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Odd One Out
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The Strongest Man

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It is a bit odd that this should be the case, since a few previous games, most notably Borderlands and Halo, both released in 2007, and the new game, Call of Duty: Black Ops. And a few other games that came before that, such as Super Mario Bros, and Pokemon. As far as I can tell, this is only the fourth time a single game has had three different iterations in a single console generation. The other three were Halo, Super Mario, and Pokemon. Not sure if this will just be one of those weird things I will always wonder about, but I guess it's interesting to note that it has only happened three times. Also, in addition to being interesting, it seems to hint at how console generations actually end: with a lot of games which don't fit the system. Maybe they will finally release Final Fantasy X for the PS2, since that would be an excellent game to run it on. I wonder why they waited so long. I haven't seen one since I was a kid, and I haven't heard a peep about it since then. This reminds me, in the last week or so I haven't seen one in real life. My favorite one is the Pikachu, because of it's little ears. I know I've been playing too much Super Mario Brothers lately, but this is strange. So you could play this game in the arcade on the Super Nintendo, and when it came out, you could play it on your SNES. I didn't realize that was possible, although it makes sense since most games are backwards compatible, and Super Mario was one of the more popular games from its generation. As a side note, I'm going to go through and finish playing all of my games before X-Men: The Movie is released. It seems appropriate, as I like both of those games. It seems like it's really getting close to the holidays, since it was a hot day outside. I really have no idea how Thanksgiving got scheduled on a weekend since that is so weird. It's as weird as Christmas falling on a Thursday. But Christmas is usually a day off, but Thanksgiving is a normal work day. Maybe they decided Thanksgiving would be the day to celebrate Thanksgiving, but Christmas day wouldn't work since people wouldn't be in town. I dunno. While I was watching this video, I was thinking "wait, I'm still not done eating Thanksgiving food." I was watching this yesterday and was eating pumpkin pie, and today I finished off my Thanksgiving stuffing. So, I'm eating Thanksgiving food while reading an article about Thanksgiving. That's weird. Oh, here's a link to a really good video about the concept of Thanksgiving. It's actually worth watching. I was just reading a discussion about why the PS3 is so slow, and one reason mentioned was that it doesn't have a unified clock on it. Basically, the operating system is set to run at 100MHz, so it doesn't have to do a context switch every time it switches tasks, which is why there are performance improvements. It's one reason to say that it's a "low-powered" system. They said that games such as Battlefield 2 are too demanding for the CPU, but it doesn't matter because the OS isn't changing around too much, so there aren't any speed improvements (except for the games, obviously). And my dad said that there is no way they'll be seeing a unified clock on the PS4, because if they do that, that means the CPU's performance is improved by running at a higher clock speed. I wonder if the Xbox is going to be able to get away with this as well. I doubt they'll be able to get a unified speed, since each game will be different, and the requirements are so different. They could possibly use the same trick to make the OS run a bit faster. I'm not sure if they will be able to get something similar, but I'm pretty sure that both OS's will be a bit slower than the PC's since the speed is limited to only 100 MHz or so. I'm pretty sure that both the PC and the XBox are running at a much faster speed than that, but I don't have much experience with those two things. It seems like my PS2 has stopped downloading games for me. I was trying to download a game last night, and the download kept stopping, so I thought it was weird. I haven't run any downloads in a few days, and that's when it started. My PS3 was downloading the same game, and it also froze up. It didn't make any sense, since I could still access most of my games. But I could download games like Uno, which would go without a problem, and this game. But games that I haven't downloaded yet, such as Ratchet & Clank, which I have three in the collection and haven't even started yet, were causing problems. It just wouldn't let me download them. I would stop the download, but when I tried to start it again, it wouldn't start it. I had to go on the PS3 website to download the games again, since the only way to get them was from there. I had thought that it was my network, since there are always issues when there is a lot of traffic in the network, and I haven't had an issue with that lately, but then when I went to a PC, which is on the same cable, to download this one game, it did the same thing. That's pretty weird. It's as if there was some sort of network glitch, or that the downloads just got jammed somehow. I'm sure it's not my modem or my router, since I think I have the best equipment. I have no clue as to how to fix this. I'm really surprised by this. I hope it's not my ISP since that would suck for them if they had an issue like this. The internet is what I use more than anything, since there isn't much content on DVDs that interests me. And since most of my friends are on the internet now, I tend to watch movies online on my computer rather than on DVDs. The new Ratchet & Clank game, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, is coming out today, and I decided I should probably buy it since there isn't a game in the series after it that I'm interested in. I'll be watching a movie sometime this week or sometime next week. Since it's the holiday season, I have been watching Christmas-themed videos on YouTube. I have to say, I'm not too impressed by most of them. I don't watch them for the music, which is usually the best part. Usually the best part is the acting. Not in this movie. I'm not saying that some of the holiday songs in this movie are good, but many of them aren't good at all. "Please Come Home for Christmas" had this guy singing about this really pathetic Christmas. It was all depressing. So they can sing all the songs that they want about it, but it wouldn't sound good. And all the people who watch these videos aren't like the ones who watched them in previous years. I watch a lot of these videos at Christmas, and usually there's some guy who just comes out with songs that weren't that good. And I don't have to look it up, because it's the same people all the time. Oh, here's a good Halloween video, if you are interested. It's a really bad video, and since this isn't my web design, I'm assuming it was in another language since it's pretty much pointless to try to put the videos in English. The guy is speaking really slowly, as if he didn't understand what he was saying, and he has absolutely no sense of humor or anything like that. I have no idea why he speaks in English