Play to Win
It's Gonna Be Chao
I Will Not Give Up
The Merge
It's Psychological
The Buddy System
It’s Been Real and
Personal Fluid and
Kind Of Like Cream
It's Gonna Be Chao
Not Sure Where I S
If It Smells Like
More Than Meats th
Pay-Day and Same-D
Contract Breach Au
There's Always a T
Blackmail or Betrayal_? by Stephen P. Marley. There are a lot of excellent books out there on how to be a gentleman. And while some might seem a little like reading a textbook, there are a few that, in their tone, really come from the heart. Stephen Marley’s book falls into the latter category. This is a book about gentlemen — those you see around today and those who have passed from this life. And it is a wonderful reminder of what it means to be a gentleman — and not simply an old-fashioned way of speaking but a way of living. And like most great books, this one offers advice and direction to all. Marley has an uncanny ability to speak to me personally. And with a style that is not heavy handed, he draws on both personal experience and history. In some ways, reading this book brought back for me an elderly man I had the great fortune to call a friend. And while I did not know him well, I did know him, as I will never forget that time we spent together. I’ve never been sure what to call him. I always had the image in my mind of how I would like a gentleman to be: wise, selfless and noble. And yet, with some, I know he was none of those things. To me, he seemed to go against everything I wanted. In retrospect, it is because of that interaction I was able to view the world through a different lens. Not to mention that it’s thanks to him that this book is written. In _Man Up, Giving Up Dating:_ _The Final Act of Manhood_ by Gary Chapman, we encounter just the opposite situation. I find myself more and more involved with men who are very involved in their careers and who have become so jaded by their experiences and relationships that they have come to believe all women are the same. While Chapman is one of the very best, if not the best, marriage counselors out there, this book could be applied to any man who is afraid of making the commitment to a wife. Whether or not the person is married, this book really can help. While it does not focus so much on what men do wrong or on how to avoid getting married, it does make an earnest attempt to get the reader to examine his relationship with God. The result is a very positive book and one I highly recommend. In a manner very similar to the _How to Be a Gentleman,_ the book _The Gift of Ashes_ is also about the lessons one can gain from living — in this case, as a man — by the book of Ruth. In a sense, it is a book on how to have one’s ashes poured into the urn with great love, devotion and purpose. As far as dating goes, well, it is a classic to me. And though not everyone can love the book that much, I do. The best thing about this is it is actually fiction and I don’t even have to tell you how good it is! I have had my share of dates over the years. Some good, some not so much. It is because of my reading in this area that I am where I am today. Not that I’m proud of that fact — I am not. But again, because of what I have learned from all this reading, it has made the process easier to deal with. Another great book I have recently added to my collection is _The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are at War with Women Yet Feel Powerless and Afraid._ Written by Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, it has been the book that I’ve been referring to the most lately. It is a very important read for anyone trying to understand a relationship in which a woman has problems or even in a relationship with a man who feels that he is getting the short end of the stick. It may be one of the best books of its kind I’ve ever read. It’s easy to understand, its points of view are easy to relate to and it explains a lot about the male ego and its issues. For my father, as well as anyone else, I have to warn you that the book is quite graphic. And though it does deal with the male side of things, it does not really apply to people over the age of 45. It is written to younger men about younger men. It will leave you wondering why. The book is called _How to Date a Geisha_ and comes from the writers of _Pimp, Love and Betrayal: Stories of_ _Passion and Lust._ What makes this book different is that it focuses on young males; and in a very real way, this book deals with dating young men and what they really need to know. In a sense, this book does not make young men want to run out and get some but, rather, show them what needs to be done and how to act when they are with a girl. This book is, in essence, a guide for all men and all young men. Many men have asked me for help in finding the right woman for them. And it really makes me wonder when I see these young men who do not really understand what dating is all about. This book has all the help one might need when it comes to dating. The book is _Love In the Real World: Twelve Things He'll Need to Know_ _but won't tell you_ by Dr. Gary Chapman. I don’t like to call people names, but many men are men in name only and this is what I find most distressing. When dealing with real issues, this book provides some very important information on what young women really want in a man, as well as the many things that are needed to make a relationship work. This book is not designed for women — rather, it is designed for the young man. And while it is written for an 18 year-old, it could just as easily be used by an older man. The reason I would recommend this book, though, is that it is one that can help men from getting caught up in the wrong relationship and even having women stay with them simply because they are afraid of being alone. It really does not give false hope, and I found that I learned a lot from this book. There is a book out there that seems to have an impact on all men but yet the subject matter does not seem to make a whole lot of sense. It is called _The Alpha Man._ As I said before, it is one of those books that just speaks to me. As a matter of fact, the very first words this book spoke to me were that it was written by a woman. The second words were that it was about men, so I thought, _Great! Maybe I can understand the male animal and why he does things the way he does!_ I was, however, greatly disappointed. What I found in this book were some very disturbing things, and yet they seemed to fit with what I already believed in my heart about men. I felt insulted by what I was reading. For those who are interested in reading a good book, or books, I highly recommend this one. But it is not for the faint-hearted. I realize I have already said that _The Alpha Man_ is not written by a man, so what is this book about? Well, the answer to that is not so simple. However, to put it simply, the book is a collection of short stories in which the author uses experiences of men she knows. It is a very personal book written in a very personal manner. As far as dating goes, it has all sorts of tips and tricks that would make a dating pro look like a beginner. While reading it is not something I would recommend for young men, if a man is already involved in a relationship, it can help bring the relationship to a new level. The book is _The Power of a Positive No_ by William Ury. Some men seem to think they are above getting involved in counseling. I have found that men can benefit from reading the positive side of things. One great advantage of reading this book is that the author does not blame anyone. It is written to teach anyone how to be a man in today’s society. When it comes to being a gentleman, I can say that one of the best books I have read is _The Little Book of Manners for Ladies and Gentlemen._ Written by David G. Haynes, it has helped me understand what the gentleman’s role in society is all about and has opened my eyes to the very true fact that if women don’t keep a man informed about things, he will probably just give up and go away. For those men who really want to understand what it means to be a gentleman in today’s society, I would recommend this book, _Man Up, Giving Up Dating: The Final Act of Manhood._ This book is not necessarily for men who are seeking a relationship but for men who already have one. Men often ask me why they are the only ones who ask for help with finding the right woman. Then they wonder why it is so hard to find that one perfect girl to share their life with. The reason is simple: women don’t know what men really want and don’t make it easy for them to find what they want and need in a woman. Not only that, but there are so many women out there who want to make a man pay for being nice