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Chapter 1. Once
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Our st
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But first, you andOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
the need to streamline and automate its construction as we grow.
This document describes how we intend to implement a new process. We are
hoping to create a solution that is as flexible as our current approach but
that reduces construction time and improves reliability.
When this solution is implemented, you can expect to see the following
? Your current UBSW Energy message counterparty limit will be eliminated, and
you will be able to execute the counterparty transactions that are currently
restricted to the old limit.
? For the current set of restricted counterparty names, we will post the
restricted name list in the Legal Templates section of the Global
Counterparty database. For restricted counterparty names added after the
list is published, we will post the restricted name in the GCP-Restricted
Counterparty List.
? We will also post the Enron Corp. GCP password in the Legal Templates
section of the Global Counterparty database. When the list of restricted
counterparties is published, Enron Corp. GCP users should receive an email
from Debbie Nowak at Debbie.Nowak@enron.com with instructions for logging on
to counterparty.enron.com and updating their password.
? The new solution will also include a way to view all of the Enron Corp.
(and other Enron companies) GCP passwords in the Global Counterparty database.
? The current process for setting up a new company in GCP requires an HR
person to input the legal entity (Jurisdiction and government) for the new
company. In the new process, the Enron legal team will contact Enron Corp.
HR, and the HR team will use the GCP-Legal Entity Line List to determine the
legal name of the new company. The HR team will then use the
GCP-Legal Entity Line List to obtain the Jurisdiction and Government for the
new company. The HR team can also use the GCP-Legal Entity Line List to
determine the authorized users and their passwords.
? There is also a need to create a new template for Company Profiles. The
process is similar to setting up a Counterparty. In addition, we will post
the new Company Profile template in the Global Counterparty database.
Thanks, and we hope you find this new solution to be a great improvement
over the current process. If you have any questions or problems with the new
system, please call Debbie Nowak (713) 853-3290.
Mark Taylor
Vice President
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3835A
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 853-7459
(713) 646-3490 (fax)