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I'm a Mental Giant Get your copy of 'I'm a Mental Giant' today and join the growing numbers who believe the way they view the world is inaccurate. You'll be amazed how quickly things begin to improve in your life, once you break through your personal limitations and see your Self as the limitless possibility that it is. This book is ideal for those who are stuck in a bad place, and for those who are at a loss to understand the way to a new life. You're about to meet an amazing man who has unlocked the door to self-mastery and transformed his life. The answers to the problems we face in life can only be found on a mental level, and this book is an easy way in for anyone who needs help. Click the link below and make a change in your life today! The Art Of Loving Without Fear The Art Of Loving Without Fear is available at most online book stores including Apple Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and more. If you're interested in learning how to overcome social anxiety and make new friends, please visit my website at for details. For many years, I lived with social anxiety that kept me from attending my high school reunion. I had worked really hard to overcome my shyness so I was deeply disappointed by this lack of follow-through. This book came out of a lifetime of self-development. Over several years, I developed a way to change my life and make new friends that works for anyone, regardless of their upbringing. It's a must read for anyone who struggles with fear, especially social anxiety or stage fright. If you would like to learn how to overcome social anxiety and make new friends, please visit my website at for details. Carroll Brown Reunion Night-Memories Of A Failed Social Life I was unable to make it to my high school reunion because I was too anxious to go alone. I was a very shy teenager, so the idea of approaching strangers was daunting. After graduating from high school, I went on to become a public health nurse in the late 90s. I had an interesting job, a lot of responsibility and a lot of perks. But in my adult life, I felt like something was missing. And it made me think about the things that I missed out on in high school. I had an interesting job, a lot of responsibility and a lot of perks. But in my adult life, I felt like something was missing. And it made me think about the things that I missed out on in high school. I knew that many people are insecure when it comes to social situations, but I just couldn't relate. I wasn't a home-schooled kid. And while I didn't have a lot of people around me who were from broken families, I wasn't afraid of having people over or going out on dates. It was just easier for me to stay home and watch television. When it came time for me to graduate from high school, I decided to wait until after everyone had already graduated to avoid making new friends. I was very shy and felt awkward during my senior year. The other kids took to calling me "Snoopy", so that's what I chose to be called when I got older. In the book, I talk about how I began to develop self-consciousness. This was caused in part by one boy in my class. He was a bully that made fun of my haircut. I really didn't have anything to do with the haircut, it just happened. While I was in the hospital for an appendectomy at age 14, I spent a few days in the bed next to this boy who had a similar haircut. This made me begin to feel insecure and self-conscious about my appearance. He would make fun of me, so I decided to get a short haircut to make him go away. I could care less about the haircut, but it was an easy way to make him go away. At age 16, I changed schools. I wanted a fresh start in school. By the time I moved into the new high school, it was time for graduation. I couldn't make any new friends in my new home town. When I graduated, I moved to my hometown. I felt like it was time to make new friends. I worked hard and earned a scholarship to college and it opened my mind to things I had never done before. I wanted to get to know people. I went out on dates and made friends. My shyness went away and I actually became the class clown. But even then, I had no social anxiety when it came to me being around my classmates. I was more nervous about making new friends and not knowing if I could trust them. I was afraid of being rejected, even though it didn't happen. I felt as if I was not good enough. I had no problem with making new friends or talking to new people, but I had a problem with letting them see how insecure I was about being judged. I felt like I was hiding behind my jokes, and couldn't talk to anyone face to face. I was afraid to let people see the real me and not a funny character that I put on for everyone else. Even with strangers, I kept my distance. The more time I had with friends, the more I felt anxious about making new friends. When my high school classmates got older and graduated from high school, the people I had made friendships with, would no longer be around. Some of the people I had dated went away to college or left the area, and I felt left behind and isolated. I felt like I would have to start all over and go through the whole process all over again. This is why I began to dread high school reunions and didn't know what to expect. In high school, I lived in a small town where it was easy to make new friends. I didn't have to do anything to meet new people. I had never really tried to be outgoing or bold, but had rather hid behind my jokes and the way I was perceived by others. During my senior year in high school, I realized that everyone changes over the course of their life. I had changed a lot over the years, and I didn't want to let go of the people that I had become close to in my teenage years. I had become so insecure that I couldn't be myself and just be myself. In the book, I talk about how this is when I first began to discover that I had a choice. I could choose to be who I really was. I could finally understand why some of the things that happened in my life, and how some of my memories came to be. This had nothing to do with my education, but how the people around me had influenced who I was. I always knew that my life had gone off course, but I had no idea why. I thought that I had no other options than to be a shy person who didn't have a lot of friends, who kept to herself and did not get to know many new people. I didn't realize that all of this had to do with me and that I had a choice. Throughout the book, I talk about all of the changes that I made in my life and I share my personal experiences. While working as a mental health clinician, I began to help my clients in the area of social anxiety. And I began to learn why some people suffer from social anxiety and what I had been doing wrong when it came to meeting new people. The book helps a person to understand that we all go through a change in our lives. The book helps us to understand that the things that we are going through is normal and we are not alone. The book has allowed me to meet so many people and help them in understanding what they are going through, too. Many people with social anxiety struggle with depression, and this book helps them to understand what they are going through. It has helped many people who struggle with social anxiety to feel better about who they are and more confident in making friends and dating and becoming a part of the community. The book has allowed me to change many people's lives. I've done it over and over again and I believe the success I've had in my personal life will continue with my book. This is the book I wish I would have had when I