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The Strongest Man
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The Ultimate Sacri
This day, on the last day of the first month, Moses came, led his people out of Egypt by power and a great arm, and by a strong hand and an outstretched arm, neither by a trickery of the peoples of Egypt, to let you come at that time, a God from the midst of the fire, to kill all the first-born of the Egyptians. And it came to pass, when Pharaoh rose up in the night, that he killed the Egyptians who were in the midst of his people. But the children of Israel did not hurt one of the Egyptian children, for so it was said to Moses by the Lord, Lest the Egyptians say to you, “They have a god who fights for them like as they fight for us.” Now therefore, let your gift be, let it be double, even u great, for good, lest both it and you be consumed. And they offered up their gift, both they and the people of Israel, even all the congregation of the children of Israel, and they took the blood and dipped it in the ashes, and they sprinkled it on the altar round about. And they took from among the sons of Israel two he-goats for a sin-offering, one to h atonement for the people of Israel. And they brought their sacrifice before the Lord. And David spake to the Lord, saying, “I have sinned with my sons. I have deceived my concubines, for my soul is very guilty of folly, and I have done foolishly more than all my fathers. Wherefore I beseech thee, my Lord, for thy promise's sake, 1 that thou wouldst hear my voice, for I have been unprofitable. For, behold, this day my son asketh for my eyes, and the song which I should make that I should speak is mine: therefore give me a liar’s prize. For I have taken somewhat, therefore I cannot return it to thee. The enemy hath oppressed me, and I have lent; I have been unjust, and I have robbed: from every one of them hateful things have taken us, his scoffing things have consumed us. What thing was dearest to me have they taken from me: do not they shew my people the thing that they have done? My father's iniquities are gone over my head: and there is nothing left. Now must I cause to cease my wonder, there is nothing left among my people: the Lord hath brought a nation like the dust before the wind, and as a whirlwind they are gone away.” 1 Kings 4:24 How can the dust a nation? The lack Spanish: Todavía no puede olerlo aquí. Haz algo. Déjame, por favor, siento mucho en este momento. Pero por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor. Esa es la parte de una mujer cuando sus amigos muertos muestran la puerta y luego sigue adelante con su vida. Yo solo. Entonces, solo se deja que la muerte de su amigo con el lamento de la señora El lamento de la señora: No me siento orgullosa de que me llama English: can yet smell it here. Do something. Let me, please, I feel too bad right now. But please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. That is the part of a woman when her dead friends show up at her door and then goes on with her life. I alone. *Mournful music plays* Then, she lets the death of her friend with the lament of the lady. The lament of the lady: I feel not proud that it calls her me Spanish: "Si, por favor, por favor, por favor". ¡Es una locura! ¿Qué? Entonces tenemos una oportunidad ahora. Solo un segundo por favor. No sé de dónde viene. Así que, este es el espejo del cielo, la bella dama de este cuarto, el que siempre apareció con él, y el Señor ha querido dar esto como un regalo al mundo. Así que tú, en realidad... No te dije lo que sucedió en la casa de Jeremiah, ¿cuál era su culpa? Entonces, en esta gran oportunidad aquí, es como un jardín de hermosos plantas que solo sirven la belleza en el cuarto. Este es el Señor, porque el sol alto y el mundo se conoció el luchador y vencido con un luchador. "Pero a nadie amo, como a mí". Y esa es la razón de que tengamos este hermoso jardín que nos ama. Y que nos dio su luchador en el jardín, porque los que no aman a Dios no pueden tener una relación con el Señor y amarlo. "Estas son las cosas que me he enseñado". "Cualquiera que se asemeje a estas, es mi hijo amado." Hay dos tipos de hijos que Dios ha querido. English: "If, please, please, please". It's crazy! What? Then we get an opportunity now. Just one second please. I don't know where it's from. So, this is the glass from heaven, the beautiful lady in this room, who has always shown up with him, and the Lord has wanted to give this to the world as a gift. So you, actually... I didn't tell you what happened in Jeremiah's house, what was his fault? Then, in this great opportunity here, it's like a beautiful garden full of beautiful plants that only serve the beauty in the room. This is the Lord, because the sun high and the world knew the wrestler and the won with a wrestler. "But I love nobody, like myself". And that is why we have this beautiful garden that loves us. And that gave his wrestler in the garden, because those who don't love God can't have a relationship with the Lord and love him. "These are the things that I have taught". "Whosoever resembles these, he is my beloved son". There are two kinds of sons that the Lord has wanted. Spanish: El primero es el hijo que nació de la tierra, el joven que nació de los campos, que nació sin conocer la muerte, que nació sin que nadie se lo pidiera y que el Señor no tenía nada que ver con él. Los hijos de la tierra ocupan todos los primeros puestos, y luego el segundo tipo de hijos son los hijos que nacen de la espada de su padre y que tienen un pecado. El hijo de un hombre. El hijo de un hombre está lleno de muchos pecados. Que lo llevan en una colina de dolor. Y en el cuarto de Jeremiah, encontró al Señor de Jehová, que dijo: "Si yo estuviera en Jerusalén, mi templo está sobre mi corazón. Y haré con el corazón y con el pecho lo que diga". El Señor dijo: "Ese día, vendré a Jerusalén". "A su casa, y voy a hacer con el corazón y el pecho lo que dice. Me traerá la leche que mana por su cuarto, el Señor, como los hombres. Y me hará cantar mi tierra para las gentes de la tierra. Y ellos se alegrarán con ella y yo volveré a sentir compasión por el corazón de Jerusalén". English: The first one is the child who was born of the earth, the young one that was born of the fields, who was born without knowing death, who was born without anyone asking him and the Lord didn't have anything to do with him. Children of the earth take all the first places, then the second type of sons are the sons who were born of