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It is a bit odd th
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This day, on The Ultimate Sacrifice: American Soldiers, Japanese Failures, and the Betrayal of the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II_ (New York: New American Library, 2007), pp. 27–37.
### **Chapter 10**
. T. J. Farrell, _Sayonara_ (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1998), p. 63; R. B. Stinnett, _Closing In: The Story of Japanese Prisoner-of-War Camps_ (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1971), p. 34.
. C. J. Duffy, _Through Mud and Blood: Marine Sniper Rifle Platoon in Korea_ (New York: A. S. Barnes and Company, 1958), p. 45.
. Duffy, _Through Mud and Blood,_ p. 31.
. Robert Capa, _Slightly Out of Focus_ (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1947), p. 22; Farrell, _Sayonara,_ pp. 65–66.
. C. J. Duffy, _Fighting Men: Twenty-three Untold Stories of the Sniper's War_ (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), p. 30.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Major Joseph R. Pangerl, USMC (Ret.), letter to author.
. Ibid.
. "The Life and Heroic Service of Lieutenant Colonel John R. Deane," , accessed July 9, 2011.
. Duffy, _Fighting Men,_ p. 54.
. Capa, _Slightly Out of Focus,_ p. 26.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Ibid.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to Colonel James Garesché, A-1–4–33, May 14, 1951.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "Life as a Prisoner of War," _New York Times Magazine,_ November 10, 1943.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "Life as a Prisoner of War," _New York Times Magazine,_ November 10, 1943.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Captain John R. Deane, C-1, I Corps, letter to author.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Major John R. Deane, ed., "My Father, Brigadier General John R. Deane," _New York Times Magazine,_ February 10, 1944.
. Captain John R. Deane