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Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules” We have all seen this in the movies, and there’s been quite a bit of drama surrounding the rise of a new tribe in recent seasons. While the concept of a “floating” tribe can help bring about drama, it also provides plenty of room for growth. “Flying Under the Radar” One of the best parts of casting Survivor is that we don’t see everyone play. Some people who go on the show are in it for the entertainment while others are there to win. The key to great casting is making sure we as the audience have no clue who has what in store for them when they are out in the field. And there are plenty of ways to do that – you can play to win, play to be interesting, or play for a chance at immunity. Some players like to play under the radar by keeping their own actions quiet and letting other people take the spotlight for them. This can lead to some great stories. “Outnumbered” In a group of 10 players on Survivor, there’s no need for more than three or four of them to be strong alliances. There are always going to be players who are on the outs, and the game always provides opportunities for those players to go on a run. However, that only applies if they have a legitimate shot at the game and can survive. There are plenty of examples of players being ousted early, but then finding themselves in positions to win with solid out-of-the-box strategy. It’s often possible to go from a powerless player with no allies to one with five on his side all by playing smart and knowing how the game is going to play out. “The Winners Edition” These episodes were created by Survivor producers specifically for the winner. The only Survivor alumni who have ever gotten this treatment were Richard Hatch, Amber Brkich, Terry Deitz, Rupert Boneham and Sandra Diaz-Twine. While there was never a clear explanation why the winner got this treatment, many fans feel that it’s because they were the most prominent of the winning players. It’s a good thing, because we never saw anyone else like Richard Hatch, Sandra Diaz-Twine, and Terry Deitz in the final days of the show. We were all shocked when Richard Hatch’s character came out, and we had no idea that Sandra Diaz-Twine’s game would turn into something as bizarre and twisted as it did. The winner’s edition can also be a gamechanger when it comes to strategy. Richard Hatch used his Winner’s Edition to change the way he played from a “chicken” style game to a strategic approach. Survivor is already a tricky game to play, but giving the winner a second chance and insight into the how and why of the game gives them more tools to use in the game. “What’s your Deal?” In every single season of Survivor, you will find one or more people who don’t get picked for the jury. We all know it happens, but to what extent? What about you, does it ever frustrate you when someone you perceive as a potential finalist doesn’t get the boot? We get it, there’s more than 16 people in the game, some will inevitably end up on the jury, and that happens to be some combination of players who are left in each season. But that doesn’t mean it’s fun to watch the people who didn’t win become even more bitter about it. “Eliminated By a Snake” We all know that the castaways make it through because of a tribe switch. It’s almost like cheating because it allows people to just skip an entire round of challenges. In some cases, this has led to a snake bite. Snakes are known for their sneakiness, so in theory a snake bite is one of the most annoying injuries in Survivor. We’re all for the challenges keeping teams intact, but they should always keep the game moving forward. Snake bites don’t allow for much time to get rid of a player who was voted out. We’re going to wrap this up next week with one final Survivor myth we’d like you to think about. The next time you’re watching, take a good look around and let us know how many of these Survivor twists and rumors we’re right! Follow @Survivor_Kelly on Twitter to keep up with the actual vs. fake Survivor news! Related content: