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Don't You Work for Me? A big thanks to our wonderful speakers. I've learned a lot about SEO from each of them, and will continue to apply everything I've learned from them. A special thanks to my mom, without whom none of this would be possible. Thanks to my family and friends who've encouraged me and my business. Finally, I wish everyone in life success. You can't have success until you try. No matter how old or broken you are, or how bad your start, there's always a way forward. So, if you're reading this, just go for it. If you have any questions on blogging, or blogging in general, hit me up on Twitter, LinkedIn or drop me a comment here. I'd love to hear from you. About Jason Hwang Jason Hwang is a blogger, online entrepreneur and marketer living in the San Francisco Bay Area, running Hwangs Creative, LLC, an online digital marketing consulting agency serving clients in B2C and B2B. Jason’s been featured as a thought leader and speaker for his innovative marketing strategy and practices and has been a keynote speaker at over 500 events, including: 1) Do you have any tips or insight to share on a successful “solo” blogging venture. Do you keep a blog completely separate from your other accounts or are they connected in any way? Hi! It’s really an awesome thing that you’re doing, blogging for yourself. I’ve seen many posts on this topic, so I don’t think that there is a specific answer here. As far as keeping a blog completely separate from my other accounts, my blog is my professional public face and the other things are my personal side. I never mix the two and my blog is what keeps me “alive” if you will. That way if I get busy with my personal account I can always take my blog as an outlet to express myself. Hi John! A big thanks to you for responding. How long have you been blogging? I’ve been blogging for a couple years now. I do share personal stuff on my other accounts, but that’s really my own choice. I blog because I like the discipline. It also works very well because if I’m looking to learn something, I tend to learn more by doing than by reading. Hi Mark, and thanks for asking. I did have an account with Hubspot, but it was a test account and didn’t work. I really love Hubspot, so I’m hoping they will open an account for me sometime soon. I personally don’t blog for others. And if they do I just let them know I don’t appreciate it as they can do it without my knowledge and permission. I have a Google+ account and do some things there to help my website like Google Analytics, and a lot of posts are shared to there. This post is the most important thing that I’ve read so far. Blogging is the best tool that anyone can use to build their own online business. And it is the best way to connect to other people who are trying to do the same thing. And that brings us to part two of my favorite tip which is to help out others. For me, there is no better feeling than knowing that I can help someone else because of what I do. So always remember that there is no such thing as self promotion. Hi John. I’ve been reading your blog for over a year and this post has confirmed something that I thought was common sense. And that is, the more you give to the world, the more you will get out of it in return. The problem is that nobody believes it’s true until it hits them hard. And there’s no way of being certain of this truth until you reach it yourself. Your blog was just one of the tools I used to help myself make the transition from working 9-5 to doing what I do for a living. I can never repay all of the support I’ve had from friends and strangers and I will continue to do so for people like you. As you said, the way we treat others says a lot more about us than we might realize. That’s why I try to do what I can when people need help and not only because they are worth it. Thank you for helping the others here on your blog and for sharing it with us. And thanks to all of your readers for supporting you. Hi John. I think that this post is a great guide to blog writing and writing in general. Blogging is not just writing about yourself or how good your life is. It’s also the act of putting yourself out there and reaching out to others. I will keep that in mind in the future. I hope you enjoy my blog and keep in touch. If you want to talk about anything in particular, feel free to drop me a message here or through my contact page: www.hakuna-shakunasa.com. I’ve been blogging for almost three years now and the amount of knowledge that I’ve gained is amazing. It’s also helped me in other areas of my life too. Your blog is great, so I’m looking forward to seeing it grow and keep up the great work. I’m also enjoying reading how you’ve been able to connect with others who are online entrepreneurs too. They can help you make connections that you might not have come across on your own. It’s also an idea for me. I just started up my new blog and I’m not sure how well it will take off yet. But I’m hoping it will grow into a great community. I do think that blogs are great places for people to come and seek for assistance and share ideas. Thanks for sharing this info. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you can drop me a message at: Thanks for the comment and the link. We’re all in this together and it’s about how much help we can give each other. And that’s why this blog is so important. It’s one place where people can help others, share experiences, get advice, and help each other. And yes, it is all about relationships. You can blog all you want, but it’s hard to build that relationship if you don’t get out there and put yourself out there. And since we can’t know where those blog posts will go, it would be the equivalent of not giving someone a chance if we didn’t give them the opportunity to comment. So thanks again for the comment. And like I said, this blog is not just about me and what I have to say. I appreciate the support. Excellent article. I’ve been blogging about blogging for the last year or so, and it’s good to see what has worked so far and what has not worked. Of course blogging can mean different things to different people, and I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who can relate to a lot of what you wrote. And I’ve found people really like my personal development series, which is the most popular thing I’ve written so far. Thanks for dropping by to leave a comment. I was just talking about this with some friends and they came up with the question on how they can help. A lot of us have so much to offer, but it’s easier said than done. At least for me, it is. But then I remembered a quote by Benjamin Franklin about how success is created by helping others. I never saw the point of it before, but as I said to my friends, it’s the truth and in the past I’ve taken this for granted. To help others we have to get out there and do it. So for me, this post is my first big step. I hope to continue and make things easier for all those people out there who I know can help. You had a lot of points. The problem is that I don’t have a lot of readers. But that’s okay, at least I know what I’m going for. What I need to do is to improve the way I present my ideas, and that’s where this post is going to help me. Thanks for sharing it. Hey John! I’ve just came across your blog, and thought that I should leave you a message just like so many others have done. But really, I’ve gotta share with you just one little thing. I have been blogging for a little over two months now, and to my surprise, I was really, really, underwhelmed with the results! I can’t even name the exact amount of readers, but hey, I guess that’s how they call “startup phase.” After all, it’s good to get out of that phase as soon as possible and get on the right path. So I think it was time for me to write something of value. And this is what I did: I decided to do a post, like you suggested, on a piece of advice about blogging, and I made sure to name the source as well. That’s because you and your blog inspired me. And that’s another thing: this is the very first post of mine that started getting responses. I am truly humbled by this, and my mind is just blown by the fact that my fellow bloggers are so supportive, encouraging, and helpful. Thank