Seems Like a No Br

Word of the Day, D
It's A Fickle, Fic
She Annoys Me Grea
Hell Hath Frozen O
It's Like the Perf
Game of Chicken
Now I’m dancing, a
They Hate Me Becau
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Thats an entire nothing burger in your book. To be clear-you don't have to be the greatest to win. You can also be the worst with your own story. Ive seen far too many of these athletes who dont take the time to go back and appreciate their beginnings, who spend the majority of their time focused on their present life and how they have been so wronged by a corrupt system. Maybe it has nothing to do with race but the fact is in both examples you are wrong. The guy said "I'm pretty sure you're not going to get a lot out of reading..." But I got a hell of a lot out of reading that blog post, dude. I think you are referring to another one, this one? My personal opinion is that race has much to do with it, as my parents worked for the civil rights movement for many decades, were both very outspoken in their opinions on "southern racism", made it well known that if they saw me getting harassed by people based on skin color they would be the first people to jump in and do something about it... But the other question is this, how do you tell kids to go to college when mom & dad are doing something that is the exact opposite of what was advocated for them for some stupid book that says they should be doing certain things... I have spent my entire adult life studying philosophy and theology. This is precisely the type of study I wish to leave my children as they face a world of moral ambiguity as to how one should act in any given situation. It is the type of study that will help them navigate the political waters and allow them to see beyond the fog of politics so prevalent in our day. While it may not be your cup of tea, I encourage you to take a look at the teachings of Rabbi Hillel as it pertains to the study of Torah. In his teachings he says to the youth: What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary. Go study Torah (meaning learning the proper principles from The Book). When a fellow Jew came to him and said, “Teacher, I hate my life, I will not marry or have children, I want to be released from this form of death, how do I do it?” Hillel responded, “Do not separate yourself from the commandments of G-d.” Hillel taught that studying Torah and its principles provides a guide for every human action. You can either learn from it, or rebel against it, but there is no escaping its impact on one’s actions. The purpose of any philosophy, including that of my own, should be to set a course for navigating our lives toward a moral understanding of what is right and what is wrong. If a system of learning is only beneficial for those with certain life stories (if you will), then you should not encourage anyone to learn from it. We are all ignorant of a lot of things. Being ignorant about many things is okay because you are ignorant about many things. You cannot assume to know everything, and I say that in spite of having spent years in pursuit of the understanding of the human condition. It’s okay to not know. But it’s also okay to say, “Hey, I don’t know.” But it’s not okay to allow yourself to be deceived by those who have neither the knowledge or the understanding to give you proper instruction. The question to ask yourself as you move forward is this: Am I acting based on a moral compass, or am I merely trying to make myself feel better? Do you live the right way for you, or are you trying to be someone else? Do you take responsibility for your actions or do you always want someone else to answer your questions? Do you see yourself as the hero, or the victim? The world as it exists in this country makes you wonder who wrote it, and who is in charge of putting pen to paper. Why does God allow his creations to continue to be oppressed by those who have no business acting in his name? I’m sorry, but you can’t make a fair assessment of any person if you do not look beyond their skin color, their gender, their religion, their politics, their sexual preference. When we come together we are all humans, one race, one tribe, one creed. We are all one in God’s eyes, no matter how we dress, how we act, how we love, what we eat, or what we worship. We are all created in His image. We are all one, or as they say in Hebrew, it’s “kavod v-edah,” “all are brothers.” I am sorry that you have never found wisdom to make your way in this world, but maybe that is not for you. But then you would be wise to keep your mouth shut rather than spew what you don’t understand. I just don’t like it when someone says something is for everyone and then throws a race card on top of it. People are people no matter what race, people have skin and they have to deal with racism of some form in this world, so why not deal with it straight? What is it with people these days? Where did the race card come from? Seriously? I hate these things. I know the kid was kind of a dick, but I thought it was kind of rude. Now all of a sudden people are going to lose their minds about what a good person he is? That shit is so overblown...And just because he said he's "white" doesn't mean he's any less proud to be a white guy, if anything it's more than the fact that he's some black guy who doesn't know much about white history... "I have no problem with being white, it's an important thing to recognize though, like the idea of slavery is for the black people or racism is for the black people." Why would he say that? I think in this day and age some white people are just plain fuckin stupid. I love how the first white person I got into a good fight with was a white liberal. He was trying to tell me that I was a racist for having issues with black kids. Just because they're from a different place doesn't mean they're automatically going to like me, you know? You sound like that guy from the South Park, Stan is my friend... "The only reason why I have problems with black people is because they are black, they're black, they're black, they're black, what do you expect?" Yeah man, that guy never did anything for me. Always a jerk, like I was a racist for wanting my country to be better for the future generations. I would expect nothing less. On the other hand, I once had a black man named Kareem Abdul Jabar that I considered a pretty good friend. That doesn't mean I'm racist, that I hate black people for their skin color. That's just a silly thing that is getting played out a lot in our society. Why is it that people who call themselves black, or a black person even... Can never put white people into the same category as black people? "Oh, you're not talking about black people are you?" "But I am, and all of you are black as well, but my name isn't black so I am not..." "I mean, let's get serious for a minute. The only reason why I have problems with white people is because they are white, they're white, they're white, they're white, what do you expect?" My friends and I used to get into arguments over this sort of thing, but we never could really agree. One of my friends used to tell us all of the time that we can't judge a person for what their skin color is or their background, just for who they are. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell for not having any black friends..." Then Kareem Abdul Jabar would get mad at us for stereotyping people, but he himself was one of the most racist people I've ever met. He made it a point to point out all of the places where we live that were "not cool." They would make jokes about how dumb America is when it comes to race, and if they got more into it they would also bring up the whole Malcolm X thing, even though we were young and most of us had not heard of him, never mind read about him. I was telling one of my friends about how much Kareem hated the US for what happened with 9/11 and how he didn't like being called an American. "I'll tell you why you're so offended. It's because you never had a true hate for America." The whole time he was just making up scenarios about how white people were evil for not giving black people all their rights. I mean seriously, he even made me believe that he was going to war for the rights of black people in America. "Do you know how many people died