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The Day of Reckoning’ (‘DoR’) [10:00 – 12:00] After The Day of Reckoning ends, people will have the ability to go back to living their lives, with as many questions still unanswered. However, the events of ‘DoR’ will always be there, in the back of people’s minds, and potentially in the news or the headlines. I believe the day of reckoning would likely be like September 11th or the election of Donald Trump. You can never forget it, and I don’t think you can ever fully prepare for it. The best you can do is prepare for the worst of what it will be. [12:00 – 14:00] The Aftermath: The Aftermath of The Day of Reckoning would include an immediate global nuclear response from the United States, which would be justified based on the actions of the US with the Russians and Iran. Other countries, including some nuclear power countries, would support an international response. The US would take the lead as the United States would most likely see its nuclear weapons as a deterrent to nuclear proliferation. The US would most likely go to a No-First-Use policy for its nuclear weapons. Because Russia and China would not take a conventional war against the US, they wouldn’t go nuclear in a conventional war. So the US would not have to fear that Russia or China would come at them with nuclear weapons. The US would most likely not go nuclear again in another conflict unless they were attacked first with nuclear weapons, which has occurred in previous wars. The US would take it upon themselves to protect people, with their only allies being Russia and China. We would have to see if the nuclear response from the US would be the equivalent of mutually assured destruction, because it is a form of mutually assured destruction. Even if it were equivalent to mutually assured destruction, it would not be a deterrent for any of the great powers to attack anyone. The US has a bigger population than anyone in the world except China and the European Union. Russia would be next on the list of countries with a nuclear arsenal, but then China. To give you an example of how far a US nuclear response would reach: if there were multiple warheads in Russia, India, or Pakistan that were aimed at the US, the US would be justified in taking action to respond to the threat. The US might respond to a chemical, biological, or conventional weapons attack by Russia and China with nuclear weapons. This would be done with the justification of national security, based on the actions Russia and China had already taken against the US and its allies. [14:00 – 15:00] In a potential nuclear war, most of North America would be destroyed. Many major cities in Russia, China, South America, and in Europe would be completely destroyed or damaged. The United States would take a conventional attack from Russia and China as an act of war and retaliate with a nuclear response. This would not be equivalent to Mutually Assured Destruction, because it wouldn’t be Mutual Assured Destruction. It would only be an action that any country would have to take. The US is big enough and has enough resources that a nuclear attack would be worth retaliating with nuclear weapons. Conclusion: This concludes my thoughts on how the Day of Reckoning would go. In conclusion, I believe the Day of Reckoning is one of the biggest concerns of the world, at least in the next fifty years. The Day of Reckoning is probably within ten to fifteen years of becoming a reality. For some people, their Day of Reckoning will be much closer. If this article is brought to light to the media, it will be shown that there are people who are concerned and have done research on what the Day of Reckoning could look like. Let me know what you think of the Day of Reckoning in the comments. I know there are a few interesting points in this article, so let me know what you think of this topic and what you think I left out. Featured Image Source https://pixabay.com/en/day-world-nuclear-attack-641891/ Like this: Like Loading...