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The Biggest Fraud in the Game" - The Real Cost of Free Trade by Gwenn Morcom In her essay, Morcom explains how many foreign and domestic corporations are using a tax loophole to avoid paying their fair share to support America's schools and teachers. Morcom says that "Americans are suffering in the public school system, and they are getting hammered financially too." One in five Americans has trouble paying for food, and American teachers are having trouble paying their bills. Morcom thinks that we should end "tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and buy foreign products and equipment." Morcom notes that if companies really wanted to create more jobs, they'd hire Americans, instead of paying companies to hire Indians. "The Best of What's Left of the American Dream" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom In her essay, Morcom says that, "when we think of the American dream, we often think of economic prosperity - jobs, more money and freedom from want." Morcom says that what the rest of the world calls American Dream is really called the American Dream. Morcom writes that "if you live in America, you have a right to a basic education, healthcare, food and housing - the very same rights that most Americans have." Morcom goes on to say that when "we have a right to a better life, we are entitled to a better life." "The Takers vs. The Uppers" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom In her essay, Morcom says that "when we think of the American dream, we often think of economic prosperity - jobs, more money and freedom from want." Morcom says that "those who don't want to work and take from those who do are the true takers. If we make the system better for all, it will benefit all of us." Morcom says that we can help America move forward by increasing the minimum wage, and paying fair wages to everyone who works hard. "An American Nightmare" - What is to be Done About the American Dream? by Gwenn Morcom Morcom suggests three main things for fixing our nation's broken system. Morcom says that "We must return to the ideas of liberty, equality and fairness that the Founding Fathers promised when they instituted our republic." Morcom explains that when the Founding Fathers made those promises, "we were in a global economy that was growing, not shrinking - that was not about to turn around and destroy the American dream." Morcom says that it's time to put America's citizens first and make the changes needed to support them and make America great again. "America's Next Revolution" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Gwenn Morcom tells of the impact that President Franklin D. Roosevelt has had on her family. Morcom says that, "I love what FDR did for our country by helping those who needed jobs, and by instituting fair laws." Morcom believes that "We need to go back to what our leaders tried to accomplish when they took over in 1933. We need to bring justice back into our communities. We need to be fair to all Americans." Morcom says that "We need a return to our own best ideals." "A Dream Unfulfilled" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom In her essay, Morcom explains how she wanted to become a nurse, but she could only afford to go to college as an English major, because she couldn't get a job. Gwenn Morcom says that "when the economy collapsed in 2008, it nearly crushed our American dream." Morcom says that if a similar crisis hit today, our economy would be so strong "we could rebuild and get back on track." Morcom calls it a "wake-up call" for our nation and we must "do better." "An Appreciation for Our Troops" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Morcom says she grew up in a Navy family, and learned that it was important to serve your country and to support those who serve in the military. Morcom says that "it is very easy to criticize our troops - we see everything they do on television, so we feel like we know them." Morcom says it is important for us to "appreciate what our troops are doing for us." "The Changing Face of the American Dream" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Gwenn Morcom says that she believes it is easy to forget how the American Dream used to look, and the American Dream of a good life for all. Morcom says that "we had the luxury of having a government that allowed us to prosper." Morcom says she believes "our nation is at a turning point." Morcom hopes that we can still achieve the American Dream, but in a more balanced and more fair way. "The Underestimation of America" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Morcom says that "even though we are struggling in the current economy, there are plenty of reasons for optimism about the future of America." Morcom says that there is a "renewed spirit in America" and she's seeing it everywhere. Morcom says that we are a people that will come together to find a solution to fix our economy, and move forward as one nation, not as individual nations. "American Insecurity and the American Dream" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Gwenn Morcom says that she was raised by a public school teacher, and was fortunate to have her in her life. Morcom explains that "we teach our children that everyone deserves the same education, access to clean water and a roof over their heads." Morcom says that when we look back in history, "we can see that America has always grown and prospered because of its great people." Morcom says that it's important to be optimistic for America's future because "it's up to us to keep this dream alive." "The American Dream Goes Global" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Morcom tells us about her experiences in a South Asian country. Morcom says that she felt welcomed and she loved how the people there were happy. Morcom says that when she moved to the United States, she knew it was different. Morcom says that America was where "you dream about. When people immigrate to this country they dream of going to America and having a better life." Morcom says "what America has to offer is so appealing that we continue to welcome immigrants." Morcom says that we need to bring our ideals to the rest of the world. "The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Gwenn Morcom says that she believes America can be and should be a leader among the nations. Gwenn Morcom says that when we focus on American values, we can bring a better life to all the people of the world. Morcom says that we are "making the world a better place to live by our way of life." Morcom says that we need to show the world that America is a place where people are safe and can find a better life. Morcom concludes with the idea that we need to go back to "what made America a great nation, even though it is often called the land of the free and home of the brave." Morcom's words "are still true, and they are still inspiring." "A Daydream for the Future" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Morcom tells the story of a little boy who was trying to sell lemonade to the neighbors so he could raise money to buy a bike. Morcom says "it sounds innocent and simple, but it's more than that - it's hope and determination. Our country is so much stronger than we think. With all the challenges ahead, our young people need to learn that our strength is in our belief in the American Dream." "American Traditions and Their Impact" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom In her essay, Gwenn Morcom explains how Americans have made sacrifices to maintain their country. Morcom says that "Americans stand together in times of crisis and when they find common beliefs, we come together as a nation." Morcom says that she "loves the American tradition, which is the greatest reason we can call ourselves American." "A Call to Reclaim our Values" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Gwenn Morcom says that it's easy to see our mistakes in our current situation, and that "we have given up the American ideals for our rights and happiness." Morcom says that "we need to reclaim those American ideals so that the next generation can experience the American dream." Morcom says that we need to be more honest, open, honest and courageous about what we believe in our country. "Achieving the American Dream" - The American Dream in Perspective by Gwenn Morcom Morcom says that she believes that American values are strong. Morcom says that we need to believe that we can solve our problems as one nation, because we have always come together when we face challenges. Morcom says that "we must have the courage to stand up and be counted to solve our problems, even when they seem huge." Morcom says that we need to remember what this country stands