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One Armed Dude and
True Lies
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Sustainability, Of
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Nacho Momma
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Hair implant thong
Go Out With a Bang
Keep Hope Alive
Shocking! Simply Shocking! It is not known how common it is for adults to still practice shale shampoo, but a surprising number of adults have told reporters that shampooing with a razor blade has been done as a teenager. (There is even a website devoted to the practice.) But it is shocking that a politician, especially one who wants to enter the White House, still does it. If he was not yet able to grow hair he would not be a politician. Would he? It appears from other recent reports that the Senator is not the only politician using a cut-throat razor to maintain his shiny locks. In this country if not in Cuba a recent poll shows that only 8% of Americans had their hair cut with a razor. And those who go to a barber have only 22% of their hair cut with a razor. Of those having their hair cut in barber shops only 7% have a cut with a razor. It is not known how many Americans, barber shop patrons or not, have their hair cut with a razor in Cuba. The poll does show, however, that more Americans are learning to use electric clippers and more people prefer these to razor blades and scissors to maintain their hair. In fact only 1% use razors. This means, of course, that many people have been going to barbers to have their hair cut in the style they are familiar with and only now are learning that clippers can be more effective. The old style was preferred because it saved time and money. It was also said that a haircut with a knife or razor is more therapeutic than an electric haircut. Now that the Senator does not have to fight in the war of Vietnam that is being fought for the haircut he needs a electric clipper. If he grows any longer hair while fighting for Cuba he will be able to shampoo his hair with a can of shampoo. But if he wants to shampoo his hair with a razor blade he will soon be out of a job. (Source: Cuba's State Press, Oct. 28, 2007. Written by Armando Bartes.) Back To The Index Page Back To The Cuban Revolution Page Back To The U.S. News Index Page