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Sustainability, Offgrid, and Survivalism These days, it seems like everyone is focusing their entrepreneurial attentions on ways to make life easier for human beings, lessening our environmental impact, and providing more for less for our pocket books. If you do a web search for the term “eco,” you’ll find several websites with the word eco in their domain name. “Sustainable” is also very popular, often used as part of the name for both eco- and non-eco-friendly stores. Offgrid? What’s that? You probably haven’t heard that one in quite a while. Survivalism, on the other hand, is the very buzz word of 2015, as the idea of having the skills and the tools to prepare for catastrophes such as nuclear war or a societal breakdown has never been so popular. In order to meet the growing demand for information and guidance on how to prepare for these various situations, an increasing number of people are turning to the written word to help them in their quest for personal growth. Enter the modern day prepper. A Prepper is a Person Who Wants to Know How to Prepare for Various Scenarios The term “prepper” isn’t a particularly new one, but it is getting more popular with each passing year. At the dawn of the 21st century, one could be found on any number of survivalist forums, or reading the back issues of one of the early magazines that focused on the off-grid lifestyle, like Backwoods Home Magazine. Nowadays, you can find a plethora of websites and blogs catering to the niche that is the prepper. A lot of these sites feature a heavy dose of advice on how to acquire and prepare the necessary gear to enable one to survive in a hostile environment. Some of the sites that cater to preppers are: So, you can see that if you need information on how to become a prepper, you can find it online. But, if you already have a job, a family, and other responsibilities, how can you find the time to become a prepper, let alone stay on top of current trends and practices? For those that need prepping information, it is usually important to them that they have it in an easy-to-digest, bite-sized, easy-to-read format. It might also be helpful if the information is on-line, and in an interactive format, so that a person can interact with the information for themselves and share their views and ideas on it. A New Way to Earn an Internet Profession One way to make the reading and gathering of information fun for yourself, and enjoyable for your friends and family, is to offer a course on various prepping topics. You can do this with a website and a blog. The website could be your own personal site or a site specifically for the course you’re teaching. Either way, you would want to offer a lot of up-to-date information, current in format, and full of useful information that your audience could use. As for the blog portion of the website, that would be where the interesting interaction would happen between you and your followers. They could post questions about their concerns, or share their thoughts on the topics that you’ve discussed in your blog. The advantage of this method is that you have to do less writing, and more interaction, which keeps the reader-friendship portion of your internet business active and full of life. Another opportunity for internet business that you’ll want to consider is to offer your information via audio and video files. For instance, you can offer voice audio files of articles that you have written. You can make these voice audio files available on your site or on a third party site, such as www.Rev.com. Here’s what’s possible for audio content: Reading books aloud with the audio recording included in the text Recording yourself reading the text aloud, along with audio of audio content in the text A short audio video recording of yourself reading the text to an audience in a more personal format There are several options for video content that you could offer. You could record yourself reading a book out loud, like we did when I was a youngster. You could also record yourself on video, giving a presentation on a subject related to prepping. You could record yourself on video teaching some of the skills and techniques that you know how to do. Using Your Own Personal Experience to Teach Other People One of the best ways to build an audience for your personal internet business is by giving back to the prepping community in some way. You can be a source for information, as well as someone who can connect people with various prepping skills and techniques with potential employers, family members, and other friends. You can present prepping classes, or offer the services of an instructor that can go to your meetings or parties. In fact, you can put together a group of people who might be interested in learning how to become preppers, and have them join your group. When this happens, you not only have a group of people who are potentially connected with your future customers, you also have a group of preppers who have been taught by an expert, and possibly learned a few tips that they might not have known if they had not been introduced to the information via your course. By joining forces with other people who know about prepping, you can grow your business as well as your prepping audience. At this point, you will be able to focus on providing a variety of personal services for your followers. In Conclusion Learning how to become an internet business person that provides prepping information and education is quite possibly the single best way to make yourself an indispensable asset to your customers. There are a lot of people that you may meet during your prepping travels, and they may be among your first customers. Now that you have read this article, and have considered the possibilities, consider whether you would like to begin a business in the new, up-and-coming field of prepping. If you are motivated by getting paid to learn what you are passionate about, you may discover that it is truly a very satisfying experience. What Do You Think? Do you have the desire to turn a passion into a business? Which online marketing method appeals to you? Have you decided on a specific niche that you are going to research and write about? Let us know what you think by leaving us a comment. The more opinions we get, the more we can help others with their internet businesses. Great article! A while back I came up with an idea of starting up my own online business based around prepping. I’m a graphic designer by trade but I see prepping as a real niche market for my particular skillset. I have all the time in the world, and I could potentially generate a significant income from just one of my graphics. I’ll be looking to use what you’ve said here when I finally put my business together! Thanks! Hi there! Thanks for the comment, and for stopping by to check out my website! It’s great that you are starting to consider all the different ideas that you can use in starting an online business. Many people are inspired to start businesses with things that they are very good at or passionate about. Some of my favorite preppers are photographers, and they seem to make great money selling their products online. That’s awesome, Erin. I am a very big fan of how all of these internet businesses have a single goal – making money while we sleep – and the most important part is they are doing it together with other people who are involved. What a great addition! You will see more marketing methods used by internet businesses as long as the internet exists and human beings are on it. The internet is one of the best tools for marketing that you can have. I had trouble at first because I had no clue where to get started, but I found my way after doing a little digging. Now that I’m hooked, I am enjoying watching other people make money with their internet businesses. I’m glad that you like the way I’ve written here, Erin. I’m happy that you found my website, but I’m even happier when I’m able to help people start their own online businesses. As a matter of fact, I have just discovered an incredible web-based application that I’m going to tell you about very soon.