The Buddy System
It’s Been Real and
Personal Fluid and
Kind Of Like Cream
The Sole Survivor
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The Amazon Heats U
Glitter in Their E

The Merge
I Will Not Give Up
It's Gonna Be Chao
Play to Win
Blackmail or Betra
It's Gonna Be Chao
Not Sure Where I S
If It Smells Like
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It's Psychological Warfare." "That's not what I heard." "Yeah, we made it look like UFOs. Some people thought that when they saw it, especially since one of the first victims of the UFOs, was a doctor. So, we make the UFOs, like a little green, red and blue lights." "The aliens are our enemies now. That's what everyone thinks." "Yes." "You know those aliens are not friendly." "We tried to warn them off." "Did it work?" "We destroyed the whole planet. That's when the aliens started launching their weapons at us." "Okay, I think I get it." "I hope so. When it gets right down to it, that the one the aliens believe is us, can't be killed. When we find the real enemy, we'll find the real enemy that we should be killing." "You mean like the true leaders?" "Yes. They are just as bad as we are. They have to be killed." "Why doesn't the public know?" "Why should they know? It is our dirty little secret. Only a very few people know about it." "Are you part of the inner circle?" "Do you think I am?" "You have a real high security clearance." "You better keep talking about the aliens because what you saw was an alien. Do not ever bring that up again. You'll be found out and then you'll be dead." "Okay, I'm not stupid." "No one knows." "The aliens will find us. They are just smarter than we are." "But they don't know us. The few who do, should keep it quiet. There is just too many people to get it started. That's what will cause our ultimate downfall. We can't get enough people to help. We all have families that need to eat and pay their mortgages." "We have to do something soon. Those aliens can get lucky and stumble on us, even here. We can't leave any of the bases. I think they might be listening in on our every communication, anyway." "Who?" "The aliens. We have to keep it quiet." "So, if they do, know what to do?" "Take it to the grave. Let the public do the dying for you." "We can't talk about it here, in the office?" "No. Who would believe it? You can say anything you want in a bar, but not here." "Where can we talk?" "Take me out to lunch one day. Bring the kids along. I have to check on something." "Sure." "Good. It's nice to see you again." Later, "So, how is the family?" "Fine." "You don't look tired, at all." "I slept most of the way." "It's good to see you and the kids." "Yeah." "Did you call John?" "John? Oh, yeah. I called him. So did the kids." "That's good. You think I am really a secret agent." "I don't know what to think. You kind of freak me out, but I can't deny it. We'll talk about it later." "I guess." I called John. "John, I told the kids." "Ah, you have seen them." "I know this has been a big change for you." "You have made it so easy for me." "I am glad I can help out like this." "I would have just stayed at home, but it was better if I could do things with you and the kids. We have been taking turns driving." "I guess it will take me a while to get used to." "I do not mind, baby." "I have been a very active spy." "They think I am a drunkard, which I am not." "I can understand that." "I need to see you." "How soon?" "Soon." "I have got to go. The boys are home." "I will call you back. Bye." "Who are you talking to?" "My wife." "What are you talking about?" "Nothing. I will talk to you later. Goodbye." "How about dinner tomorrow? Good food and good wine. We can talk." "Sounds good. I'll call you later." "You better." In a restaurant a day or so later, John said, "You have been a spy. I know that, but what the heck are you really doing?" "I can't tell you." "I am glad you didn't tell the kids, but I can't understand why you won't talk about it." "I will talk about it later." "I will find a way to help you." "We'll talk about it later." "Is it the aliens?" "Yes, but we shouldn't talk about it here." "You haven't told me who you really work for." "I don't know. We have to keep it quiet." "Well, how do you know he can be trusted?" "If he can't be trusted, he is dead." "That's cold. He must be pretty old." "I am not sure." "Why does he trust you? What do you really do?" "Can we talk about something else?" "I guess." The next day, when we left the restaurant, he drove us home. In the car, I said, "You have to ask me who he is working for and I don't have to tell you." "I am going to ask you something, and if I have to put a knife in you, I will kill you." "I guess you are going to have to kill me anyway." "I am going to kill you." "I don't want to kill you. I want to fuck you." "No, I guess you don't." "What?" "You don't want to fuck me?" "No, I don't. There is no way I can hurt you." "You are going to hurt yourself. Just do what you have to do and get out of here. If you don't like it, I promise you will like it more if you continue doing it." "I do not know why I am doing this, but I do want you to fuck me." "Are you going to turn this car over?" "What do you want me to do?" "Get your dick hard and I will turn this car over." "Where?" "Do you want me to throw it out?" "Now?" "If you can't control it, I will toss it out." "No, I will control it." "Why?" "You are very beautiful." "You are a real man." "I need to cum." "I want you to cum. I am going to keep you in control, if you let me. It will only take a few minutes. I don't want to hurt you. I love you." "You need to cum and you know it. You want me to cum for you. I want you to cum for me. Don't I always do what you want?" "Yes. Just don't hurt me." "I love you." "You are so beautiful." "I love you." We drove the rest of the way home in silence. When we pulled into the drive, I said, "My knees are still shaking. Do not let me get out of the car. I am still in control." "Get out. We will talk later." "My husband is a bad man. But he loves me and he knows that I am a very sensual woman. That is the only thing that he can trust me to do." "That's right. So we don't have to talk about anything right now. Get your clothes off and take me over to that bed." "Will you cum for me?" "No, baby. I can't help you with that. Just let me hold you in my arms." "I will." "Do you trust me?" "Yes." "You have made me very happy." "I hope you will enjoy what you are about to do with me." "I think I have a cold. I will get the heating pad." "Thank you. Goodnight." "Goodnight." I did sleep in the other bed that night. I never woke, but he did. He took off my shorts, but made me get my underwear off first. He took it slow, making me lie very still and very still, until he could get his cock inside me. But then, he was going so fast, I felt like the pain was going to be too much. I could not think straight. I cried and jerked around. Then, I got it into my mind to cum and he spurted cum in me. He kept moving, but as I watched him jerk off, I kept cumming. I am sure he went soft inside me. I do not know if I was cumming every time he did or what. I think he was, so he stopped and moved off of me. I was lying there,