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When he stood up aSelf driving vehicles were disabled by a gang of three
men whose aim was to make sure they had one of the
cars for their own purposes. The vehicles are capable of
colliding and injuring passengers and other road users.
Police Constable Stuart Farrar said, ‘If you own
one of these vehicles you need to be aware of their
operation. They are operated with a remote control
and no drivers are on board. When you consider that
they have no steering wheels or brake pedals you can
understand the level of risk. There is no doubt that a
gang would be prepared to kill to obtain one of these
cars. So if you own one you need to be aware and make
sure it is in the best possible condition.’
Gang members forced their way into a building which
they were thought to have been carrying out repairs
to and stole a number of vehicles and tools. A police
operation is under way to try and trace the suspects.
Information about the cars can be passed to the police
by contacting 020 8247 6111.
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