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One Armed Dude and Three Moms One day a one armed dude walked into the bank and said he wanted to rob it. He said he would shoot anyone who didn’t follow his demands. He said that he had a gun and that anyone who didn’t do what he wanted would get shot. At that point the clerk started to cry. The robber said, “Don’t cry. You will be fine. I just want the money. If you give it to me I will go away and never come back.” The robbers made his demand and everyone handed over their money. When they got outside, he pointed the gun to the head of a bank teller. The teller opened his mouth and told the robber to put the gun down. The robber stopped and walked away. The other teller then opened his mouth and said, “Don’t rob banks man, its a good job but not worth dying for.” A very brave lady who works in the bank said to the robber, “Please give me the gun and go.” The robber said, “You want me to leave? You want me to go free? You want me to just walk out of here. Without the gun?” The woman said, “Yes please.” The robber smiled, said, “I love you!” And he went home. The man who told this story said that it is a good thing to have a witness by your side when something bad happens. Sometimes telling the truth is not about your feelings or what you might think about this story or that story, but it is about telling the truth in the best possible way so that others can learn. This is something we all must do in one way or another. God grant us grace to stand up for what is right. Stand for what is right. If you have done wrong pray and ask for forgiveness. And then do the right thing. May we ever and always tell the truth in love and compassion. God bless. Rate this: What kind of man would be willing to stand up for what is right. And what does this all mean. And how can we learn how to stand up for what is right. Recently, I went to my family home to help them move. I love my brothers and sisters, and the families I visit, but I am very sorry that this family is moving away from me. It was a cold snowy day when I was helping to load a trailer that was towed by a truck that drove right next to our family home to pick up the truck in the driveway. It is the second time this happened. A few weeks ago the truck drove too close to the house to pick up the family dog. My dog started barking at the driver as he stopped and talked to me. A few weeks later I discovered that the truck driver was talking on the phone on my doorstep. This was not something that I had asked him to do. I didn’t even know that he had a phone. The first time he did this I told him that it was going to cost him. The last time he was rude to me and I will not accept anything from him. I didn’t say anything, and he smiled a horrible smile. I didn’t call the police. I am not a police man, but it is something to be reported. It would have been a good thing to call the police as both incidents could have been reported for insurance purposes. We need to stop using this house as a “dumping” ground for people that don’t have a better place for our refuse. God has called us all to love one another, to live together in peace and harmony. I know that love is not just about how we treat people, but also about how we care about our families. It is a great day when I hear my dog barking because someone likes to go for a walk. It is good to be able to help others. It is good to be able to help others. And for me, to be able to help a family or a person that I love. To love and forgive all our brothers and sisters. To remember the old and the young. To let them know that love and acceptance is what keeps us going. That is what it means to live with compassion and dignity. God bless. Rate this: Share this: Like this: Sometimes we need to help our people, our brothers and sisters, others that are in need. The needy, the poor, the elderly, those that have suffered. We are born into this world with nothing, no money and no experience. We have so much to learn and so much to do. We have to learn what is right and what is wrong. Some people have a lot of experience, and a lot of good to say, but sometimes they are wrong. Sometimes they are very wrong and have no clue as to how they might have been wrong. Sometimes we need to help our brothers and sisters to go the right way, to learn from their mistakes. To learn from their mistakes. There is a lot of bad stuff that goes on in this world that has nothing to do with good stuff. It would be good for all of us to help others, to stop judging them and to forgive them. To treat others with compassion. To help them to be good people and to help us all to be more kind and loving. Love is about the only thing that gives life meaning. It is about our families and children and friends. It is about ourselves. It is about the ones we care about. It is about people that are dear to us. And about everything in between. We all have a part in this. This is the message that keeps us going. God bless. Rate this: Share this: Like this: Sometimes we need to get people to do things that might not be easy for them. It may involve asking them to do more, or to do something that they do not want to do. There is also a time when you can encourage your people to do what is right. Sometimes it takes more than love and understanding to get them to do the right thing. Sometimes it takes more than love and understanding. Sometimes it is hard to figure out why some people do what they do. If the person would not hurt themselves by what they do, there might be other reasons. Sometimes the people have not really thought about their actions, or they are thinking about something that is not in the best interests of themselves or their family. Sometimes people are hurt by other people. Sometimes we have to pray and ask for help in order to be able to make sure that we stay on the right track. Sometimes it is good to ask others to pray with us. We need all the help that we can get. We need to tell others about this, and if we are able to do this, it might be good to do this as soon as possible. We are taught that we have to deal with people. That we cannot expect that others will be kind to us when we do things that are not right. I am not sure about all of that. There is always a chance that we will get what we deserve, and maybe we need to deal with people, but when someone else does something that is not right, it is ok to let them know what they did is not right. Sometimes it is good to do this before you speak about it with others. Sometimes it is good to get to the bottom of the matter. Sometimes you are the only one that can understand the problem, or even get them to see that there is a problem. It is good for everyone to love one another, and it is good for us all to know how to love our family members and friends. I know that we are supposed to love everyone but some people are not easy to love. We have to figure out the right way to deal with our family and friends. God bless. Rate this: Share this: Like this: Once in a while I see a person who does not make sense to me, and I need to be able to figure out why they are doing what they do. Some people are not easy to get to know, but it is good to try to understand what they are thinking and why they think as they do. It is good for us to give others time to think and to talk and to do what is necessary. We might need