didn't think about the cookie until after I'd eaten it. I didn't think about her house until after we'd left. I did the same thing with my own house when I was a kid. I loved my house, and I loved going there. I remember looking forward to going home. But when I got there, I'd look at my mom. I'd look at my sister. And I'd think about the cookies I wanted to eat. I loved her home, and I loved going home, but I loved eating the cookies more. ## Love Is What You Give I think about those moments all the time. We want to share something with another person. We want to give something that matters to another person. If we didn't love, we wouldn't want to give a thing to another person. When we give, we're loving. Giving is a way of loving. If you're giving to yourself, you're loving yourself. If you're giving to someone else, you're loving someone else. Give, and you're going to grow. ## Love Is What You Do If you're going to grow, you need to give. When you want to grow, you have to give. You have to be generous to yourself. When we're generous to ourselves, we're loving ourselves. When we give to others, we're loving them. When we give to others, we're loving them. ## Love Is What You Talk About Love is what we talk about. It's what we talk about as we talk with others. When we love, we talk about it. When we're generous, we talk about it. When we give, we talk about it. If we don't talk about love, we don't grow. So, we talk about love, we give to love, and we grow from love. ## Love Is What You Give Every time we're generous, we're loving. When we give to others, we're loving them. When we love, we talk about love. So we share love. As we give, we talk about love. And as we talk about love, we grow from love. ## Love Is What You Give When you look at your life, how much are you giving? Is there love in your life? ## Reinventing You can live a life of great love. There are lots of ways to do that. Some people love to run, others love to ski, and others love to play tennis. Whatever it is that makes you feel alive, give it a try. If you don't have a thing you love to do, make one up. Find a passion, and do it. Go to work, and do it. Find your thing. Do your thing, and do it. When you're passionate about what you do, you do it well. Your love for what you do will grow. You'll love what you do. Your love for what you do will grow. If you're not passionate about what you do, you'll do what you do badly. You'll only do it because you have to. If you like what you do, you'll do it well. If you like what you do, you'll do it with passion. If you like what you do, it will become your passion. When you love what you do, it will grow. When you love what you do, it will give you energy. Love what you do, and you'll reinvent a life. # Chapter Nine ## Finding the Love You're Looking For _I found love in my love for learning and working._ —Richard Bach The one thing I've been thinking a lot about is love. Do you know that we can love many different people in our lives? We can love our parents, and we can love our children, and we can love our siblings, and we can love our friends. We can love our coworkers, our clients, our teachers, and we can love our enemies. We can love everyone in our lives. We can love everyone in our lives. We can love all the people who love us. We can love all the people who love us. Love is all around us. So why don't we love ourselves? Why don't we love the people who love us? Why don't we love our own families? Why don't we love our own children? Why don't we love the people who love us? Why don't we love the people who love us? ## Love Is All Around _My dad and I would fight about politics, but when we were alone, we would talk politics. He knew how to listen to me._ —Richard Bach When you have a passion, do your passion. Do your passion, and the things you do will matter to you. Do your passion, and the things you do will matter to you. Do what you love, and it will become who you are. Love your passion, and it will change you. Do what you love, and you will love it. Do what you love, and you'll grow from it. Do what you love, and it will change you. Love your passion, and it will change you. Love what you do, and the things you do will change you. ## Love Is All Around When you look at your life, you may have a passion. You may be living the passion you have. When you live the passion you have, you'll love what you do. You'll do your passion well. You'll do what you love. When you do your passion, it will become who you are