Quitetly, Quiggly
Concrete may have
FTL is not possibl
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
We've recently dis
That turned dark q

Quietly, Quiggly s
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Our st
Joe's Bar and Gril
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
FTL is not possibl
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, 你好吗? That is what I am asking about… It feels like I’m missing something but as I type, I know that I am not. This is the first time I’ve heard this phrase, and I am curious why Dr. Jones used it. In fact, he was quoting a line from Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. But, I am also struggling to remember anything about what Dr. Jones was trying to say. When I got back to my mom and she started to read it, she couldn’t understand either. Anyway, I know that Dr. Jones wrote it that way so that we were all listening to what he was saying. So, I am listening. You are listening. We will be successful. We will all remember today as the day that The Doctor explained the meaning of 你好吗. Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope I can continue to write posts that I know that you will enjoy. The following is from the website, World’s Largest English Language News Service: Dhaka: A group of schoolchildren gathered at the Shahbagh intersection here on Monday to express solidarity with the ongoing movement to restore democracy after a series of government attempts to snuff out protests. Bangladesh police continue to employ force to crush the protests in the last few days. This despite the fact that the interim government has made numerous promises to restore democracy. Instead, Bangladesh police continue to kill unarmed demonstrators and have employed a brutal form of brutality. Monday’s protests and solidarity demonstrations are to continue for three days. The children are to march from the Shahbagh intersection toward a nearby roundabout where the Bangladesh army will be stationed to enforce a national curfew. Students are asking the army not to enforce the curfew. Students will move into the roundabout and continue to protest. The army will have a difficult time acting in order to maintain national security if they take a neutral position. Therefore, students hope that the army will not follow the government’s plan to crack down on student protesters and the peaceful assembly of citizens. Demonstrators plan to march from the Shahbagh intersection to Raja Azabari where students will continue to demand a government that will enforce a true parliamentary democracy with free and fair elections. For the first time in years, I took off my makeup with the intention to sleep in a day or two. No makeup and no eyelashes are pretty strange to me. I have put those two items on every day of my life for the past 30 years. As I began to take off my makeup, I tried a few looks with no eyelashes. They didn’t look that terrible. I’m not certain if I’ve ever worn no eyelashes for a night but I know that I have had my makeup taken off and no eyelashes. I never felt naked as much as I did when I tried to leave the house wearing no eyelashes. My face looked naked with no makeup or no eyelashes. I was in shock for a few seconds. I felt the need to quickly run into the bathroom. I grabbed the first item in front of me and began to use it. I didn’t want to waste my time. While I may not be completely out of it, I am most definitely going to keep the restroom door open in order to see what I am doing. It was important to me to wash off all traces of makeup. It’s not very common to see me in the bathroom with a wet face. I don’t usually have foundation covering my face all day long. Today was a special occasion though. It was uncharacteristic for me to leave the bathroom and return to my bedroom so quickly. I was done with the makeup and my face was clean and clear. I looked in the mirror. I looked naked. I wasn’t ready for this. This was most definitely not the kind of face that I was expecting to see. Why on Earth had I taken off my makeup? It is just like my mom to make sure that I would be dressed, have make-up, and be wearing something over my eyes. I have grown up believing that there is no point in leaving the house without my make-up and my eyelashes. It was an odd feeling, that’s for sure. The next few days, I’m going to practice being in the moment with not wearing any of those two items. Maybe I will have moments where I will put on a smile or a look of surprise without the eyelashes and foundation. I don’t want to be limited to the expressions that I will need to give throughout the day. I will be doing this more frequently. You should expect to see much more of my naked face. But, please do not expect to see a face with no eyelashes or makeup. I was in the bathroom cleaning it up and a very beautiful woman walked in and asked, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there were other people in here.” It took me a moment to understand what she was asking. “We’re going to use this room. Just like you.” She looked at me with what I assumed was surprise, or maybe some measure of confusion. I didn’t even have any makeup on and it looked so strange to see someone like me without makeup. Her eyes widened, as I turned her way and asked, “Where’s this room?” She pointed at the door with an odd expression on her face. “You were just standing here.” “Oh.” I walked back out of the bathroom. Now, I’m not sure what this woman thought as she was witnessing my naked face, I am pretty sure that she wasn’t expecting to see that. She was in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as I was pulling off my makeup and eyelashes. I just wasn’t used to being seen without makeup and eyelashes. I’m not sure that it looked nice. It was more unusual than I expected. I never thought I would fall in love with a book. It just never happened, so I was shocked when I came across a book I couldn’t put down. I think it is a universal experience to fall in love with a book. It makes you feel a whole lot better to find a book that you love. My book this week, the title of which has already changed, is The Long Division. I enjoyed The Long Division more than I expected. You could tell it was a book written by a former teacher. I enjoyed it. I was impressed. I finished The Long Division in four days, in a little over a week. I couldn’t read another page. I was done. I was finished. I couldn’t put the book down. I thought about the book constantly. I read the acknowledgements at the end of the book. The final paragraph in the acknowledgements was what I loved about the book. In this book, the author was looking for truth. As we read, we all have our own truths. Maybe this is where my love of the book lies. This author believed in the truth. This is a very important to remember. The author wanted the truth to be on our side, not the side of the government or our oppressors. The best part of this book was the conversation that I had with my mom while we were reading The Long Division. I asked her what she thought about the conversation between the main character, Mr. Long, and his wife. My mom is a teacher and reads constantly. She always reads with me. We talked about her student teaching days and her first teaching jobs as a college student. If you ever get a chance to speak to your mom about your feelings on a book, you should do so. I was able to tell my mom that I didn’t want to put the book down, which is saying something for a book written by a teacher. I hope to be able to add more books to my collection that I love and have loved. I am going to write these letters in my journal again. It was my second year and I was living in London and writing letters to my mom. As I sat down to write a letter, I tried to imagine what the scene was like outside. I pictured myself sitting on the floor in my bedroom writing my mom a letter. The letters were to my mom. It helped me feel like I was home. It was as if she had written the letter to me, rather than the other way around. It was a really good feeling. As I sat on the floor in my bedroom, I wondered what my mother would be doing. She worked all day long and she stayed at work later than I would have. I felt very lucky to have her home with me. The first year that she lived with me, she worked from 5 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon and she was done with that. She would then take another full day off. The second year, she made a routine out of it. She only worked from 5 to 2:30, which meant she would be home in time to watch my brothers and I head to school. When she got home, she ate dinner and spent the evening with us. She was able to watch the boys play. This meant she was able to see them without having to work even harder on the next day. She worked, she came home, and then we would go back to our room. We would talk and talk and talk about life