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The Biggest Fraud
Question of Trust and Confidence," _Prospect_ (November, 2016), 26. **The UK has also been particularly affected:** David Herlihy, "The Death of Trust in the United States," _The National Interest_ (May/June, 2016). **"I don't believe that any of us trusts":** William T. Harbison, "Trust in America Is Gone," _Wall Street Journal_ (June 12, 1996). **more than half said they were "afraid":** Peter Schweizer, _Reagan's War_ (New York: Anchor Books, 2013), 29. **A majority of us say we don't know:** "U.S. Trust in Leaders Highest at 50%, Despite Political Climate, Says Gallup Poll," _PR Newswire_ (December 9, 2016). **"I can't think of anyone":** Richard Pérez-Peña, "Even Democrats Fear Trump May Threaten the World," _New York Times_ (October 24, 2016). **By contrast, three-quarters:** "Confidence in U.S. Public Leaders Plunges Since Trump's Election," _Pew Research Center_ (November 8, 2016). **According to a 2015 poll:** Robert Parry, "In U.S. Polling, Trump Voters Most Likely to 'Likely to Believe'" (November 12, 2016), at **"No society can be really cohesive":** Richard Cohen, _American Mosaic_ (London: Little, Brown, 2003), xiii. **Nearly 30 million eligible voters:** "Unlikely Voters Will Decide Election Outcome," _Market Watch_ (October 7, 2016). **Nearly half of these "unlikely" voters:** "Election Results: President Trump, Clinton, and the Rise of Unlikely Voters," _Pew Research Center_ (December 9, 2016). **a report released by the Pew Research Center:** Richard Mourdock and Sarah Eekhoff, "This Year's Unlikely Voters," Pew Research Center (November 8, 2016). **"a new 'coalition' of left and right":** Peter Bergen, "America's Political Coalitions at a Tipping Point," _The National Interest_ (January 1, 2016). **"to reassert the core values":** Robert M. Bowers, _The American Experiment_ (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991), 1. **The fact that "the nation is still capable":** Raimondo, _The Flight of the Intellectuals_ , 11. **"When you read history":** Robert Nisbet, _Social Sciences and the Study of Man_ (London: Collier-Macmillan, 1967), 5. **he is known as:** Daniel McCarthy, "On American Exceptionalism," _American Greatness_ (November 4, 2012). **"We do not hold to any man-made system":** Russell Kirk, _American History: The Politics of the Past_ (New York: Random House, 1968), xiv. **"If any man attempts to found":** ibid., xi. **"our republic was conceived":** ibid., 63. **"In all, the United States has done":** ibid., 64. **"We need not say that the United States":** ibid., 59. **"the American instinct for order":** ibid., 81. **"as a practical thing, an American liberal":** ibid., 81–2. **"America's uniqueness is based":** ibid., 81. **"an American empire":** ibid., 81–2. **"The first American ideology":** ibid., 84. **"the best government":** ibid., 86. **"If we look for any principle":** ibid., 86. **"is essentially the political form":** ibid., 86. **the new American conservatism:** Michael Lind, "The New American Conservatism," _Commentary_ (January, 2000). **the American conservatives:** ibid. **"an Americanism that cannot be understood":** Arthur Schlesinger Jr., "The United States of America: The New Frontier," _Life_ (August 5, 1961). **"The United States is perhaps the only country":** "In Unguarded Moments," _The New York Times_ (October 25, 1998). **"For Americans, liberty means":** Arthur Schlesinger Jr., "U.S. Patriotism, 1945–56," _Yale Review_ , (January 1957). **"All of us together can":** Richard M. Dalfiume, _Desegregation and Its Consequences in the Civil Rights Era_ (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004), 7. **By contrast, when Richard Nixon's:** _The Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard M. Nixon, Richard M. Nixon Papers_ , vol. II (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1972). **"American identity has always been defined":** Peter S. Canellos, "The Return of American Identity," _Wall Street Journal_ (September 19, 2015). **"There are, in America":** ibid. **"It was Americanism that made it impossible":** ibid. **"An alien power could not take over":** ibid. **"the essence of being an American":** ibid. **"Our sense of independence":** ibid. **"It is the spirit of 'freedom'":** ibid. **"The nation has achieved a prosperity":** Daniel Boorstin, _The Genius of American Politics_ (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953), 2. **"The American people as a whole":** ibid., 3. **"In no other Western democracy":** ibid., 8. **"America is perhaps the only great nation":** ibid., 4. **"The United States had to do a lot":** ibid., 5. **"a national will of enormous tenacity":** ibid., 5. **"It is no part of the patriot's duty":** ibid., 5. **"An American liberal of the first":** ibid., 5. **"The Americans have always":** ibid., 6. **"The United States is the only political":** ibid., 6. **"I would say that":** ibid., 6. **"The American Revolution":** ibid., 5. **"America is the last hope":** ibid., 4. **"The American Revolution was":** ibid., 4. **"the United States has been and remains":** ibid., 4. **"The American Constitution":** ibid., 5. **"the American experiment in practical equality":** ibid., 6. **"The United States is the one country":** ibid., 6. **"The United States was fortunate":** ibid., 5. **"That America is still today unique":** ibid., 5. **"It is America":** ibid., 5. **"it is doubtful that any people":** ibid., 5. **"the United States has proven":** ibid., 4. **"has to be a nation":** ibid., 7. **"to produce and to export":** ibid., 7. **"the American will has always been":** ibid., 6. **"To remain free":** ibid., 6. **"the will of the American people":** ibid., 7. **"the American experience in political":** ibid., 7. **"the Americans have always been":** ibid., 7. **"America must not, for any reason":** ibid., 7. **"It is the American spirit":** ibid., 7. **"For me the 'melting pot' is":** ibid., 7. **"The American idea will persist":** ibid., 7. **"We must never see the United States":** ibid., 8. **"It is difficult to overestimate":** ibid., 9. **"the most important thing":** ibid., 9. **"the only free country in history":** ibid., 9. **"the only civilization in history":** ibid., 9. **"has proved to be the most dynamic":** ibid., 9. **"What I admired most in America":** ibid., 10. **"One must be blind":** ibid., 10. **"For two hundred years":** ibid., 10. **"There is no one in the world":** ibid., 10. **"That is the strength of the American