The Sole Survivor
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The Amazon Heats U
Glitter in Their E
Not Sure Where I S
The Amazon Heats U
we’ve gotten valua

Personal Fluid and
It’s Been Real and
The Buddy System
It's Psychological
The Merge
I Will Not Give Up
It's Gonna Be Chao
Play to Win
Blackmail or Betra
Kind Of Like Cream Cheese, Only Picker.” “Oh, You Mean Like Peanut Butter.” “Not Peanut Butter, Mom.” “The Same Kind Of Cream Cheese, Only… Creamier.” “Like Cream Cheese Spread.” “…Cream cheese spread with butter in it?” “Um…Yeah? I Think.” The next time I have a chance to see him, I bring up this conversation. (I didn’t realize he was looking for this, but once I did bring it up, he didn’t have a problem talking about it.) The lesson: No one will know what you mean until you tell them. Your mother might not have had the same problem. So I’ve been in Austin doing a lot of thinking about this blog and I think it’s time to make some changes to the focus. I think it’s really important to share information. As a young family, I thought it was a good idea to include some of my parenting experiences and I think it can be helpful. What I don’t think is so great is just complaining about my life and how hard it is and how little sleep I get at night and how I’m so tired and blah blah blah. Some people who read my blog may actually like that information. But some people probably didn’t read the intro and have no idea who I am and why they should want to hear about me and my parenting experience and why they should care. So I’ve decided that it’s time for a change. I think this needs to become something more. This needs to become something I’m excited about. (Yes, that’s the other thing: I am not an exciting person.) This needs to be a place where information is passed along, people get the inside scoop about what it means to be me in the first year of our marriage and hopefully give people some insight into something they didn’t know before. If I do this, maybe it won’t be as confusing for readers. So this is the beginning. The beginning of a new blog. I think it will be fun and I look forward to sharing it with you. Don’t worry, I won’t be boring. That’s not who I am. I just have a new perspective, so I’m hoping that you’ll enjoy it and think that this is helpful. I will be back soon to share some more exciting details with you. I’m gonna throw out a few names and ideas and see what happens. What do you think? (That’s what I said, by the way. I’m excited.) So on to some random thoughts from me: I have no idea why I have this affinity for alliteration in the first place, but it’s real. My friends laugh. I’m pretty sure this is the first time I ever did that. I have no idea why I would care if we go to the zoo (see title of blog), but we are not going. Or going to the pool or the park or to see anything really exciting that wouldn’t be more fun if we were at home where we can have some drinks and snacks. (I know. This one has been mentioned before.) I have no idea why I said something like this to someone who was asking me why I wanted to be with her instead of the people I was with that night (maybe you should hear it), but I did. I have no idea why I look forward to talking to people more than I look forward to seeing people, but I do. I have no idea why I am so tired at work, but I am. It feels like I’m always sitting at the computer and I’m getting ready to fall asleep all day, but I am not. But even if it were cool to talk to people at work about your day, no one would want to hear about it. I have no idea why I want to watch a couple episodes of a show with a show called Big Bang Theory in the title on a regular basis, but I do. I have no idea why I want to learn about more topics, but I do. I have no idea why I want to go on about things that make me sound better than I actually am, but I do. I have no idea why I want to tell you how awful we are for having problems with the boys and how they keep us up at night, but I do. I am actually a fairly nice person who enjoys things that are fun and doesn’t stress about things that are not fun at all. (I also think it would be a pretty boring life.) I have no idea why I started doing something, but I did. I have no idea why I’m sharing all of this, but I’m not going to stop. Ok, so it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. And it’s pretty apparent, since I took so long to write this post. But I can’t exactly pin point a specific reason. And the reason is that I just feel like I’m spinning in circles with the kids and things aren’t really that bad and I have no idea what to do, so I’ve had absolutely nothing new or interesting to write about. And by nothing interesting, I mean nothing that I can share with anyone else. Not that I feel obligated to share anything with anyone, but it’s just boring being stuck here. So the time has come to move on to other things. There is nothing more I can say about this. So have a great day. Ok, so… this one was really long. It probably should have just been a series of pictures instead. The boys have been fighting a lot lately. It’s really hard when you’re on the same team. You can understand where the other person is coming from, but you still don’t like that they are fighting. I think the boys have been fighting more than usual because they know each other are getting a break with not having to be at home all day. One thing that has kept me sane lately has been seeing this video that a lot of people have seen by now and I’m not really sure why I haven’t watched it yet. So it’s probably time to watch it now. This is why I’m not going to do anything. Because I have no idea what I would do. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to when the kids were babies and the only thing we had to worry about was whether they were sick. Then it would be easy for me to do things like get on top of this pile of books on my kitchen counter (I can’t even count them). I guess I should take a picture of it. Just so it’s clear what an amazing mother I am. Apparently there are some people who don’t appreciate when people like me put an awesome word in their head and make them think about what that word actually means. Like what the hell does “awesome” even mean? I guess the definition was different for some people. I found the definition from Merriam Webster:awesome, adj.1. having superlative qualities (as greatness)2. very good, excellent3. surpassing all