We've recently dis
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
FTL is not possibl
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril

Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
FTL is not possibl
Concrete may have
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Quietly, Quiggly s
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for the long awaited showdown. Suddenly, he heard the noise of wings... The Quiggly Man slowly closed his eyes, as he thought back to the night the Quiggly Man was created and the night he was created. As he had sat beneath the light of the moon in the garden of the Fierce Lion, with the stars shining down on him. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice crying out for help... "HELP ME!" Quiggly screamed as his eyes popped open, and he looked around him, "How did you find me!?" the quiggly man asked, shocked, "How could you find me?" The night in question was the same night the Quiggly Man's true form was sent into the sky, before the full moon, "I'm the same creature you found!" Quiggly exclaimed. "So, you really are a troll?" the Quiggly Man said, shocked, "I thought you were just an over exaggerated figure of speech!" "You must have been very drunk when you saw me!" the quiggly man chuckled. "So, what are you doing here?" Quiggly asked, "What are you?" "I am the Quiggly Man! I am the man with no man!" the Quiggly Man declared. "So, you have no man?" Quiggly asked, "No...man?" "Yes! Just like a fish without a..." the quiggly man started to say, but he saw a flash of movement in his peripheral vision, "But, before I was born, there was a man who was not a man. A troll who stole my egg from me. This troll turned his back on the one he loved, and tried to raise a fatherless child as his own. His name was Quiggly Quix, and he was my enemy!" "So you are really a troll after all!?" the Quiggly Man asked him. "The egg, the egg! You will find it at the peak of Mt. Clapboard!" the Quiggly Man exclaimed. "Clapboard?" the Quiggly Man asked. "Clapboard, Clapboard, Clapboard! Clapboard hill, Clapboard hill, Clapboard hill! I love you, Clapboard hill!" the Quiggly Man sang, before he ran away, "Oh boy! I found the man with no man! Just as I suspected, he's a troll, and he's going to steal my egg!" Quiggly, now convinced that the Quiggly Man was his enemy, and that he was on his side, decided that it was high time to go after the egg. Quiggly had no idea how he would get away from the Man with No Man and return to the mountain. However, he was not to worry, the only problem was, he had no idea how he would get to the mountain. After thinking hard for a moment, he remembered the Man with No Man and his love of the peak of Clapboard Hill, Clapboard Hill. Clapboard Hill was where he would be, "Well, as long as I don't go uphill, I can still go uphill." he said, as he turned towards the mountain and began running uphill, "My Clapboard hill!" he cried. A while later, Quiggly stopped running, "Oh no! I am in the middle of Clapboard Hill! This cannot be happening, I am stuck in the middle of the mountain with no way out! As the moon shines down on my situation, I hear a voice. It's that voice! I have to follow that voice, and I have to follow that voice!" he said, as he set off, leaving his shadow behind, "This is no dream, this is no dream!" he continued to chant to himself, as he turned the corner and saw... "The moon! The moon is beckoning me! Quick! Quick! Quick!" he exclaimed. "The moon! I must follow the moon!" he said, as he chased after the moon as quickly as he could, "Wait! What is that?" Quiggly asked, as he tripped over a branch. At this moment, Quiggly heard a voice behind him, "Hey, buddy! Are you ok?" Quiggly looked up to see a brown haired man, who was dressed in an ascot, a button up shirt, brown trousers, and a pair of shiny black shoes. The man was holding a lantern, "You're a little banged up!" the man said, "Is everything alright?" Quiggly looked at the man, "It's you!" the Quiggly Man shouted, "The man who stole my egg!" Quiggly began to sob, "Don't you see!?" the Quiggly Man cried, "I am not alone!" The man looked around, "Where's he?" the man asked, "Where is the egg thief!" the Quiggly Man asked, "I don't know what you are talking about, pal!" the man said, "Well, if you don't tell me, I'll just take your lantern!" the man said, "Maybe I'll find the egg thief, and sell his liver to the zoo." the man said, "Maybe I'll sell his liver to the zoo, and use the money to buy one of his eyes to eat. That would be tasty! Wouldn't it?" "So, who are you?" Quiggly asked, "And how do you know about my egg?" "Look, buddy! What do I have to do to get you to tell me what you're talking about!?" the man asked. Quiggly cried, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I'm talking about!" Quiggly said, "The egg..." "Where's my liver?" the man asked, "I've been listening to you talk for five minutes, and you still haven't told me where the egg is!" the man stated. "The egg is..." Quiggly began to say, "What's with the eyes?" he asked the man. "Okay, enough chitchat! The egg is with my dear wife, on a mountaintop!" the man said. "You don't look old enough to have a wife," Quiggly said, "Where is she?" Quiggly asked. "On the peak of Clapboard Hill, of course! She is waiting for me to return!" the man said, "Hey! Don't you think this story is getting kind of boring? I mean, you have nothing to say, you don't have an egg, and you won't tell me who stole your egg. I am so bored, I can't even continue this. So, let's just say goodbye, pal, and I'll leave you alone." the man said. "Are you sure?" Quiggly asked. "Are you sure?" the man asked. "You really want me to give you this egg?" Quiggly asked. "Don't tempt me!" the man said, "I want the egg bad enough to eat your brain!" he added. "Well, I don't like to make threats, but you've left me no other choice," Quiggly said, "You know, the name of the man who stole my egg is the Quiggly Man." "What is a Quiggly?" the man asked. "It's a kind of flower..." Quiggly said, "Let's just say he's... a flower." "This story just keeps getting better and better!" the man said, "What kind of flower can steal an egg?" "It doesn't matter, let's just say it's a flower," Quiggly said, "Do you like eggplants?" he asked. "Eggplants? Why do you care?" the man asked. "My egg is on a mountain with a eggplant!" the Quiggly Man said, "You wouldn't want to eat an egg, would you?" "Who does?" the man asked, "You eat eggs, don't you? And if I were you, I wouldn't be too eager to give an egg to this man, I don't like him!" the man said. "Wait!" Quiggly said, "The egg you want is with a woman who is waiting to see you! You have to come and get it!" Quiggly exclaimed, "When you get the egg, you will see what I mean about his attitude, I guarantee it!" "Eggplants again! Really, why do you keep talking about eggs? Eggs, eggs