Sleeping with the
Crack in the Allia
Double Tribal, Dou
Self driving vehic
This Game Ain't Ov
Wipe Out!
Two Tribes, One Ca
The Chicken Has Fl
But how did it hap
JoJo then

I’m gonna take my
APB is out for
The Tables Have Tu
What do you want f
It's Called a Russ
Bad bedtime storie
The Penultimate St
You drive me crazy
Travel Agent Fare
This end justifies the means. Our end is to maintain the power, and any means we have to take is legitimate. If a woman does something wrong, you need to punish her. If she speaks out, she should be punished. The solution to all the problems and conflicts is always violence, the more violent the better. It’s all about the power. And at every step it’s justified by saying the ends justify the means, so now this is just legitimate. I see that happening all the time and it’s just sickening. This is just a very violent act and the fact that the media is portraying this in the way it is has caused a lot of backlash because we have to question why? You know? I mean this is not the first time that a politician has been attacked or even killed. There have been quite a few in South Africa and all of them have been white politicians. It’s been ignored but now we have a politician who’s black that has actually had to go to the hospital and receive medical attention for that same thing. She’s a woman and she’s been on the front page of newspapers, on the front page of television shows, being victimised over this. You have to ask yourself what does it actually mean to have an honest conversation? It’s not about a conversation it’s about a one-sided narrative. You don’t get an equal say in the conversation when you’re standing in the position of a victim. If you’re standing there trying to tell someone they need to do something about racism and you can’t be heard. This is the problem with the media. This is all going on in the media and this is what is actually creating a lot of the problems, especially for the black South Africans who are not getting a fair hearing. Now they get to learn it on this woman. This happens with everything. We need a conversation about what the media is doing in terms of not being a media institution and telling the truth. We need to talk about that, we need to stop justifying violence because it doesn’t help and it’s not gonna help us move forward as a nation. This is what we need to learn here. What happened to her is wrong but what is the conversation going on here is also wrong. There is no conversation here. There are only justifications. The justification is that if we let her tell her story we’ll end up with another Mandela and we just can’t afford that so it has to be punished. It has to be punished or we’ll become victims. That’s the mindset. It’s so sad that everyone now has learned that this is how you respond to attacks on someone you disagree with. It has become the norm now and now it’s the only way to deal with these problems. That’s what needs to be said. What needs to happen is this mentality that white South Africans are superior in every aspect must be dealt with. This is an opportunity for the media, if you are going to cover this, cover her, cover this situation in its entirety. Don’t just go after what she said and say you are against violence. This is a great opportunity to expose all the racist language in the media. The media that is now covering this story was already calling this woman a sell-out. She was called a sell-out. So do the media outlets now go and act like she’s right? Does she have the same right to say what she is saying? Does she even know what she’s talking about? It’s all over the place. The media that is now covering this story is basically just supporting her. They are just playing into this narrative that we have this woman who is not really a South African. It’s as if all the people that came to this country have some sort of superiority complex that they need to show us. They are the one who can tell the stories and everyone else should just shut up and listen. What they don’t realise is that as a South African I am not going to shut up and listen to any person telling me what to do. So please. Please don’t do this. Please don’t go over the top and pretend that this woman is somehow better than us. She is not. She is South African and she has the right to speak up. How the hell do we get that across? That’s what I want people to realise. It is happening on a daily basis, this has nothing to do with this woman and her actions. It’s not about her. This whole thing should have been shut down and handled differently. It shouldn’t have happened in the first place. This whole thing needs to be looked into. It needs to be shut down in its entirety. It’s the same on Twitter, it’s just an absolute mess. The guy who was arrested, they’ve released him. He did absolutely nothing wrong so this whole thing is just a big mess. It’s a media disaster. It’s a mess. What’s interesting is that this is the same day of the FIFA World Cup final and that’s what makes it even more ironic. How can you not have a conversation when you are at the heart of a World Cup? How do you not see that? I still remember the Nelson Mandela incident and how that turned out. I was in primary school and that’s when Nelson Mandela lost his life. So there is something going on there. You can’t have this man speak for two hours and then walk away and act like everything is all right. This is what we need to understand. There is something going on here and there are a lot of questions. A lot of people have lost their lives for speaking out. A lot of people have lost their lives for speaking out. What the hell are they saying, that they’re killing our politicians now? How is this even happening? How is this possible? This is why it’s important to stand up and tell this woman that she is right. That she has a voice. That she is South African and that the voices that we have, those black people we have, don’t need to be silenced or killed. Just like the voices of white people need to be silenced and killed. That’s why I have to tell you that black lives don’t matter and until there’s justice we will continue to lose our lives. It’s something that should be the way forward for us. I can tell you that I am so happy that this woman is now doing all this. She was the one who was attacked and then she went ahead and spoke on Twitter. How does that make sense? It makes no sense. Now she’s at the hospital, now she’s in hospital and this is the narrative. She’s been on the front page of every newspaper, on the front page of every media outlet. We are being told what to do, what not to do and why? We are told how she should be treated. We’re told why we can’t be angry. We’re told why we can’t speak up. We are told why there are no conversations. We’re told that we are all angry and everyone here is a victim. Everything is wrong. You have been lied to and it doesn’t make sense to us. This is what this woman has been doing. You can see it when you look at the picture that they’ve used with that article that she had written. How come in South Africa there has never been anything like this? Why? What have we done to deserve this? And we are doing the same thing. We are doing the same thing that white people did to the black people in South Africa. What did they say? “This is what you deserve.” There was no conversation. There is no conversation going on here. There has been no conversation. What is really sad is the fact that we are at a point where we can now talk about South African politics, where there’s so many of us. But at the same time, a white guy got into trouble for a tweet and now that’s a crime? He now has to deal with this stuff. This is how it goes. This is how this woman has been trying to handle it. Now, what she is trying to say is she needs to report all these people that did this to her. It’s a lot of people. She has had to report them. She said I have had to file complaints but I am still being threatened online. She’s saying that there are people who are threatening to murder her, they’re threatening to kill her. There are people online who are calling her names and telling her to kill herself and go die. What the hell is this? This is just so wrong and I am just so angry about this and I have no other choice but to continue this. I am in a constant battle. I am in a constant battle to be heard. I am in a constant battle to be heard and I am in a constant battle because of the fact that I am doing things the right way and I am not accepting that this is okay. I am not accepting that I have no right to fight and just let them kill me. I am not accepting that people are allowed to do this. This is just unacceptable and it’s been happening for a long time and this is what has happened today. The things she is talking about are not just being talked about on Twitter. These things are not just being talked