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Game of Chicken
It's Like the Perf
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She Annoys Me Grea
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Word of the Day, D
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Amber alert
Football's greates
Baseball's greates
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Not for lack of trying. In September, I made some nice new friends (most of which are in the pictures below). I feel so lucky to have them and I’m so excited to grow this new adventure with them. Last night, I invited everyone out to the movies. We hit up TCM (The Classic Movies cinema) and saw a movie called “Pulp Fiction”. If you aren’t familiar with the film and have never seen it, it’s so much more than a movie. Here’s the premise: A young couple goes out to get cigarettes. When they come back out, the boyfriend is dead and his girlfriend finds herself taking the rap for his murder. He was slaughtered by a pair of hit men. The only witness is Mia, the waitress who served the couple and overheard their conversation. While they were talking, John Travolta kept staring at her. So, she has been told he is her hero. What happens when she learns the truth about who he really is? There’s one particular quote I just have to share with everyone. Near the beginning of the movie, Vinnie says, “You see, John, I’m a superstar. They have to kill me to get to you.” The movie has such a brilliant sense of humor. All of the dialogue and the way the characters interact just cracks me up. I really enjoyed it. It’s not a “guilty pleasure” in any way. It’s just a really good movie. It’s a cult classic, so you might not get a chance to see it in theaters, but I recommend it to anyone. Check out this clip from a bit later in the movie that sums it up pretty perfectly: I definitely encourage you to buy a ticket for your local art house theater and check it out! I’m also really glad that I had such a good time with those friends. Although some of them live in New York City, I haven’t seen them in nearly three years. We all just clicked right away. We all love the same movies, same comedians, and pretty much everything in common, and everyone was just excited to be spending time together. I’m a pretty outgoing person and I like to get out and have fun with friends as much as possible. The other day I attended a party at a friend’s house that a bunch of her best friends happened to be visiting. It was my first time meeting all of them and we got along great. It was so fun to watch them all interact with one another. I was just so happy to have such good, close friendships that I just want to spend time with. It seems like in every room I turn, I see someone I haven’t talked to in a long time. It’s really great because we get to hang out for hours at a time and spend a whole day together. I love meeting new people and hearing all their stories. Then, we have dinner and stay up until they say they have to get up for work in the morning. It’s hard to stop the fun once we’re all together. I’m just so glad that it doesn’t matter that we’re all in different stages in our lives. None of that matters when you’re having fun, especially with good friends. When I get the chance to spend time with friends, I’m like a kid in a candy shop. I just go crazy and have so much fun. I think everyone should experience something like that. It makes me wonder why I spent so long without spending time with friends. I didn’t enjoy spending time at the house with my friends and I never went out after the age of 20. I can only attribute it to a couple of reasons: I really liked to be by myself and I wanted to be able to go out with a different crowd of friends. It seemed like all the friends I had in high school were going in completely different directions. I thought, I want to be with the friends I have now. I don’t want to go through the same experiences again with a different group of people. I felt like I just wanted to hang out with them. Not just hang out, but hang out and do fun things. I never really went to a party or a bar or anywhere fun in my entire life. Not once. This blog really is a reflection of what’s going on in my head. I’m trying to understand how my personality developed. I’ve spent years trying to figure out who I am as a person and it’s really been hard for me. In every day life, I try to be outgoing, happy, and interesting. But when I’m hanging out with friends or when I write, I’m nothing like that. I go completely off the wall and become so silly. What is up with that? I think it’s part of the reason I don’t want to go out with my friends anymore. I don’t want to have to deal with their reactions to some of the things I do. Some people just don’t have the time to deal with my randomness, so I’ve decided it would be a lot more fun if I just spend time with my blogging buddies and people who know me on Facebook. The blog is so therapeutic, but I need a break from myself sometimes. I think every girl needs a break once in a while. This year has been incredibly busy for me, but I love it! I’ve always said I would never want to live in any other city than New York. This year has been awesome. It was also really difficult. I’m still so surprised that I actually made it through this year. I always feel like I’ll be the one who gets fired in the least promising moment, but I’ve made it through it all! What’s more amazing is that I have two amazing new jobs coming up. This year has been a whirlwind, but it was really worth it. I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time with my friends this year and I feel like it’s going to be a great one. I know that most of you already know that I love to watch the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s whenever I get the chance. I have many reasons for that, but the top one is that the movie totally reflects me. I know what it’s like to be a waitress in New York and there are so many parts of the movie that capture me exactly. Last night, I watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s with a group of friends for the first time. They had never seen it, so we decided to go with it. It took me so long to figure out why this movie is so important to me. It’s nothing like a lot of the other movies I love. There aren’t beautiful beaches and romantic, slow dances. This movie doesn’t have any glamor to it. It’s a simple movie that brings me happiness. I like movies that are simple because you don’t need a sophisticated plot to enjoy them. In the first few minutes, we meet George Peppard as Mickey. He’s such a good-looking man and he doesn’t really have any women who are trying to get with him. He’s just one of the guys and is completely comfortable with who he is. One woman calls him an alley cat, which is so funny to me. She’s talking about his looks, but I think she’s really just referring to the fact that he’s a very dangerous-looking man. She’s so flirtatious with him and he has no clue. This shows you how confident he is. I think this is a lot like me. I’m often so flirtatious with guys and have no idea how they feel. I think a lot of guys feel that I’m really interested in them and they find it hard to believe that I’m shy. The movie makes me think about all of the times I have done something similar in the past. A lot of people have the misconception that I’m the one making all these romantic advances and guys don’t know how to respond. I’ve had so many guys come up to me and say that I’ve made them nervous. I think that a lot of guys have the same reaction that George has in the movie, which is that I’m being too forward. When he tells Paul that the woman he is currently dating is the love of his life, George is so shy and it shows me how confident he really is. Then, when we find out that Gloria told him about his son, I think that he’s the coolest. So, I guess you can say that George is me. He knows how to be confident, but is not too cocky, which is very cool. My favorite character in this movie is probably Holly. She’s always so kind to him and makes sure that he is well taken care of. She’s so fun to watch and I love how she treats him with respect. I know that most of you already know what I think about Mickey, but it’s such a perfect movie and there are so many reasons why. After years of sitting in bars, going out to dinner and trying to impress everyone around me, I know that I’m never going to feel comfortable in my own skin. It’s definitely a constant battle between figuring myself out and being who I am and showing people who I am. This year is going to be a great one because I have decided to not go out