It's Called a Russ
What do you want f
The Tables Have Tu
APB is out for
I’m gonna take my
This end justifies
Sleeping with the
Crack in the Allia
Double Tribal, Dou
Self driving vehic
The Penultimate St
You drive me crazy
Travel Agent Fare
Engrish as a secon
I Will Not Give Up
The Most Deserving
The First Fifteen
Bad bedtime stories "The more you learn, the more you discover what you don't know." Oliver Sacks I am a member of the Chichester Writers Group, Chichester Artists Open Studios. Follow me on twitter @storythyme, like my page on for 'Sue Cox' if you are curious to find more of my musings! I read lots of books and I love the written word. I was a school library technician before I became a full-time home educator for the last 20 years, and now I'm studying for a postgraduate diploma in professional enquiry teaching. I write about reading, children's literature and the world of education. I also write fiction for children and young adults. "I've learned more from dreams than I've learned from school!" "The greatest gift we give others is our attention. " ~b-i-g tag, Emilie Conrad I'm always intrigued by the 'big questions' in life and the connections that live inside us. I feel it is our calling to find ways to live in harmony with this wonderful world, while acknowledging the mystery of our existence. I am an avid reader of a very wide variety of books, but I still find comfort in a good story. I am now reading a lot of biography and memoir. "All through your life you have been learning and changing all the time, sometimes into something that you dislike, or fear, or feel ashamed of, and at other times into something that is quite new and beautiful. " ~Alan Watts, writer, philosopher and teacher Books make the world a better place, especially when the books we read lead us to explore parts of our world and ourselves that might have otherwise been left unknown. "There is nothing better than reading books, when you come across an unfamiliar word, you can always look it up in the dictionary." I love to read... "Books are the gateways to imagination, the road to self-knowledge, the portals to new dimensions." I was a school library technician before I became a full-time home educator for the last 20 years, and now I'm studying for a postgraduate diploma in professional enquiry teaching. I write about reading, children's literature and the world of education. I also write fiction for children and young adults. I'm currently writing a YA fantasy novel, called The Gargoyles, The Raging Flame, due for release in February 2013. I am an avid reader of a very wide variety of books, but I still find comfort in a good story. I am now reading a lot of biography and memoir. "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." "There is something at the back of the mind that keeps urging us on, that looks into the future and sees something better than our best efforts." ~Lois McMaster Bujold I was a school library technician before I became a full-time home educator for the last 20 years, and now I'm studying for a postgraduate diploma in professional enquiry teaching. I write about reading, children's literature and the world of education. I also write fiction for children and young adults. I'm currently writing a YA fantasy novel, called The Gargoyles, The Raging Flame, due for release in February 2013. I am an avid reader of a very wide variety of books, but I still find comfort in a good story. I am now reading a lot of biography and memoir. "If you want to understand the truth in your own life, you'll need to come up with some kind of language to help you put it into words, and it's language that keeps us from understanding the truth in other lives." ~John Reiger, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Notre Dame “Everything, absolutely everything, is worth saying as long as it's true, and if it is important to you and you feel it deeply, then the feeling and the importance will transmit themselves even to the selection of the words. That's what I mean when I say that the first and most important thing is the truth. You have to see what truth you have to tell and what sort of feelings it will arouse in other people. The more necessary it is to you the more necessary it is to other people, the more necessary it is to see it through to the end. If you aren't convinced of its truth for yourself, then don't write it down, don't say it, because if you don't feel it in your own life, you won't be able to say it.” ~Anais Nin "The best books are not the ones that are most about magic, but the ones that are the most real." Laura Ingalls Wilder "An author has no special claim to any idea not his own." ~G. K. Chesterton “Never let school interfere with your education.” Sir William Osler "The study of the whole is better than that of a part." Wendell Berry “One cannot read a book without becoming its reader, for the reader makes the book his own.” "If you want to make a friend take one look at your bookcase." "Every book is a holy book, each containing a sacred quest." ~Buddha "In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American, And it would be inconsistent with this proposition of equality to grant unrestricted liberty to some of these immigrants who come here [to the United States], and continue to maintain themselves as institutions not part of this nation. "At the same time there can be no discrimination in favor of any such person, on account of his foreign birth or descent. The only kind of discrimination of which I approve is that which is based on differences of degree, in which discrimination, of course, I do not include differences based on differences of color or race. My fundamental proposition therefore has been that, all men are created equal, and with the equal man comes the equal right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "My second proposition is that the equality before the law shall not be abridged by any authority of the Government because of race, color, creed or condition. This is as self-evident as that two and two make four, and as the law should be equally applicable to all citizens, I cannot see how it could be abridged by my birth in California and your birth in Minnesota, or by your religion. I would go further. I should not only be unwilling to limit that equality before the law which I deem to be self-evident, but I should also be unwilling to allow a discrimination against the alien or the immigrant, as such, on account of his birthplace or nativity, his age, sex, health, station in life, political affiliations or his religious faith." "Reading is like travel; you can only bring something back, no matter how long or how far you go. Travel