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I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder." "It Was Definitely the End of the Line." "And, Of Course, I'm Not Gonna Make an Art Out of That." "So, I Want You to Start Again With Something New, Something Better." "I Want You to Draw Something... that Shows Us Something New." "Is The New Thing Going to Show Us Something More?" "I Mean, Is Life About to Get Even Better?" "Is There Anything New?" "Are We Going To Find Out Something We Don't Know?" "Is There Something Better Than You Know?" "I'm Sorry." "I Mean, Is It All Going to End Up in the Dump?" "You Know, The... the Garbage Dump?" "I Don't Know, Dad." "I Really Don't Know." "I Hope Not." "I Know You Want To Draw Something New, But I Don't Think It's Going To Work." "You Want A Piece Of Cake?" "It's Still Warm." "I Don't Know." "All I Know Is That I Want to Be Someone Who Does Something New... that Makes Things Better." "I Don't Want to Be A Face in the Crowd." "I Don't Want To Be A Face." "It's Like Mom Said-- You Want To Be A Better Man Than You Are Right Now?" "Yeah." "I Want To..." "I Want To Be Better Than A Couch Lounger" "Or A Bumper Sticker Or Someone Who Has To Spend" "His Whole Life With People Who Don't Like Him." "I Want To Do Something Better Than That." "Are You Sure?" "It's All I Know." "I'm Sorry, Dad." "That's Okay." "Thanks." "[Birds Chirping]" "[Man Over Radio] A Small Plane Has Crash-Dived Into a Mountain, Killing All Four of Them..." "One of Them a Well-Respected New York Times Reporter." "We're Now Getting Word that The Plane Went Down in The Rockies" "Near a Town Called Aspen." "Here Is The Story As We Get It Now." "[Groaning]" "[Groaning Continues]" "[Whispering]" "Here's What You've All Been Waiting For, Folks--Another Day with The News." "The Number One Story--In Case You Didn't Know," "A Reporter Accidentally Crashed To Her Death." "And that is the big news" "The "No Big News" News." "The Story About The Story" "It Is Not That Important." "It's Not That New." "We've Got A Lot Of These in Montana Every Year." "That's Montana for You." "I've Got Some More Dirt On That Guy That You Told Me To Look Up" "Something A Little Weird--About 10 Years Ago" "When He Got Into Some Little Trouble." "It Says He Was Caught by the Drug Enforcement Agency" "Giving An Interview To An Undercover Agent" "When He Should Have Been In The Feds Holding" "A Conference On Interdiction." "It Says Here, "Reporter's Name:" "Sam Witten."" "What's He Doing Now?" "He Works For The Post." "Why Don't You Call Him?" "Well, I Have Called Him." "I Have Also, Over the Years," "Called Someone Very Similar" "Mr. Witten." "Sam Witten." "But I Never Talk To Him." "In Fact, Never Talk To Him Ever." "No Use Trying." "Well, I Ain't Gonna Leave A Message," "But Maybe He'll Call You Back." "[Groaning Continues]" "So, Uh, You're a Journalist Now." "Is That Right?" "I Got A Few Stories In The Pipeline." "You Got Any?" "Do You Have Any?" "I Don't Believe In It, You Know." "I Know." "I've Always Known." "Sam..." "You Got Time To Talk?" "What, Do I Have Something on My Face?" "No." "Nope." "Just" " Just A Little..." "Goop There" " From The Geezer." "What's Up?" "You Ever See Anything Like This Before?" "You're Laughing." "I Mean, You Have Fun, Right?" "Well, When You Want It." "I Always Find A Way." "[Muttering]" "Oh." "Is It Really That Special?" "You Got A Big Story For Me, Sam?" "Because You Know..." "You Know, The Narrative's Important." "Narrative's Big" " Bigger Than You Might Think." "Because This Thing Is Big." "It's Big." "I Mean, It's Very, Very Big." "I Know What's Big." "I Did A Story About A Cowboy Who Shook Hands" "With The Devil." "It's Got A Bit Of Everything" "Action, Adventure, Drama." "It's All There In That Story" "Even The Funny Part." "Tell Me Something" " Have You Ever Been In The Middle Of A Story?" "Well, Uh, Not Like This." "There's Somebody In The Middle Of It." "Who Is It?" "It's Me, Of Course." "But You're The One That Knew It Would Work," "And I'm The One Who Didn't." "Now, That Is The Biggest Lie That Any Reporter Has Ever Told Me." "Okay, Okay, I'll Tell You What I'm Gonna Do." "I've Got A Plane Leaving Denver at 9:30," "And It Leaves Every Friday Night." "So If You're Interested, You Get On That Plane." "But I Don't Think I'm Gonna Be Interested" "In Anything You Have To Say." "How's That?" "If It's A Big Story, You Got It." "If It's Not, You're Full Of Bull." "Are You Sure You Don't Want A Piece Of Cake?" "Come On, My Treat." "I'd Like A Piece Of Cake." "[Man Over Radio] If There's Anyone Out There" "Seeing This All Over The Country," "Just What Is That?" "A Man On A Roof, Dressed Up As Santa Claus," "Throwing Presents Off To Kids In The Street" "Is That A Big Deal?" "Are We So Used To Doing It, We Can't Stop?" "Are We So Used To Doing It, We Don't Care?" "[Man #2] There's Nothing Too Big To Believe," "If That's What You Believe." "[Man #1] I Know Why I Believe." "[Continues, Indistinct]" "[Woman] How Do You Feel About This?" "[Man #1] I'm Ready For That." "What's The Worst Part Of It?" "[Man #2] Knowing It's The Worst Part." "A Woman Stole Our Presents." "She's A Bad Woman." "You Know Her?" "She's A Worse Woman Than That." "I Mean, This Santa--Is She Really Bad?" "Worse." "I Mean, She Does Things To Animals, You Know." "She Can't Help It, You Know." "Oh, Shoot!" "She's A Terrible Person." "We Didn't Even Want To Do It In The First Place," "But She" "She Kept Telling Us How Good She Was And What Nice People We Were." "I Mean, We Were Never In The Mood To Have A Good Time," "But She Was Always Dragging It Over On Us," "And She Came Up With This Idea..." "[Woman] It's Very Strange, Isn't It?" "Hmm." "[Man] Do You Have Any Advice For Her?" "I Don't Know." "I Think The Only Advice Is" "Avoid Her." "Do You Want Some Chocolate Or Something?" "Uh-Huh." "I Know." "It's Almost Like This, You Know, This, Uh," "Like Tension Or Something." "It's As If The Storms Are Gonna Come" "And Destroy Everything Anyhow," "And All We Can Do Is Just Hope" "That A Little More Stuff Will Hang On." "[Chuckles] How Can You Think That Way?" "How Can You Say That?" "I Think Everything Will Be Fine." "I Think Everything's Alright." "What If You're Wrong?" "[Piano Music Playing, Indistinct]" "Can We Go Out Back?" "Yes, Of Course." "Go." "Go." "Sam, Uh, Do You Want To Be Sitting Out In The Sun" "Or Something?" "You're Too Hot In That Collar." "I'll Blow The Fuse." "Okay." "I'm Too Hot." "All Right." "How You Doing, Sam?" "I Think I Got Stuck In The Bathroom Again." "I Can See It There." "Are We Gonna Have A Party This Weekend?" "Party, Sam?" "I Thought That Was Your Department." "Oh, Well, Yeah." "Um, I Don't Know." "I Don't Think There's Anything To Party About." "I Mean, Except, Maybe..." "Being Grown Up..." "Like Getting Married And Having Children." "I Know It's Stupid, But That's What I Really Want." "Don't You