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Chapter 1. Once
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
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Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quietly, Quiggly sWe've recently discovered a new method to
extend the life of your air conditioner
that will save you tons of money.
Here's the deal: many homes aren't properly
ventilated. This means the air that's circulating
around your home isn't getting the fresh
air it needs to stay comfortable.
You don't have to spend a fortune on expensive
fans to beat the heat. All you need is some
help from a simple DIY project that's easy
to do and doesn't even cost that much.
Before we get started, check to make sure
your air conditioner is properly ventilated
by following these steps:
A. Run the fan in the back of the unit.
You should have an exhaust pipe at the
front of the unit so that air can escape
out of the vents.
B. Check for an intake pipe.
In most homes, the intake is located
next to the front of the unit.
C. Open your windows and doors.
Make sure they're fully open so the air
can circulate around the entire home.
Now that you've double checked that
your air conditioner's not getting
too much air from a single
vent, let's learn how to extend
the life of your air conditioner.
Step 1: Invest in an inexpensive fan.
One of the easiest ways to make
sure your air conditioner stays
comfortable and doesn't break is to
by increasing the airflow.
The best and most affordable way to do
this is with an inexpensive floor fan.
Step 2: Plug the fan into the wall
You'll want to buy a plug-in fan,
which can be found in hardware
stores or ordered online.
This fan should be plugged in so
it can circulate air around the home.
Step 3: Make sure it's working
When you turn on the fan, check the
light to make sure it's working.
Step 4: Sit back and enjoy the breeze.
Get out the cold drink you've been
saving for this moment, and take a
As a bonus, your energy bill will
get a little bit smaller and your air
conditioner should last longer.
For more detailed instructions on how
to do this project, head on over to,
And of course, before you leave, come
and join us on Twitter, Facebook and
Stay cool, Yahoo! Home Air
conditioner: How to make your AC last longer
Best Home improvement Ideas
This year, we are focused on energy efficiency.
If we need to purchase a new a/c system, we would buy a mitsubishi air conditioner unit, instead of another american unit, because we live in a hot and humid climate, we can use the a/c in a much better way than the other a/c.
Our kitchen's a/c is also mitsubishi.
For me, i would opt for this unit again:
Hope this helps,
Good Luck
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I have a question regarding that it is said that to cool a room you need .24 cubic feet of air per second per ft2 of surface. How many fans would be required to achive this or is there a cheaper alternative to fans.
I have a question regarding that it is said that to cool a room you need .24 cubic feet of air per second per ft2 of surface. How many fans would be required to achive this or is there a cheaper alternative to fans.
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i have no idea, i live in a smaller apartment, for my A/C im going to use those cheap box fan that can be bought from the nearby shop.
i have no idea, i live in a smaller apartment, for my A/C im going to use those box fan that can be bought from the nearby shop.
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You don't know what's the cost? This would cost up to 500 bucks, for a 20X20 room
If you do, it is quite expensive for me. Maybe somebody can suggest a way to cool my A/C. My old A/C is over heating my room.
If you do, it is quite expensive for me. Maybe somebody can suggest a way to cool my A/C. My old A/C is over heating my room.
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i think one of the box fans would cool the A/C down, i dont think a box fan would be able to do it, i think one would have to be larger. im a home owner with a 20x20 room and i just use one, its not cool by any means but wouldnt matter how many i used as there so small
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