...And Then There
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Taste the Victory
With Great Power C
Facebook, Social M
I've Got Strength
The Ultimate Sacri
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You get so fat tha
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I’m still looking
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Yeah birds need be
Surveys, questiona
Boys vs. Girls
She Obviously is P
Back to the Beach
Unclaimed Gift Car
During that time,
Desperate Measures
It started rough, but somehow this film grew on me (I'm a fan of PTA after all). And while a few of the characters and situations are a bit trite or predictable, I got sucked in and gave the film a chance. I'm glad I did. It turned out to be a lot of fun. You might not know this, but Tim Burton has made 3 films (so far) that have been based on the life of Johnny Depp. The first was Sleepy Hollow, with Burton's Sleepy Hollow being a very cool and original version of the tale. Then he did Corpse Bride which is still a great fairy tale. And now, he's done Sweeney Todd. (As you know, Depp does a lot of voice work and voice acting). For this latest version, they've made a pretty major departure from the original stage show by taking it to Broadway and turning it into a musical. I personally had not heard of this. But from what I've heard from friends who have seen it, it isn't an exact translation of the original. I have to say, though, I enjoyed it, much to my surprise. I thought the main characters were well drawn, and the music was good enough to keep the action going. The action is about a young woman whose fiance is a man who's become disgraced and lives a hard life on the street. He winds up going to prison, and she (as she so happens) is taken in by Sweeney Todd. (The titular character) It's because of Todd's work that the prison will be properly fed. He agrees to help the woman (Annabel). And he puts her in contact with his victim. There's the chance that the murder will be pinned on him, and the woman will be free. So Todd decides to take his revenge on all who put him there. It's in this action that the film really gets going and keeps you engaged. It just keeps moving forward, and keeps up a pace. And there is quite a bit of action. You see, there's a man who keeps showing up to try to prevent her death. So she hides, but keeps the business going. And there's an amazing number of murders and deaths. There's just too much I could say about the story. The director was known for a good number of Tim Burton films, so this wasn't really a surprise. And the fact that they had one of the most important songs of all time (and one of the greatest, no doubt) was great. You have to realize that this isn't a film for everyone. It's an odd combination of a musical with a murder mystery. It's definitely an older film. It has adult humor (nothing "adult" though), but there are a few things in here that won't appeal to a certain audience. But if you are into films like Once Upon A Time in the West, it's one you should check out. And while there's a fair amount of blood, it's never presented as a big deal, and isn't really shown much of the time. So this could be a film that could be shown with kids (depending on the content) You'll be surprised at what happens in this film. Once you've seen the movie, you'll probably think "what the heck". But it is good in that sense. There's no reason to believe that a film made on a subject as bizarre as Sweeney Todd's Demon Barber Shop couldn't be interesting. It's the kind of film that would be hard to believe as a true story, but it makes a lot more sense than something like Fatal Attraction. It's only one problem. It feels like it was made for a TV movie, as opposed to an actual feature film. This makes it hard to watch, not only because it feels like a TV movie, but because there's only about 10 or 12 main characters in the whole thing. But as I said, the reason this makes sense is that it does go for bizarre. Like the whole Todd character, who has no problems murdering for profit (and it seems very easy to get it done). And the whole world of the underground in the 19th Century is full of criminals. But for all that I've said, the film does a very good job of keeping you interested in the whole thing. If this film (and the character of Todd) was made now it would be about all of the action films of the last 20 years. However, even though this guy keeps to his underground, you won't see many films that go this dark and gritty. So for that alone, you'll probably enjoy it. You just have to be willing to watch a film that takes itself seriously. For me, and probably for you, I felt the film was good enough to make up for that, and that it was worth the ride, and that I got something good out of it. It's a strange film, as I said before, but it's well done and you'll probably like it a lot. I don't like movies with sex in them. And I don't like movies that are as overt as this. But I still liked it. If you're on the same page as me, then you'll likely like this film too. You've seen the story. And you've probably seen the original. And you probably remember that the film was a big box office success. And you may know this, but it's true. But you may not know how well this was received by many. The film has a bit of a cult following now, with most liking it for many reasons. But I found it to be rather boring, and that the film, as I said before, doesn't have much of an ending. It just kind of ends and doesn't really answer anything. And it doesn't seem to have much of a story at all. In a film that takes itself seriously, it kind of feels like something else in a film like this. But here, it doesn't. It seems like a failed experiment. And the film just kind of has a lot of weird things happen that we can't figure out. As for why I would recommend it, I'm not sure. But I will say that it's one of the few films that takes itself seriously that I actually recommend. And it does have a strange charm, and you just might find it cool. You might not like it at all, but it is kind of strange. You might have seen the trailers or heard that it's a bad ass film about the Iraq war. You might even know that many want to go to Iraq after this film. You'll probably see this and think "the film must be good if so many people want to go there". But the film is good. It really is. It does a very good job of showing what war is like. It really shows the feeling of being there, and the feeling of being in the middle of an action movie. You'll probably think it's just like seeing a movie, or some kind of action drama. But there's a lot of thought that goes into it. And in the end it's not a typical war film. This is a film about the war and the feelings of someone who is thinking of going. It's a pretty good movie. There are some scenes where you'll just be in awe at what's happening. And you'll think this is the coolest movie you've ever seen. And if you don't have any combat experience, it will seem even more intense. And I felt sorry for the main character, and thought he was just a character. And it makes it hard to see what he sees as someone who has never gone to war. And that's probably what makes the film so interesting. The rest of the film seems to be about this one man and his experiences. And it shows what war is like. It's not a typical war film by any means. It's not as intense as we all think it is, but there are scenes that will make you want to say "Yeah". And you'll say "man, this is intense". There are other great scenes where you'll think "that was the best acting I've ever seen in a film". The music was good. You know you're watching a war film when you see Iraqi music. And there's a lot of good acting in the film. In the end, though, the film doesn't really answer anything. And it isn't your usual war film. It doesn't have a typical ending. It's more like a story about a guy who knows that things are bad, but he's stuck in it and he wants to be there for his country. It's not hard to see how it's hard to see what's going on. Even the way the film is written doesn't help the situation. The whole thing is a bit confusing. You have one scene which takes a day and a half to set up. And then it shows a day or two in front of camera