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men got closer to the people I mean, they had to go through the people you know, the people with the cameras yeah, yeah they’re trying to show the real life, they wanted to show the kids you know, and the people of New York, you know. And you know, you’re in New York or anywhere really, you know your home is where you feel at home you know but to show the humanity that was shown by the Twin Towers, that was a, it was a great tribute to the people that came from Brooklyn and other boroughs all around the area to see that. It was really a great, it was a great tribute you know. T.A.: Yeah. I understand that you have been in, just a little bit about your life now, you have been in New York for a long time, have you ever been to England? D: No I haven’t. T.A.: You should though. D: I would like to, yes I would like to visit England. T.A.: Yes, you have to! D: I’ve never been in, there is another, they have another show in England? T.A.: It’s called The Voice. D: Yes I heard about that, I would like to go, have to go and see that, it’s the only place I’ve seen it was here so. T.A.: How old were you when you first came to New York? D: I was 15. T.A.: It was just at the start of your career? D: Yes T.A.: Now you’ve come all this way, so many countries, I mean a lot of people would be really happy with that, if they were where you are now you know so, have you ever been to Asia? D: No I haven’t T.A.: You have never been to Asia, okay. D: No I’m not too up with the Asian things, I’m too, too used to watching Asian things on TV I guess you know. T.A.: Can you do some stuff? D: I can only do that much and a, I can also, I also have to be in New York. T.A.: Okay so you have to be in New York and doing New York stuff, the other thing, you know you’ve gotta do stuff with England, you have to do some Asia, do you understand what I mean by Asia? D: Yeah I just don’t really want to do that, my favorite thing to do is be able to get up and make that sound. I like doing my thing you know, I don’t like leaving. T.A.: Oh so your English is your first language, your own language. D: Yeah my language is English, but there are a lot of cultures around, all around me, that I think is so beautiful. T.A.: Why don’t you do it? D: I do sometimes. T.A.: Why don’t you just be as proud of your cultural background as you are of America? D: It’s different. T.A.: It’s different, but? D: I just don’t know, like it is my English, like I said before. I am proud of my English, but for some reason, I’m happy that I’m able to learn more languages and still, still keeping it going. I feel good about that you know, but yeah I feel like I can’t always go back and I have to keep on going. So I’m happy with it, I’m happy with it like that. T.A.: Yeah, it’s a good quality to have. D: Yeah it is. T.A.: Do you have any plans of coming over to America, or are you going to stay in England, is it going to be an English Christmas for you? D: Yes, for sure. T.A.: Good, okay, I’m gonna ask you like I’m not very good with foreign languages, I can only communicate in English, and I have to ask you some questions now but I want to go back to a past time, you were very successful in the English charts. D: Oh I was, yes. T.A.: You were very popular with your voice and stuff, so then how did that come about? Did you want to sing? Did you ever think of being in the movies? D: No I just wanted to have fun and what I saw was that as soon as I started singing, it was a, I didn’t expect anything so and then one day I sang in a movie and it just went from there, it was a big jump. I just jumped into it. I never thought about being in movies you know, I just thought about singing, you know, doing shows with my girlfriends, that’s all I wanted. It just came along you know, it just came along and just kept growing. T.A.: Yeah. Well, when did you first, did you have a dream? Or did you just love to do it? Was it when you first went in the studio? D: I had no dream of, no. You know in New York it’s pretty small so, we have to stay in the, you know the nightclub, we have to be in the theatre, we have to be here, we have to be there. And it’s just, it’s really crazy how fast it happened. And I think there’s a song that I recorded, about five years ago, that I was singing about my friends on the block and and this person that just fell off the, or something like that, I was singing about all of them and when it went viral, you know it was going, I’ve got this song going and then it was just going viral because it was a new thing, and everything is different now, you know, and I think that’s the dream or something like that. I’m like, I didn’t expect to be like this but it, I’m just really glad that I’m doing it. T.A.: Yeah, it’s, it’s a dream come true, it was a dream. What are some of the artists that you admire? I mean because you’re working with a lot of artists now. D: Yes. T.A.: You have to listen to a lot of music. D: Well it depends. T.A.: You know, we’ve got a lot of pop singers here, but who do you like, and who inspires you? D: Well I don’t know, it’s very different, you know? It’s very different. I mean like one time I just heard this voice over the TV and I said, oh man, I would love to hear that voice and I recorded it and then I listened back and said, wow, that’s not really me but this song, when it came out, it became a single, I mean, it did really well. So like everybody’s different, you know, we all have our own style of going with the program. T.A.: Yeah, and I know what you mean, everybody does it differently. D: Yeah but I mean like for example I don’t really like pop music that much, just like, if it’s good pop music, if it’s good, you know, like a good track, it’s nice music, you know, it’s always good to put in your iPod and just enjoy. T.A.: So I guess what inspires me is you know, I listen to the radio or anything, and I get inspired from that. D: Yeah that’s good, that’s cool, but not a lot of you know, not a lot of my people or my people that I listen to really inspire me, I just listen to it, because it inspires me and, you know, I’ve never been inspired by really trying to be like them, it’s just when they sing it, it’s just like that’s what I was inspired by. T.A.: Yeah. I never understood that, you know. I’m just really happy, you know, music makes me happy, whatever music is put out there. D: Yeah that’s good. T.A.: It makes me happy. D: Well that’s good. T.A.: Well have you got any songs that you’re working on at the moment? D: Yes, I do have something but no I don’t know what it’s going to be yet, I don’t know what it’s going to be. T.A.: Okay? D: I don’t know what it is going to be like and it’s like now I get the opportunity to change my sound, like my sound’s been going on for the last five years and I want to change it and try something new. So you never really know what you’re gonna get and