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but no one is perfect. When the body becomes healthy, the body will begin to crave things that it would naturally crave without being diseased. That is the way the body naturally functions. It is because of this natural craving that certain foods which are healthy, and good for the body, are made. That is the way nature works, and if man will only allow himself to become nature's free agent, rather than try to force nature into a mold made by himself, he would enjoy a natural diet. It is the belief that man has to prepare his food that makes him try to be some super-race. That is what our super-scientists are attempting to do: They are trying to create a super-race. They hope to produce a race of super-people who will be able to run with electricity, have control over gravity, and fly through the air like birds. It is these super-scientists who put all the poisonous chemicals in our foods to destroy the body. This is because, having rejected the mind of nature, they think that the answer to the perfected body is to create a super-human body, by the use of poisonous chemicals, instead of keeping the natural body, and accepting its limitations. Nature's food is as natural as nature herself. This is because nature uses the most perfect of things to satisfy her desires. Thus if we will take a perfect berry and put it into our mouths, and we will eat it just as nature would have it digested and assimilated by our bodies, then we will never be ill, because nature will use this natural food in her purest state. I am using the word nature in its broadest sense. I do not refer to the man who is considered to be great; I speak of the vast vast majority of people, who are so ignorant that they are still ignorant of nature's laws. The ignorance of the majority of men must give rise to the idea that they are too stupid to understand nature's principles. But let them not forget that the way man is running, the whole world is in a mess. I am speaking of the majority of people—of which mankind is composed. These people are so thickly covered with ignorance that there are too many of them to make a majority, and they are the ones responsible for nearly all the evils of the world. Therefore I would advise the people to try to understand nature's laws, and when they find out, and are ready to use them, then they will not be troubled. But they must not run down the few who have discovered and practiced nature's laws—the natural health foods. These men must be supported for the people will starve unless they follow these laws. It is the responsibility of every individual to help the men who are trying to save the world, but who must be helped by the world at large in order to create better food. We must not forget that when man is eating pure, wholesome foods, it will go on without our being aware of it. It is just the same as putting fire in the belly. The fire is there but it cannot be seen. You do not see the fire, but you can feel its heat. It will change the food into the best kind of food which the system can assimilate. So it is the purpose of nature to change this bad-quality food into good food which will nourish and build up the body, and make it strong. That is all nature's purpose. How much people are aware of what is going on in nature is really a small thing. People are aware of only a very few things which are in nature and which make natural people well. So if the knowledge of one who has mastered nature becomes lost, this will not help the human race to get better, because it will only serve to create one more dead individual. Nature has created man as the highest animal in the animal kingdom. It is not man's fault that the way he runs has made him a fool and has turned the whole world upside down. Every individual is a part of nature, so the only help that people can give these men in order to get better are the good thoughts they will send to them. It will be a great thing if these men can get their message to mankind. This will put them in the lead, instead of men who do not know nature's laws. It is the majority who create the rules for the minority to follow. But if the minority will only organize and organize, they will change the whole world. The knowledge that we can find out about nature's laws, and will use them, will be able to bring an end to all disease and war, and to change the world. That is why I have been trying to give the message to man, from early childhood to old age, of eating the natural food. I have tried to say this in order to save the world. I have written some articles on this subject, the best of which I give here. I was not an expert at the time I wrote these articles, but that did not matter, because when you can understand and will practice nature's laws, you will be able to help yourself, and you will find it very simple to help others. I believe in nature's rights—that is, nature's foods. Therefore, whenever you see me making any statement, and you do not agree with it, I beg you not to be angry with me, but go on reading my book. Try to understand me, for it is because I want to help you and have faith in my teaching that I am bringing this to you in the same way that nature has brought it to me. #### **_Natural Food_** The only natural foods are milk, fresh fruits, eggs, vegetables and grains. If the foods are raw, nature will digest them herself, and she will make no mistakes; but if they are cooked, she cannot take care of them. Nature never made the body to digest the body; it is all in the hands of man who, by his knowledge, his knowledge of chemistry and physiology, can turn these foods into something that nature could never do. What is put into the human stomach, his stomach will put into a different form than that which nature would put in. You can turn a carrot, a potato, a piece of meat or any other animal food into a perfect food, and the result is your ideal body. Nature's foods can make a body that can only digest and assimilate her food; that is, when you eat her natural food you will be healthy and strong, while if you eat her unnatural food you will always be sickly and a sufferer. You may ask, "What do I eat?" And I answer, "You eat the natural foods, so that your body can digest them into the finest kind of food for it to use." When you eat the natural foods, nature's laws will be used, and the body is then perfect. But if you do not eat these natural foods, the body is then unnatural, and therefore it will not be well. And when you eat foods which are foreign to the body, it will try to digest them, but because they are not a part of nature it cannot digest them and it will be bad. These are natural laws, and there is no other law than this. It is not like trying to force nature to work for you, so you can get a body that will be perfect. Nature knows best, and if you know how to put in the right foods, then you can obtain the best results. The only difference between man and the rest of nature is the use of the mind. Your body is not a machine; it is a temple. You must not treat it like a shop where you keep all your books, papers and other things in order to try and get a man with all of them. It is for this reason that I have written this book. I have tried to put all the natural foods which nature has created. Do you think I am a fraud because I have done this? Why do you think these people do not eat the natural food? Because they do not know how to get this food. If you are able to change this, nature will help you. But you cannot have the natural food by just eating a few kinds of food at a time. No, you must learn to cook foods, and mix them together in order to make them what nature cannot. Nature will make this good food from bad, but if you know how to mix them together, they will make a bad food into good food. If this be true, why have men changed the fruits, vegetables and other foods by changing the natural juices? If nature can help you and nature is so powerful and strong, why do the doctors not know how to take care of you? Why are so many medicines necessary? They know what the body needs, but nature does not provide anything until the body needs it. To help man today, the doctors must do everything for him that nature does herself. And there is nothing you can do better than nature. You must not try to put food into the body that nature cannot digest. This will never work. What is true food for the human body? If nature made the food, then it is natural food, and you have nothing to do but let her use her own methods. Look at the animals; they live on raw food, and they have all the meat that they need. But man must have some of this meat that nature has created for himself, or else he will die and be of no use to himself. Nature can provide everything