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Fate is the Homie of the Future...and God is Love) One thing I think of all the time. You need to find another way of moving if you wanna live. You're really an idiot. Even if you could save a lot of money, even if you could save time, how happy would you be with your choices? You'd be like...really fuckin' stupid or'd be moving the wrong direction. All the things that you want, you don't have to have to get. Just think about what you need. You don't have to be the best of the best, you just have to be what you need. Take everything else. Everything you need to make life enjoyable and easy. And that, my friends, is why it is vital for our survival as a people to make a habit of keeping our cars as clean as possible...if you can't see out your windows you can't help them. Saturday, January 15, 2011 Every Thursday and Friday night, we've got the boys doing a "dance party" with the girls (and sometimes a few aunties)...I call it the "All Boys, All the Time" party, and it seems to be quite popular with the boys and the parents. The kids look forward to it all week long, and that just shows me that most little kids like to get their faces painted! It is fun to watch them move their bodies and have a ball! It's almost like one big celebration of life in each other...a bit weird...but kind of cool. The first time I showed up at the park I was surprised...I remember growing up and my sisters taking me to dances at a club where we would dance and all get a good look at each other (the boys had dances on Saturday night and we had dances on Tuesday night)..this was the first time I've ever been to something like this with my kids. I didn't see a crowd of teenagers or anything, just lots of kids getting crazy in the dirt! So we all got changed and got our faces painted and we did a dance to "Thunder" by Katy Perry...which was hilarious and crazy! It was so much fun...and the kids loved it! On another "All Boys, All the Time" occasion we got to play "Dodgeball"'s pretty awesome and really cool to watch the kids get into it and play. And then one night we played "Gobble" (that's when you pick up an inflated ball and kick it against the wall to see who can get it to stay's usually called Goof Ball by the kids). This is just one of my favorite things ever...watching them play (even the 4 year olds...which is amazing)...we did some goofy stuff to keep the music going and then some of the older boys came in the crowd and were acting the fool...and I started laughing my butt off because I realized that kids were just being kids was so cool to watch them play! I just think it's cool to let the kids be many kids don't get a chance to have fun or express themselves and I'm so glad to see them really playing and acting the fool and having fun with all that they have! Oh yeah...and I found some of my old movies on DVD and made this for Dad...(It's a little dark and not the most funny or romantic scene ever, but if you like Dad and you like food and you like movies then this is a treat for you): Tuesday, January 4, 2011 If you ever need to know how to win friends and influence're gonna want to know this! The other day the boys, Lola and I were eating tacos on the porch (with Dad and some of the rest of the family) and a lady came up to talk to Dad...she told him all about how she lost her son in a car wreck and was now doing everything she could to honor him by doing the work he loved most...raising children. She asked if there was anything she could do to help, and Dad said "Well, a woman like you would probably love to take in a baby at least for a little while". Then Dad told her that he was on his way out to go to a church function and her son would be buried that night, and she got really sad. She said "You're right, my son would be so happy with this woman. She is everything he wanted her to be...she is full of love for her kids and she is gentle and a good mommy to all of them...she's the one I wish he was here to meet". The woman said "Oh my gosh, I think you're right, this girl is just what I need. This man who gave her his heart and his soul to raise children is what I need". I think that little bit of advice might have saved a few lost souls really spoke to me...the love of family is what everyone here's a few suggestions... 1. Let your kids know that you are proud of them. 2. Tell them how much they are loved. 3. Make sure they know that they have a purpose here on earth. 4. Help them to find a purpose in life. 5. Let them see that you love the Lord and that you will live a life that shows them that God's love is the highest love. 6. Help your kids to see how all the parts of their life matter and have a purpose. 7. Show them Jesus every day. 8. Show them the Bible every day. 9. Watch their hearts and help them to grow in love. 10. Give them something to do that they really care about and help them grow as a person...give them a heart for God. 11. Show them how to love. 12. Hold onto God's promises for the future and live now so that you can give them something to hold on to. 13. Don't wait for them to start their life, be there every step of the way. 14. Show them how to pray and help them pray. 15. Show them Jesus in everything and let God be their source of security. 16. Encourage them to go to Bible study and Youth Group, that will get them out of trouble and make good friends and keep them from sin. 17. Model a Godly life and expect them to get into trouble and not follow your example. 18. Don't talk bad about people behind their back...walk away when the conversation turns sour. 19. Teach your children to be gentle and give them love and be kind and be careful what they say around other people. 20. Give them something to work on, to save their lives. 21. If you know your kids are going out with their friends to do is up to you to prevent that...but it's also your job to know they are safe. 22. Give them time to grow, they'll go through stages where they will act differently then you would expect...if you keep praying they will find what they need...a few tears will do them more good than any lecture. 23. Make a commitment to your kids that you will never make them feel ashamed for how they look, act or what God has given them to do. 24. Don't be proud of the mistakes you make, admit them and share your sins with your kids and make sure they know that you are a Godly man and will not stop trying to make things right. 25. Read the Bible and meditate on what you learn...take each one of your life's circumstances and turn it over to God...let him show you how you can live. 26. Show them that if they do a bad thing they will not get away with they learn to be careful what they do...for there are consequences to every decision they make. 27. Pray every day. Pray for your kids...that they will go through life clean and pure and not tainted with the sin that destroys so many families. 28. Make sure your kids know how to study the Bible and to read it so that they have it available when they are hurting or need help or a lesson on how to move on. 29. When you are hurt or down, turn to your kids and tell them how you feel so that they can do the same...let them know that they can talk about anything and be there for you in every area of your life. 30. Be a good example and live it out in front of your kids...for then they will follow your example and be there for you when you are weak. 31. Give your kids a heart to serve God and to love a light in their life that points them to Jesus. 32. Give your kids plenty of opportunities to serve God. 33. Help them find a place to serve God...a calling is like a magnet that will pull them towards God...if they are trying to get closer to God they will need to serve Him in some way. 34. Remember that your kids' hearts are precious...don't force or pressure them into something, let them have time and understand where they are in life. 35. Let your kids be proud of who they are as a person and the gifts God has given them to live a Christ centered life...just love them for who they are and love them with all that you have,