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I've Got Strength
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Taste the Victory
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...And Then There
It started rough,
I’m still looking
You get so fat that you need someone to tell you that when you eat, you're actually being self-destructive?" "I mean, who in the hell is that girl?" "I actually feel sorry for her." "I think you do." "You have always loved that I make mistakes." "It's always made you feel superior." "Oh, so now I'm a narcissist." "Oh, sorry, that makes it all go away?" "You can't possibly know me." "Of course I do." "How is that?" "By seeing my true colors." "Well, it's been a pleasure." "I don't suppose that you would have left those here for me?" "Well, they're here." "You know, I got to say that the way you are in the sack is one of the things that I miss the most about us." "I was really starting to get those feelings back." "I could tell." "Well, maybe one of these days you'll have those feelings again, so you can feel how much I've changed." "That would be quite a turn-on." "I have missed your sex face, Marv." "It's not the same." "It's kind of like watching a robin with a broken wing try to fly." "Or a seal in the ocean with no fish." "It's my face." "It's not you." "It's not me." "It's the situation." "Did you hear that, Marv?" "I heard that." "I felt that." "I thought that." "I'd like to try this again, but without the part where you call me Marv." "Deal." "I'll have the chow mein, and this time I won't fill it with mystery meat." "But in return, you're gonna work with me instead of against me." "I'll stay off your back if you stay off mine." "Fair enough?" "Fair enough." "So, this is how it's gonna be?" "Yeah, I'm not gonna kill you." "We're gonna be civil?" "If we have to be." "But you just lost something that might have made us very, very, very wealthy." "I'm gonna ask you for something in return." "And you're gonna say no?" "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "Hey, come on." "Come on, don't even worry about it." "They're not even gonna miss it." "Oh, that's fine." "Hey." "Come on, man." "Don't touch me like that in public, man." "Get your hands off of me." "It's fine." "Just stand still." "Listen, I'm just trying to help you out here." "I don't need your help, okay?" "You never really have." "That's why you've been so dead-set on your self-destructive path for so many years." "You need some help, Marv." "I am not gonna allow you to blow up your career, all your life work, all this time you've put in for a few months of fleeting glory." "I am going to take care of the media for you, okay?" "And that'll give you more time to focus on writing." "The man who took down Daredevil." "Ain't that some shit?" "Huh?" "You are one lucky motherfucker, is what you are." "Marv." "Marv!" "Marv!" "And if there's a hell below us, then you might see me in that cell one day." "Hey, I thought I was supposed to stay away from the walls." "When you were here before, it was kind of on the sly." "It was kind of, like, "shh, don't wake the neighbors."" "Right." "Well, that's why I brought this." "Holy shit." "I don't think I can do this." "It's like one of them scary movies." "It's like you're on a boat that's going down the river and the river's on fire and there's this monkey that likes to slap you." "Only you're not on a boat, you're in this building." "This building is on fire." "And then there's this chimpanzee that really likes to make you feel afraid and he wants to be your friend." "No, he's not my friend." "He's fucking scary." "So, you've got one chimpanzee that really likes you and one that really wants to kill you." "I've got nothing to worry about because I've got no friends at all." "No." "Exactly." "That was my point." "It's exactly what I was going for." "You know, maybe we should take a little walk." "But not together." "Yeah, I think I'll be okay on my own." "You sure?" "Yeah, man." "I am serious." "I got them right where I want them." "I don't want to do anything stupid." "He's probably gonna call me tonight." "I would." "It's business hours." "I wouldn't answer." "Come on." "Yeah." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Marv, it's Frank Griga." "You don't need to introduce yourself." "You're fucking me." "Marv, you know that I wouldn't call you unless I had something pretty fucking substantial." "What do you have?" "What's the story?" "I can't tell you over the phone." "You have to see the Daredevil for yourself." "Okay." "I can't go anywhere right now." "They're watching me pretty close." "Watching you?" "They think I'm fucking talking to you, Marv." "That's right, I gotta keep myself low-key." "Do not a get a raise in the next six months, Marv." "Go." "Listen to me." "I got a plan." "I can see how this could possibly go south." "And if it does, you get in contact with Naturelle." "Tell her I love her." "Tell her it ended badly, that I tried to fight for her." "You know, make her feel better." "And I'll disappear." "You can do that?" "Where do I go?" "I'll make it happen." "Fucking make it happen, Marv." "Find out where they're taking him." "What the fuck you looking at?" "Huh?" "Fucking stay still!" "Goddamn it!" "You're giving me a fucking headache!" "Look at this." "I got some sick-ass shit to deal with." "Hey, I got some fuck..." "Or what?" "Huh?" "You're fucking killing me, dawg!" "You're fucking killing me!" "You're a real fucking whack job, bro." "Fuck." "Not even a bunt." "That's not bad." "You're fucking hitting it and you're fucking hitting it." "Fucking blow your load like a bitch." "Fuck!" "You fucking ready to go to war now, bitch?" "Holy shit!" "You got a goddamn cannon on your back, dawg!" "Yeah." "Fucking hell." "You got a bag of shrooms?" "Oh, shit, yeah." "Fucking shrooms." "Oh, shit." "Man." "Look at this." "Oh, shit." "What the fuck?" "Is that a cannon?" "What the hell is a cannon?" "What the fuck is that?" "I don't fucking know." "Yo, D, come over here." "What you got there?" "It's a fucking gun." "Yo." "Give me that." "A real gun?" "Yeah." "A gun." "That's for you." "Oh." "Fucking hell, dawg." "Right?" "Yes, sir." "Let me see that." "Hell, yeah." "You gonna protect and serve, bro." "You know what?" "I think I am gonna have to borrow this from you." "Yeah." "All right, that's fucking awesome, man." "Thank you." "Can we get out of here now?" "Let's go!" "Fucking tingly, man." "Get out of here." "Fucking tingly, man." "All right, listen up." "There's three things you need to know about what we just witnessed." "One: location." "Where's our guy?" "Two: venue." "Where and when's he doing it?" "And location, again." "Where and when's he gonna be doing it?" "Got it?" "I got it." "I got it." "All right, one more thing, and this is the most important thing." "Anyone and everyone that knows about the event, better tell no one." "No one." "Or they will end up just like Donovan." "Are we clear?" "Yes?" "Yes, sir." "Good." "All right, don't fucking have any fun, boys." "Those of you who are still alive, do not fuck around." "This shit will kill you if you keep doing it." "So with that in mind, welcome to the rest of the day." "You still nervous?" "Do I look nervous?" "In about 30 seconds you gonna look less nervous." "I'm gonna ask you one more time before we start, do you have any questions?" "Let's go!" "