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An Evil Thoughts of A Big Man #1: You should watch my blog video about the new Fury of Dracula film starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and David Niven. Check it out. I’ve decided to start a blog. It’s a part of my life now. The web site is below, but in case you don’t want to know my site, I’ll tell you anyway. It is called Evil Thoughts of A Big Man, and I will post anything I feel like. Why not, right? So far, I’m a really big fan of the new Fury of Dracula film starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and David Niven. So today I will tell you about it in this blog. The film was released to theaters this year. This film is based on Dracula, but I’m not sure it is completely accurate to the book Dracula, by Bram Stoker. The book starts out kind of weird in my opinion. The only thing I really like about the book is how different it is from the 1931 version that starred Bela Lugosi. The book didn’t have Count Dracula showing up in a fog in the first 5 minutes of the movie and explaining to everyone what they should be doing. The book has Dracula showing up in Transylvania on a trip to see the land and then be visited by a traveling Englishman named Jonathan Harker. When the film made him just show up without any real introduction, I thought the movie was going to stink. The book is the movie on one of the other movies. Nowadays, the book is not scary like it was when I was growing up. The book is scary now because I think some people are using it as a bible for their crazy religions. I bet some people even read the book and try to find ways to worship in a creepy like way, like trying to turn one of the vampires into Dracula, or try to have everyone kiss her in the book where Dracula kisses Harker. They do all those things in the movie too. I guess it is like reading a story you are supposed to love and then someone shows you all the creepy stuff they wrote and you think it is great! The film, Fury of Dracula, is really good. Dracula’s name is not actually Count Dracula, it’s an American from America. When he was only 16, he and his father were murdered by an evil gypsy woman, and Dracula was cursed to live forever. The real Count Dracula did live in Transylvania in the old castle when the evil gypsy woman cursed him. He wasn’t dead. He was alive. She did not kill him. It’s like that in the book. So that’s why I like it. Dracula is from the old castle in Transylvania. Dracula had lots of enemies, and he did not want to be in Transylvania because he was too busy fighting off his enemies. When he did go to Transylvania he got into a lot of bad trouble. It was like watching all the old B movies where the Nazis were trying to come to America. Some of the things Dracula did were very strange. He took people into his castle, hypnotized people, burned people, and made people do nasty stuff that hurt them. He just made people do stuff he didn’t like them to do! It was crazy! His father came back as a weird ghost type person who would put you to sleep so you would wake up after he took your blood. That was the other thing he liked to do; take your blood! Dracula could hypnotize you and make you do things like make people stay in his room for years by looking at their faces and looking at their body’s or making you walk into a wall, or burn yourself. So basically, you got hypnotized by Dracula. Or he would hypnotize you and you would not want to be hypnotized or just sleep. He would make you sleep so you wouldn’t be able to wake up in a few years or he would put a curse on your house. If you wanted to, you could still be able to wake up, but it would take a lot longer and you would be ugly like the girl in the movie who was turned into a mummy. But her hair and face came back to normal after a long time. So that’s what I like about the movie. It’s crazy in a good way. I like how Dracula does things to other people that I don’t think I would do if I could do them to someone. He even gives Harker the necklace of Mina Harker, his future wife, when he has the book of spells in his hands and he wants to curse Mina so she will be normal like the other woman. He gives the necklace to Mina to wear on a necklace she doesn’t have and gives her lots of nice clothes. He wants her to dress in a nice way and look nice, so I guess he wants her to be pretty because she is going to marry him when he changes her into a vampire. But I don’t know how long she could live with the curse, and I wonder what the movie makers have in store for her later, since she is going to die in the book. I really liked all the special effects of the film. It was very believable in a weird way. The ghost of Dracula could show up whenever he wanted to in a black cloak and his boots. He wore a cape too, but I don’t know how he did that. I am going to find out next time I watch the film to find out. Also, I really like how he did the special effect where Dracula disappears or appears with a big flash light that makes the back of the projector disappear and the screen appear. It’s a very good effect. The movie is very exciting when Dracula comes in and people are running all over the place. I like when the film makes it look like people are running because Dracula is on his way to town and he will be there soon. The film makes it seem like Dracula is getting stronger and stronger by killing more people in his vampire world. The last one was killed by Dracula when the woman was in a cave looking at a hole with a red jewel in it. The jewel was said to give you all your money if you got the jewel when Dracula used it. Dracula used it to make himself richer and stronger, but Dracula was mad when he used the jewel and he had to destroy the woman in the hole! I’m not sure that I would be allowed to destroy her since it might be hard to find one. Dracula made her a dragon too, but when I saw the last movie, he couldn’t find the dragon that lived in the hole with the jewel. I think the person was already dead, so he just needed to use her blood and some evil words to turn her into a dragon. I don’t know what happened to Dracula’s vampire friend. I heard that Dracula put him into a castle in London where he lives now, but I am not sure. I know that he didn’t find Dracula in the new movie, so maybe he was taken away somewhere by a really weird looking little man who is always with Dracula. Maybe it is Dracula! What I think I like about the film is that you see a lot of different bloodsuckers in it. I really love the idea of vampires with different personalities. One vampire thinks that he is just a normal person. He doesn’t believe he can fly, even though people tell him he can. I think that vampire wants to prove that people don’t see him flying. I think I will watch the rest of the series that is made of Dracula and all the vampires. It was fun being turned into a vampire, even though it wasn’t real. I know some people would like the idea of being a vampire, but not me! I would be really scared and probably want to go into the sunlight. I would still be sad though. When they turn Dracula into a bat in one of the movies, I think it is hilarious. The movies are really good! In my book, they made it like Dracula made all the vampires on his own, and the only people who had anything to do with Dracula were the vampires around him, and not his family or friends. I think it is kind of sad that he is forced to be like that because it could be fun to not be a vampire and stay normal. He could even be a