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Now I’m dancing, and I’m dancing too much, And I’m doing things that it just makes my mommy sad.” And in the midst of that, my son said, “I love you mommy, but you’re not funny. You’re nice, but I want to go to a comedy show. So you can just stop talking, and start listening. Because if you keep talking, I’m going to stop loving you.” In a panic, I looked up at him with fear in my eyes, and I said, “Oh my sweet little angel. How could I be so stupid!? All I ever wanted was to make you laugh. But all I ever did was laugh at my own jokes. And I hope you never have to see that. But if you do… You have to find it in your heart to forgive me. And I’ll try harder. I swear I will. But this is probably the last time I’ll ever dance. Please forgive me. Please forgive me! And I said, “You have to forgive me. You don’t have to say anything, but please forgive me.” And then my husband took me in his arms, and I said, “I want to dance.” And he said, “Let’s dance.” And we walked to the bedroom, and my baby boy followed. And we danced like the birds in the trees, and the stars in the sky, and like a crazy woman dancing in a store. We were dancing together. This video was taken from a video by my friend, Dan. My apologies for not crediting him. Here is his video. (His Facebook Page Link) And I would love for you to share this with your friends, to make a difference in someone’s life. Please feel free to write to me with your thoughts. I truly believe God uses blogs to build up his body. He answers our prayers through the internet! I am so grateful for the platform God has given me, and I will try my best to speak truth, no matter the cost. He is such a loving God, and I want to honor him. Thank you for visiting my blog, I am so thankful God has given me this ability! I pray it is used for his glory, and I pray I will never lose sight of how valuable each soul is, in the eternal perspective. You can contact her at: (She prefers you email her at her personal email address.) Advertisements Share this: Like this: LikeLoading... Related About cindylou25 Stay-at-home, Christian mom of 5 wonderful children. I am a Beach Housewife on a Budget! I am praying everyday for my family, that we will be holy. If you are a Beach Housewife on a Budget too, we would love to have you come and join us at the Patch! Like you, I think that parenting is the most precious gift we receive in this life. The blessing of raising our children is something that is so fleeting we can be taken by surprise anytime and the loss can be profound. This video beautifully speaks of what love is. God bless you and your family! So true. Such an honest piece and beautifully written. As a mom of 9 beautiful young children I can tell you, the precious moments never go too far….for we always capture and look back at the photos and videos we capture now of our children, years from now as they grow up and eventually move out of our home, they will always remain with us. Thank you for the reminder of this truth! Great poem!! What a beautiful and touching video. I love that song by Jonny Lang and it’s one of my favorites by him. I love it when you are free like that. When you forget the words and just dance the words fall from your mouth anyway and they sound beautiful. When you are filled with the love and it is flowing like you said. God bless you my friend, have a blessed day! I absolutely love the picture above. I have often wondered if God loves us so much that he wouldn’t be willing to share our life with those who don’t love him. Then I remember how hard he prayed for David. And I think, maybe that’s all I can hope for. He longs to pour his love out on me, but I want to let him pour it out on others. And then I wonder if I am even a good person. I don’t write out all of my doubts, just that one. Thank you for this verse and video, and for opening our eyes to this new thought. Oh my goodness what a heartbreaking video. I’m so happy my son never heard me talk like that before. He is 4 and can say that the love of God is greater than the love of money. It’s like watching the real life parables, except it’s my life and my son. Oh my what an awesome video. My son is 18 and doesn’t call but I know in my heart he forgives me. We all mess up sometimes. We all need to be reminded of how much He loves us. I’m so glad you shared this. God bless all of your family and those who are reading it and are encouraged. Awwww. Thanks for sharing this, Cindy. You always make me cry because you are so vulnerable and honest, and it’s a trait that I wish all people shared. I love how honest you are, and the fact that I’ve known you for more than a decade and you’ve never really told me the truth about something that’s been holding you back emotionally speaks volumes. I can say so much but would rather let you talk. You’re an amazing writer and even though we’re just Facebook friends, I feel like we have become friends. It’s amazing how God can use simple little things like connecting on a certain day to build up his kingdom, and I see it in you and all your heart, and the work that you do to build up his kingdom, because that’s exactly what you’re doing. He is so so SO good to us all. Thanks for the reminder. So very much. <3 I wish I could hug you right now. Awwww. Thanks for sharing this, Cindy. You always make me cry because you are so vulnerable and honest, and it’s a trait that I wish all people shared. I love how honest you are, and the fact that I’ve known you for more than a decade and you’ve never really told me the truth about something that’s been holding you back emotionally speaks volumes. I can say so much but would rather let you talk. You’re an amazing writer and even though we’re just Facebook friends, I feel like we have become friends. It’s amazing how God can use simple little things like connecting on a certain day to build up his kingdom, and I see it in you and all your heart, and the work that you do to build up his kingdom, because that’s exactly what you’re doing. He is so so SO good to us all. Thanks for the reminder. So very much. <3 I wish I could hug you right now. Thank you for sharing this video, Cindy. I hope your baby is well and sleeping. I will be praying for you as you navigate through this time. May God continue to bless you and your family as you strive to be in unity with Him. This is so perfect. I am in tears and don’t even know why. It’s so refreshing to know that God’s love reaches farther than we could ever imagine. Thank you for sharing this piece of your life, it has touched my heart.