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Word of the Day, Daily Verse, Wisdom From All Over, Parting Words, Life Lessons Learned, One Thing Remains, Open The Eyes Of My Heart. No matter what's going on in your life, God loves you and has something good in mind for you. In tough times, lean on the Lord and He'll help you. Be patient, trust, pray, and God will make a way for you out of no way. We'll explore what the Bible says about adversity, how to have joy in the Lord, draw strength from the Holy Spirit, and so much more. Enjoy God's Word every day and watch God work in your life. Daily Devotionals for Tuesdays "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." ~ Psalm 119:105 Monday, November 20, 2017 A new and improved version of the Bible called The Word: A New Translation (WAT), developed by Biblica with the support of the United Bible Society, is available now in print and digital formats for download. The Word is being distributed in a new generation of language called Dynamic, that enables people to read it online and receive instant word-for-word audio and video translations on a desktop or smartphone. WAT aims to capture the "heart" of the original Scriptures in ways that make the Bible more accessible to everyday readers while maintaining the biblical text's integrity and authority. The English is free from archaic and sometimes complex language, including phrases and idiomatic expressions and the use of long words, so even the youngest readers will not be frustrated. Biblical Hebrew and Greek words used in the original language are retained so the reader is immersed in the biblical text while gaining the benefit of the added context from the translators' notes and original meanings. The Word has an updated Bible index that offers instant access to the content of the Bible from a single-click. It has updated cross-references and a new verse-accuracy index that can be searched online. With a variety of color, design, and other features, the Bible will become a part of everyday life and continue to reach the billions who read it. The Word will be distributed in print for the first time ever by the United Bible Societies, in over 130 different languages, on every inhabited continent. This Bible brings the Good News of Jesus Christ into people’s homes and homes into people’s lives, and makes the Gospel message available to a far wider audience than ever before possible. The Bible is a gift from God that is for every person. A Bible of many translations can be a challenge to many people. The Word is designed to be visually clear and easy to read so it’s a Bible people can pick up and enjoy. It’s the latest news for millions of people who know the Bible in its original languages, but have access to more modern English versions of the Bible. The Bible’s value goes beyond reading it; understanding it is important. Sunday, November 19, 2017 The Word of God's plan is to save His people in the last days. Every Bible translation has to be in line with the original meaning of the words to accomplish this. The United Bible Societies (UBS) are working with over 400 translators to make The Word of God the most readable and easiest-to-understand English Bible translation. This translation also makes Bible study simple and easy by creating new ways of viewing the Bible. This Bible will help you understand the Bible more deeply. It will challenge you to grow in your faith and will help you be a better steward of God's gifts. The Word, which will be distributed in over 200 different language versions, is currently being distributed as a beta version in several languages. If you are interested in receiving it when it is finished, please sign up. Saturday, November 18, 2017 Are you living life to the fullest? Do you have a testimony of how God has helped you through a hardship or tragedy? You can share it with others, and help others hear His Word through the ministry of the Family Purity Bible. They have launched a new app, “Share Your Story”, that allows you to submit your testimony in a few quick taps. You can find the app in the iTunes or Google Play stores. Just search for the Family Purity Bible app or click here. On Thursday, November 16, we gave out copies of our new publication “No More Secrets” to everyone in the community. If you want your family to read it together, we will give you a coupon for that. It can be mailed to you or a copy could be dropped off by our office. We had three speakers today. Pastor Tim Heiser gave the message “The Wages of Sin is Death”. He shared a wonderful message about Christ's love and how much we owe Him. In the afternoon, I preached the message “The Power of Forgiveness”. We talked about how much the enemy tries to keep our past from us, but that we have to forgive. We can use the story of the prodigal son to help us understand forgiveness. Finally, Rev. Richard Taylor spoke to us on “The Heart and the Spirit.” In that message we learn how we have to both lead with our hearts and think with our heads. He taught us some practical ways that we can use the Bible to help us make good decisions. If you haven't gotten a copy of “No More Secrets”, you can find out more by checking it out on our website or on Facebook. Thanks for your prayers and support for Family Purity Bible. I will always be grateful for your support over the years and pray that the Lord will bless your family and help you to always make good choices. This sermon is based on the book The Heart and the Spirit by Dr. Ronald Clark. (Click the picture to get your copy.) Friday, November 10, 2017 We have published a new book called No More Secrets. This book can be given to your family, or as a gift from you to your family. They can be read online, downloaded in eBook form, or printed for free. If you are interested in getting a copy, you can order them at If you want a free download of the book, you can get it from Wednesday, November 8, 2017 I was just reading in the newspaper about a new book that was released. The book is called The Lost Secret of Prayer. The author uses various characters in the Bible to illustrate how God changes us and helps us. The Secret of Prayer is a great place to start and includes questions for prayer. Monday, November 6, 2017 Our Bible Study on today's text is on 2 Timothy 4:7-8: "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." When we go to Bible Study, I like to give everyone a little homework assignment. I tell them to read the verse again and to tell us what they notice. I always ask them what their thoughts are. I love to see the different answers that people give. Today I asked them to look at the words “sound mind.” Can you see how that word could be translated in more than one way? How many of you can say that you are “sound” in mind, spirit, and body? I think that many people today could be called ‘unsound’ in some way. Our physical, mental, and spiritual health may be under attack from the enemy. Jesus Christ defeated Satan by conquering death, and he promises to do that again. When we let him, he will change us. As we read the Bible, we learn how great God is, how much He loves us, and how much we owe Him. Jesus paid the price for all the bad that we have done in the past. He does that every day. How do you think Jesus feels when you fail to treat Him with the love and respect that He deserves? Are you acting like an idiot and hurting God? God is so patient with us. How much have you loved and served Him? The Bible tells us that we are to love God and our neighbors. What is your motive for loving God? It’s important to know because our actions should always be motivated by love. Jesus didn’t tell us to love God just to fulfill some religious commandment. We are to love God because He is our good Father. Our goal should always be to show our love for Him in every way. We can have many different motives and thoughts when we love God. Our love for God will motivate our thoughts, words, and actions. As you finish reading, think about your purpose in life. Why are you here? What’s your purpose? Then ask, “How am I going to do that?” Now tell us how you are going to serve God and show us your love for God by loving yourself, your neighbor, and God.