The Sole Survivor
as it’s recommende
The Amazon Heats U
Glitter in Their E
Not Sure Where I S
The Amazon Heats U
we’ve gotten valua
There's Always a
The topic says it was last seen Fri Apr 8 00:38:55 2007
I think I've figured out how to do what I want.
I put /home/foo on my ext3 partition and created a symbolic link to /home/foo/var/www in /var/www/html and everything's great.
So, I'm an idiot.
No one reads the topic
R4v3n: but they do read scrollback
And stupid me didn't think of creating a link from /var/www/html to the home folder for my httpd server.
So, do you guys have any advice on where I could ask a better question?
Maybe in ##linux
R4v3n, not always the case
I know
but it's just a small channel
R4v3n: so join it and ask your question
lol why would i need to join ##linux
R4v3n: have you found all the options at <#ubuntu-offtopic> ?
Any idea why they would think it was funny for an entire sub-forum to be empty?
That does sound quite empty
I got into ##linux
#ubuntu ##linux ##hardware ##networking ##philosophy ##offtopic ##bash ##unavailable ##windows ##c##java ##c++ ##c##c ##embedded ##electronics ##freenode ##gnome ##gnome.general ##gnome.offtopic ##isp##mac ##windows-networking ##security ##samba ##server ##programming ##programming.portuguese ##c##java ##c++ ##c##c ##cpp ##networking ##politics ##philosophy ##opendbox
wrong window
I'll ask again.
Would anyone be able to point me to a place where I could ask questions about the Ubuntu forums and their moderation policy?
pawalls: i don't have the foggiest idea
i do believe there is one for the admins, but you're most likely gonna get spammed there
Nah. I've been around them long enough that I just need to ask them one question. <-- This is the post in question.
i have no clue what it is you want to know about
It's kind of a 'help wanted' thread...
but I'm just looking for one of the mods or forum staff to take a look at it.
i have no clue
oh wow a ubuntuforums admin lol
R4v3n: yes, one of the admins
I guess the only place to ask is the forum itself.
If not... then I guess I need to go to ubuntu's IRC council.
pawalls: it is not appropriate for #ubuntu
I know.
pawalls: so, why ask here?
I asked here because he said no one reads the topic
R4v3n: but your original question was not an Ubuntu issue
lol i know
so it was moved, but is not an Ubuntu issue any more
i just didnt want to ask it in a more appropriate channel
im gonna leave
k bye
Bye R4v3n
Thanks again.
Good night.
no night, morning, whatever
yea i know lol
but i did just wanted to leave it open here
im gonna run
if anyone needs me
g2g bye for now
heh. 'Night everyone.
night, pawalls
hiya nalioth, got a question
dave_: fire away
well it's not really a question :p how do i get a wireless network in ubuntu?
it's on ndiswrapper
ask in #ubuntu
well i am
it is an ubuntu question, then, or it should be
ask the question
oh ok, well i asked and no one answered :P
ask again
well i did.
and i answered
oh ok
thank u
but your answer has nothing to do with ubuntu, other than you're using it
yes it does:P
it would be off topic in #ubuntu-offtopic where that answer would be better suited
not so in #ubuntu
but you're not going to get help with this network question in #ubuntu
there are more of us in #ubuntu
im not in that
i asked this question in #ubuntu-offtopic
so now i am here...
then i have no clue what you're talking about, but off to #ubuntu-offtopic you go
good luck
see you
thank u nalioth:P
no, thank you, nalioth. :)
i'm the best!
yes u are
* nalioth pets his new $300 macbook
lol, it's not that kind of macbook ;)
not THAT kind
this is the one that makes it "the kind" :D
this is the one that says 'look at me, i'm $300'
the other kind (wintels) are boring
* nalioth runs off to sleep
is the only 1 person here
oops wrong channel
anyone know why I can't get into #ubuntu-offtopic ?
anyone ?
* t3ch15 is away: Gone away for now.
i don't see why i can't get in
no one has even said anything to me in over an hour
No one ever does. ;)
can you help me
this is the first time im doing it
t3ch15: depends on what you need
i have a usb pen drive with a small linux distro on it
i want to know how to set it up
so that i have 2 boot it up
and install this linux distribution on the ubuntu desktop
its a distro of linux based on the older linux kernel 2.2x
I like the whole project
if i was you, i'd google for "livecd" "usb" and whatever the distro is "to run from a usb pen"
i know there is