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I'm No Dummy I also have an Amazon US site at This blog, the podcasts, and the articles are about spiritual awakening, awakening news, awakening literature, personal development, the evolution of consciousness, spirituality, holistic health, and the awakening energy of love. Awakening information that is timeless and relevant for all times and stages of awakening. Here is a podcast in which I interview many spiritual teachers from around the planet, including a dear one, Anamar, from France who is now in America. I have been asked to create a youtube channel. I have no idea what to do, how to do it, or who should be the creator. If any of you have any ideas please contact me by a comment below or on youtube message. Thank you. Awakening from the Matrix – Oneness and Separateness Awakening Within – Audio Guided Meditation – A deep meditation on Oneness, Oneness and Separateness – a perfect meditation for a special anniversary or birthday or to receive a message from your Higher Self. – Learn more from me about Spiritual Awakening, Meditation, Consciousness, Spiritual Emergency, etc. at Love the World and Unite Together This beautiful audio meditation was created by Michael Leunig in the years 1984-5. The main focus of this audio meditation is Love as an Energy – an energy that is a very important aspect of the divine plan, which is to Love as much as possible (especially people and Earth). This audio meditation is very powerful and life-changing. Please also watch the video with it, as it serves as an introduction to the meditation itself. As you know, our planet is suffering a lot at the moment. This audio meditation will make you feel a strong, loving desire to take action for love and for making this planet a peaceful place. In order to change the current reality, we need an even bigger collective consciousness to Love. And we can achieve this only by creating a deeper collective Love, which can’t happen if we do not Love ourselves. The main point of the meditation is this: We can do much more to help others and to achieve a positive future for all of us if we Love one another and create a deeper feeling of Love, which will bring this feeling everywhere. Love is a spiritual practice, because we need to feel Love in order to feel stronger, to feel our connection with the divine, and ultimately feel the Oneness that is a spiritual dimension. In order to feel Love as an energy, we need to activate a part of our bodies that is responsible for this feeling, which is our heart center. The main issue of the Oneness Meditation is to activate your heart center, which will lead to higher levels of loving feelings. Once you feel that you can love, it will be much easier to create the feeling that will spread in your life. During this meditation you will create many new cells in the body, which will in a way become a “body of Love”. Each time you will repeat the meditation you will create new cells and new cells will lead to a stronger feeling of Love within you, which will be the new energy that will radiate through your heart center and the rest of your body. You can find more about this meditation on our website at Awakening Meditation My first video!! My aim in creating this audio meditation was to create something that would help you awaken as quickly and easily as possible. This audio meditation is designed to help create this shift as quickly as possible. Please watch the video before you listen to the audio as it’s recommended 🙂 To receive a message from your Higher Self regarding your current situation and the message you need to help yourself at this time, please contact me through the form on my website at Wake Up! This is a recording of “Awakening From the Matrix – A Guided Meditation” by The Awakening Within. This recording was done in June 2012 at the Awakening Now Retreat at the Castle Hill retreat center, located in Sonoma County California. After making this recording I decided to go back to a deeper meditative state. This time I decided to connect with my “Higher Self” in a deep meditation. This part of the video contains this new and deeper experience of deeper meditation with the help of my Higher Self. This is only one of the five different meditations I did during the time of my retreat. To get this specific message from your higher self, please contact me by email through the form on this page. Awakening from the Matrix – The Separation Is Over This audio meditation is a beautiful meditation about the Love you have for your beloved, your friend, the world, animals and nature. You will experience deep love and how much love you have for everything around you. Please also watch the video with it, as it serves as an introduction to the meditation itself. Guided Awakening Awakening Within Guided Meditation – A deep guided meditation in which we dive deeply into the unconscious fear, and get to know it’s many faces, all that blocks us from moving in life. A perfect meditation for a special birthday or anniversary or to receive a message from your Higher Self. – Learn more from me about Spiritual Awakening, Meditation, Consciousness, Spiritual Emergency, etc. at Mental Illness & Chronic Life Phobia On an international level, I think we can agree that human existence on this planet is quite insane. There are wars, poverty, famine, the rise and fall of so many kingdoms and countless other forms of suffering that we should be able to do much better than this. But it seems that as many of us are waking up and being able to take our power back, our consciousness is taking over and we are in the process of transforming all of this. The main point I would like to leave with you in this article is that every single one of us is going through his/her own personal growth and awakening process. This is my personal belief, as most of us are experiencing so many things that can’t be described by reason. This is not only happening with the mental illness we have all seen and lived through on this planet, but also with the process of getting rid of the life phobia we live with each day, without knowing why. This meditation can be of great value to you if you are going through an intense phase in your life right now, whether it be a relationship break up, or the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, loss of a country etc. The main purpose of this meditation is to wake up and remember that there are two ways in which life can show up for you. There is the way you see it and then there is the reality of how you see it. It is of great value if you feel that there is a purpose for all this happening, and in fact your purpose has to do with getting rid of whatever is not aligned with your higher-self, so that you can move forward and do your next level of spiritual development. Please take the time to watch the video first, as it’s a very important message to help you understand the process better. After you watched the video please practice this meditation as much as possible. If it doesn’t work for you the first time, don’t worry, give it a second chance and after that you will be able to benefit from it much more easily. Please do not give up, even if it doesn’t work for the first few times. I know it’s hard but it takes time and if we stay consistent enough to give the process a chance, we will see this meditation will work for you. After you get the hang of it, you will be able to get to know the process better. Thank you for your time, Alex. You can find more about this meditation at Mental Illness & Chronic Life Phobia I just wanted to share this message that was very powerful for me. In fact, I think it is one of the most powerful and important meditations that I ever heard! It is called “Mental Illness & Chronic Life Phobia.” In my audio meditations I try to share only things that can help you and add to your wisdom. One of these is about overcoming mental illness, what it is, why it happens, and also what to do in this situation, as this is one of the most important and most difficult situations you will ever go through. In this meditation we will go through the process of dealing with a chronic mental illness and also how to deal with something that many of us are going through on a daily basis. Something that many of us think is the result of a broken brain, when in fact there is much more going on with it than this. In other words, I’m saying that we are all going through an inner healing process, and one of the reasons we are going through it is that in fact, we are all “in the same boat.” At least that’s the way I see it, and in fact, it’s true to some extent. Please take the time to listen and watch this meditation first before