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Girl Power
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An Evil Thought
Not the Only Actor
Each time you will repeat the chant. Tie a knot in your scarf. Hold on to it. Visualize. It is your rope of life. Bury your scarf under a tree near your home and dig up a clump of earth and put it in your pocket. It will bring you happiness and inner peace. Put the clump of earth you have dug up into a dish, preferably the same color as the scarf you buried. Eat it. Enjoy. If you need more happiness in your life in a certain period of time, repeat this process every day for 21 days. The magic will happen. In your journal, write down all your happies and list them under the date the action occurred. Write down three happies and put them in a jar. The jar can be your handmade ceramic pot or any other ceramic pot. Label it happiness. Each morning before your feet touch the floor, say: “I live in a world where there are no troubles and worries. I live in a world where there are no troubles and worries.” When the time of year arrives when you wish to harvest your corn, or whatever you’ve grown in your garden, do not throw it into the bin. Leave it on the stalk for a few days. This morning, visualize your crops as soon as you wake up. Visualize as much of the crop as you can visualize being in that bowl as you pass by your bedside and put it into the bowl. As you pass each bedroom, fill their bowls as well. Your wife or husband will appreciate this! If you’re going to bed before your spouse, leave the bowl by the front door. This will bring you closer to them in the morning. The harvest will be bigger than you can imagine. It’s amazing. You can then share it with all the other people in your home and the people living on your street or in the neighborhood. When you harvest your strawberries, take them in the kitchen and place them in the sun. Place your hand on the berry and feel the goodness and power come to you. Pray for them. When your wheat is ready, place them on a plate in the center of the house and start sprinkling salt. Watch it transform into golden, brown, golden, golden brown, golden, green, green, yellow, green, etc. The more grains you see, the more you will receive in return. Your grains will have a natural taste to them now that they have been blessed by God. Gather up your grains and eat. As you eat, think of what you are eating and what it does for you. Each time you eat, it will become easier to do. Before you have breakfast, wake up and take a few minutes to go outside in the dark. As you take in a few deep breaths, feel the fresh air. It will give you so much more energy. Imagine every morning you wake up you will have greater access to the energy and wisdom of God in your life. Make your breakfast into a blessing before you eat it. Eat mindfully. In other words, pay attention to what you eat. Try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are the most powerful healers in your life. If you are not in a position to have fresh vegetables all the time, the best you can do is eat frozen foods that have minimal sugar. Eat only when you’re hungry. If you are not, do not eat. Trust your body to tell you when you need to eat. The best way to know when you are hungry is when you are full. When your stomach starts to growl before you have finished your meal, it is time to eat. Eat like you are the Goddess herself, and never eat anything you do not wish to. Ask God for what you want. Eat one thing, then another. This will help to cleanse your body and your mind. Always drink purified water. If you have any doubts about the water you are drinking, throw it away. If you can’t afford to buy bottled water, it is important to buy a purifier that filters out contaminants and puts the water through an ultraviolet light, which kills all forms of bacteria. Make sure the water has been filtered from the tap by running it through a filter in the house. If you have a purifier like the “Ultra Miracle” water filter in my recommended equipment section, it is a fantastic investment. If you don’t have a purifier, get one. You will notice a difference in the taste of the water and in your health. Pray at night before going to sleep. Ask God for help with the problems you are facing. In the morning when you wake up, thank God for your health, your family, and all the blessings in your life. Visualize yourself waking up. Visualize the sun rising. Wear an amethyst crystal around your neck. It is the amethyst stone that will give you protection. Drink one cup of hot water with one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice every morning. It will boost your immune system and you will be protected from any type of stress you might face. If you don’t have time to drink it in the morning, you can still do it at night before you go to bed. If you start from the age of 25, you will look about 50 by the time you are 100. You will be free of any diseases you might have and have excellent health for as long as you live. In the morning, get up one hour before you have to leave for work. It’s important to get up at the same time you did when you were young, around 5:00 AM. As you stand up, feel how tall you are. Go to the bathroom. Start your morning routine. Put your clothes on. Make your breakfast. Wash your face and brush your teeth. Don’t eat your breakfast when you first get up. Only do that when you get back from work or school. When your body tells you you are hungry, eat something light like fruit, juice, or cereal. A glass of green juice is perfect in the morning for young children because it will give them energy and start their day off right. Once you have your breakfast, drink a glass of pure water. You are now ready to begin the day. As you wash your hands, visualize God washing your hands, clearing away any problems in the future. Every morning, just before you eat, say a prayer to God. “Thank you for this blessing of God, for this day and for the food. Please help me to make good use of the food, and give me the energy and wisdom to use the food properly.” Visualize your goals being fulfilled as you eat. Take the last bite of your food, close your eyes, and eat it in your mind. Look for things you are grateful for in your life and imagine it manifesting right now. Do you feel lighter when you’re finished? This will be your daily habit every morning as long as you do it. Once you’ve finished eating, leave the room without talking. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. You should save it for a full discussion and prayer. Have you noticed how some mornings your morning goes so smoothly, and other mornings are tougher than others? Don’t try to figure out why. Simply trust that there is a reason why you had that morning. If you are going through a stressful time in your life, have you noticed you are more stressed than usual? Do this morning routine every day for three weeks and see how much better you will feel. The morning routine does not have to be done perfectly. As long as you get up and get dressed in the morning and do the same things every day, you will experience an increase in your confidence and your self-esteem. You will be doing the right things at the right time. There is a wonderful feeling that comes from waking up in the morning. You feel alive. Your body is energized by your actions. Do not think too much when you have to make an important decision. Just go with your first