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bothose.com/blog/2013/02/27/how-to-handle-the-one-million-visitors-to-our-site/#respondWed, 27 Feb 2013 15:26:49 +0000http://www.bothose.com/blog/?p=1749 It’s a pretty simple recipe. Find a few awesome articles about any topic and post them on your blog. Write about the stuff that interests you and your readers. Give some shoutouts to other people in your industry. And enjoy the traffic! But there’s a better way. Follow these 5 steps for SEO ]]>https://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/27/how-to-handle-the-one-million-visitors-to-our-site/feed/017490Why I hate SEO and still do ithttps://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/26/why-i-hate-seo-and-still-do-it/ https://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/26/why-i-hate-seo-and-still-do-it/#respondTue, 26 Feb 2013 20:03:00 +0000http://www.bothose.com/blog/?p=1666 I’ve been doing SEO since 2003. It is the single biggest contributor to the traffic and sales on bothose.com. But I don’t like it, and I’ve even hated it at times. Why do I do it then? Well, because it still works and I can’t seem to find anything that works better for me. And I know a lot of other SEO companies that don’t like it much, either. If you know someone that does SEO but still doesn’t like it, how do you convince them to do it? ]]>https://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/26/why-i-hate-seo-and-still-do-it/feed/016656What does SEO mean?https://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/20/what-does-seo-mean/ https://www.bothose.com/blog/2013/02/20/what-does-seo-mean/#commentsFri, 22 Feb 2013 14:23:19 +0000http://www.bothose.com/blog/?p=1082 Ever since search engines started showing search results on web pages, marketers have been trying to rank their sites on the first few pages so they could be seen. This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There are a number of factors that determine how good your site is on the search engines. But in the last 5-10 years, the term SEO has changed. The original definition of SEO was on-page SEO, or on-page factors that determine how good your site is when you search in Google. It usually consists of 3 parts: backlink profile, content, and title. And we can agree that backlink profile has little to do with SEO. So, this leaves us with content and title. Now we talk about what makes a good title. We agree that it has to be enticing and contain keywords that people are searching for. This is called keywords. If you are using your keywords properly in title, your site would be good. So, to summarize: SEO = page title + keywords. Unfortunately, with the increased use of social media and many more places to publish your work, it becomes more and more difficult to control what gets published. And this is where the term SEO has changed. Social media is not only about publishing your work. It’s about publishing content on social networks where you share your views and opinions on what you find interesting. Facebook is the world’s largest social network, and with it, the definition of SEO has changed. There are many factors to consider on this platform. The goal of SEO is to attract targeted audiences to your website, or social networks in this case. To do this, we try to make sure that people find our posts valuable and compelling. To do this we need to make sure that they can find our content. It’s obvious that we need to provide the content in the first place. But what should we provide? We should write about what we think others would like to read. We use keywords to get others to notice our posts. It’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you write about what you know, the more people will appreciate your posts, and they will learn more about your topic. When you write about the things you like, your site becomes popular. We call it audience targeting. People who use Facebook to consume content can be divided into 4 groups: Fans, Followers, Connectors, and Leaders. Fans are the typical users of Facebook. They do not care if it’s a real friend or not, they will see your post whether you are friends with them or not. Most of your fans are in the middle age range. And you can learn how to target them on Facebook from http://www.bothose.com. They tend to share links to interesting stuff they read. This is why you need to learn how to write engaging content. You have to put a lot of effort into getting people to like what you do, and then they’ll like what you say. Followers, on the other hand, are not the most valuable. These people only come to your site if you give them a reason to. They never come back, and you can’t really grow a large audience if you only talk to them. Followers, however, usually are pretty enthusiastic about what they like. They may not post on your wall, but they check your stuff out for a while and then they go to the kitchen. You should target these people. They may become fans later, but it’s easier to grow your audience this way. The biggest mistake is to focus only on fans. You’ll reach a lot of people, but you have to work harder to keep them. Connectors are the people that do not come to your site because they are not in your target market. But they might share your posts with their friends who are in your target market. You should build a long-term relationship with these people. Give them some exclusive content, for example, special reports from your blog. Also, you should help them out. Give them advice on their problems. It’s this long-term relationship that will make them stick to your site for some time. Then, when the time is right, you can ask them to buy something. This is usually done in the context of content or a white paper. Leaders, on the other hand, are interested in your company and they really like your stuff. They are usually willing to support you. Ask them for testimonials or reviews. It will make them happy to read positive comments from you, and you can also give them some special discounts. I will describe these people more in the conclusion. People don’t care about your blog or your website, as long as they know who you are. So, let’s look at how we can get people to find us on Facebook. First, you need to create a page on Facebook. There are various things that Facebook does not allow without an actual fan base, so this step is important. Next, you should start adding connections to your personal profile. You should not only connect with your friends, but also with people you met at networking events, organizations, and groups where you are involved. If you own a business, you should always have groups there. Add as many connections as you can. This will make your profile look better and let your fans know that you are active and interested in connecting with them. You should also add connections to your own groups, and you should do this quite often. Your fans would like to see that you are concerned about what they are doing. Once you have these connections, you can create a fan page for your blog. It is easy to do this, it takes a few steps. Go to the tab called Facebook Pages. On the left side, click the Create a page option. Enter a name for your new page. I recommend that you add something related to your company. On the right side of the page, click Create page. You will now have a page, which will be available to everyone who likes your fan page. You will have to add content to your new page. Click the Edit option on the left side of the page, and type some text. Make sure you get the basics right, for example, include an image. And make sure to add some interesting links to your posts. The posts will not go viral unless you add a lot of images and links to your posts. Once you have done this, you have to make sure you promote your new page. This will give you more followers and also get you attention on Facebook. People don’t just come to your site. People are on Facebook to talk with each other, see posts and pictures, share pictures, and read news. And that’s where you come in. You need to keep them there. The trick is that you need to give them stuff to do. And here are a few ways to do that: Give out free content, such as articles, eBooks, and reports. You can