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Right outside of this one church town of ours, there is one particular house. A man named David (he had been a teacher) died of a massive heart attack. The family was devastated, but they decided to have a proper Christian funeral and burial for David. The son, who had been a minister, stood up at the funeral and said to the entire church, that he had an announcement to make. 'I have to say, that I have learned in this sad time, a very valuable lesson for us all. You see, we knew the circumstances of David's death were tragic. What we didn't know, was that he was born again before he left this world. So, what David did in his heart as he left this world, and he had absolutely no idea he would die so soon afterward, he was born again and is going to spend eternity in Heaven with the Father he loved so dearly.' I could hear a pin drop. It was as if they were all in shock that David was no longer in this world. God knows their pain. He understands their sorrow. He did what is the best he could do under the circumstances. It is just one more illustration of the awesome sovereignty of God, and He is still in control! God is sovereign over death and over life! What God does with us, He has already determined! The Lord will redeem your years from the grave and the years of your enemies! God has said to death, "Death is swallowed up in victory. O grave, where is your victory? Where is your sting?" (see Job 5:20) What a salvation! This is what Jesus had come to bring, and He has come to take away the sting of death. How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see. (see Rom. 11:8) It is true! God has set our sins and failings before His Son to be judged. We have all sinned and fallen short of His glory. But Jesus paid the price! That is the good news that He is sharing with each one of us today! If you have not believed and trusted Him as your Savior, you can know that there is nothing that is too big for Him. Our good God can do whatever He wants to, He alone. God has determined that we will live forever, and we will live forever with Him. He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord holds them in the hollow of His hand. He who made them has His eyes on them; They never slip through His fingers. (see Psalm 102:1-4) This is what Jesus came to do, so that in that day, the poor, the sick, and the needy in heart would be blessed. He came that every one of us may have life, and have it more abundantly (see John 10:10) than the richest of the rich. Because of what Jesus did on our behalf, He has earned the right to tell us about Him. Because of what Jesus has done, you and I have everything that we need! Jesus, He made a way that we might live, He's taken care of all of our days. In every time of need, in every time of strife, He knew the way to guide and lead us. (see Gal. 6:9) God sent His Son, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world would be saved through Him! The Father loves you, and has given all of His goods to you. He has given you His Word and His Spirit, so that you might live in God's righteousness. You are adopted as the sons and daughters of God. He does not want you to perish, but he wants you to have eternal life. Do not perish, but receive the gift of eternal life! God's gift is eternal life, so that as you live in this life, you might live it more abundantly. For God sent His Son, so that you might live eternally. He made Him the Lord of all, that we might live under Him in perfect liberty. You and I have nothing to fear for all of life, except that our sin might not be forgiven. If you have not experienced forgiveness for sin, please receive it now! God is the only one who can forgive us of our sins! Come to Him now, and be free from sin. Come to Him now, and receive forgiveness. If you will receive it, He will give you the same kind of peace that we had on the day that He took us into His home, when we trusted Him. He loves you! He would not let anyone die and go to Hell. That is not His intention. He sent His Son that whosoever believed in Him would not perish, but have eternal life. There is no other way. God did not command that we do it, but He sent His Son for that very purpose, that whoever trusted in Him should not perish, but have eternal life! And what a gift of grace, that the Son of God should come! He gave His life that we might live, that all of creation might not perish. We have nothing else, but Him, but Him alone, and He is the Savior of our world. (see Rev. 15:3) You know why the Son of God came! He came to show us what God was like, and to live with us forever. He came to show us His heart and His Spirit. His Spirit filled you and me when we believed and trusted Him. We were both made new, that we might be made His very own! Christ Jesus is not your Savior because of what He did for you, but what you did for Him. He loves you! He did all that He did so that you might live eternally. He came to show you that God does love you. He came to show you that He loves you. It is His love that we need! The way He lives with us is the way God lives with you. His love is a free gift! It is for us to learn to walk with Him. If you will do this, He will walk with you and guide you every step of the way. He will lead you out of the mire of the world, and He will show you the Father's heart. You will find that everything is new for you, as your eyes are opened, and you see with new eyes. You will begin to experience His Spirit with all of your heart. Every time you believe, a new desire will rise up in your heart. It will be so strong and so deep, that it will break forth in a song of praise to the Lord. It will be an overflow of joy and happiness. It will be a song of praise and adoration to God, as the Holy Spirit of God will come upon you, and fill you! Do not be afraid to let Him into your life! Then Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life." When they had eaten the bread, and had their fill, they departed and came to their ships with great haste. (see John 6:48) Jesus says to you, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me." (see John 14:6) If we accept that promise, we will then come to believe in Him for all the things He has done. We will accept His Word as true and will hold on to that truth in our hearts. We are not born again to have the church tell us how great Jesus is, but to have God tell us, so that we will trust Him. God will show you that God is, and to understand that we can trust God. We must understand that we are not saved by good works, but only by the work of God, which is done through Jesus Christ. This is the truth of the Christian faith. Jesus Christ has taken away all of the fear of death, and has made it possible for us to be able to live a happy life. Jesus Christ is our all in all. As we have trusted Him, we have found freedom and joy! (see Gal. 5:1) Jesus Christ is who He says He is. You can trust Him completely, and His love for you will never fail. When He says He will do something, He will do it. You can know that He will always answer your prayers. He does not keep your secrets, and He never lets you down. Jesus is the Lord of all, and He can do all things. Do not doubt Him or try to test His ways. It is Jesus Christ that we have trusted in, and He has done the job! Jesus has set the wheels of life in motion. He will turn the wheel of your days as well as mine! Your days will be well spent, because they will not be wasted. You are the Lord of the harvest, for there is one who is Lord over all. Do not doubt Him or try to test His ways. It is Jesus Christ that we have trusted in, and He has done the job! (see Col. 2:7) Have you accepted the free gift of eternal life? Is your heart broken for the lost? Do you long for them to be saved? How is