I’m gonna take my
I can be your moun
When you need to l
You can hold my ha
What are you wonde
What do you want f
And I’m out at a p
Sometimes, I want
It just dawned on
Like a neon dream,

You drive me crazy
I’ll do anything t
Now I’m dancing, a
So be careful if y
I’m still looking
Oh no, how did I m
I know you hear me
try to hold it in
But it’s your arms
If you feel insign
Beautiful, crazy, she can’t help but amaze me with all the things she does. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, and I am the luckiest guy in the world. Happy Birthday, beautiful, crazy, amazingly awesome Gina. (I’ve known her since grade school. She’s one of a kind!) What a great story about two people who are crazy in love! It brings tears to my eyes and melts my heart. It makes me so happy to see that this type of thing is not just a modern day fable that doesn’t happen every day, but I’m glad to know there are people like you who don’t believe in that “Love, etc” crap! This is a great love story. You two are so lucky to have each other. I am sure when you are old and fat that you will still be going strong and laugh about all the silly things they say you did when you were young and hot! Wishing you many many more happy years with your honey and the wonderful memories they bring us to cherish forever. I’ve been a long time reader since my friend Sarah recommended I read your blog and I love it. I just wanted to say that I am sure that you are just like her. She says, “All the best people are crazy.” (She is a lot like you) I always think of her when I read something you post on your blog, like you! I also admire you for finding the courage to share your true life story. It makes me smile! Happy birthday to you! Congratulations on having the courage to share such a wonderful day and thank you for sharing a love story with us. All of your comments, including the ones above, express how this story touches people. What a unique way to make a connection. Thank you for sharing your story. I thought I had it all figured out till my ex-husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness. He would have lived if I didn’t love him so much. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world. It was easy to leave my career and friends behind and just spend time with him, even after he got sick. Yes, it is the only way to know if you can last. When we were young and crazy, who knows if we can do it as an adult? But look at all the happy things we did. That’s love! I think I understand why you did what you did. You had to make a choice – either you love or you marry. So you chose to love because you are a strong woman who won’t sacrifice love for anything. I think you can do anything! Thank you for sharing your love story with us. It’s so inspiring and made me cry a little because I am young and crazy. I just want to let you know that you and your hubby are an inspiration to all of us. I look forward to seeing many more of your posts and updates. 🙂 What a beautiful love story! I always loved this post and it makes me sad to see all the comments I see now talking about the comments that were taken off. It makes me appreciate your post even more. This post speaks volumes and I am so glad that you posted it. I believe that love is a choice we make and you can do anything. I truly believe in true love no matter what age we are. Thank you for sharing this sweet love story. I was so glad to read this story. It gave me some encouragement as my husband is always busy. I’m glad you took the chance to see if it would work out and your story proves it. You make an impression on me when you share your views. Your stories touch me and it makes me think of what is important in life. And your writing is something to be savored. Your love story is something to be remembered. I wish you and your husband much more love and happiness in the future. Life is an experience, not just a journey through it. I just wanted to say that your story was amazing, especially to a young girl who’s just beginning her own love story. I totally understand your desire to marry, because I was the same way. And the timing of everything with your husband’s accident was just perfect. You learned a lot about yourself and how life goes so quickly. I applaud your bravery, and admire your commitment to God. And in that sense, God is a beautiful love story. I am sure there is no greater love than what you gave to your husband, as no other man can compare to him and he is always going to be your first love, no matter what. 🙂 And I am glad that your husband had the opportunity to be part of your first love story! I wish you much happiness in the future! If you have not already been asked you will be at the top of my list! You have such an amazing love story, it is amazing. I am glad I read it today when you posted it and am glad I found you on Facebook to do so! I hope you have a great day, no matter what comes next! Love the story. Love the love of your life. Keep in touch through the years to keep the love going strong. I’m sure all the women on your side of the divide, still adore you and will always love you for the lovely man you are. My first love was my second husband. He died of AIDS. We had a wonderful romance. Thank you for sharing your story. This could be my story and many more. Like you I too want to marry. I want a true love not a false love which I have had. I also went to Sunday school and read my bible and took religion very seriously, too much so I suppose now. But I made the mistake of marrying someone that I met on the net and well…the results have been devastating. I am so glad that you got your story. May the force be with you! Take care. 🙂 It made me cry – and laugh. I loved reading about you and Gina when you were both young and in love! You two seem like a really great match, and I think Gina must be a great woman to know you. It sounds like there is nothing but love there. It’s so great that you were able to marry your first love. He must have been a great man to have been a second choice! Thank you for your comment and thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂 I am so happy to have you visit my site and leave me such a nice comment. 🙂 You just made my day! 🙂 I think so too. So much love for each other, like a second family. 🙂 Hi! I came across this blog post and I just have to say I read it and I’m crying right now, it’s so beautiful. I met my best friend’s boyfriend this weekend, who is currently in the US Marine Corps. Well he was just home to the US for a couple of weeks and we went out to a nightclub in San Diego. I was completely in love with him! I asked him, “Why are you in the military? You should be home with your wife.” He was deployed and I felt he had done the wrong thing for the right reason. But here’s why that made me cry, he doesn’t have a wife! I want a husband that can have children with me, and I don’t know how much longer I can wait. So please, anyone on this post, tell me how old he is? Or maybe he’s never even met the girl that he will one day have a child with. You would think he could find the right person at least! I don’t know how old he is either. I do know that he will one day find the right woman. So hang on to your man with all you have. Give him a little time. 🙂 The man I am in love with is the man I was with since I was 12 years old and I am 22 now. We have been together since I was 17 and I just feel the same as you do. But don’t give up. Just pray that God will bring him to you soon, just like He did for me. 🙂 Be strong and hold on to your man. 🙂 He must be a wonderful man for you to want him so much. This is one of the best comments I’ve read today! So sweet! So good luck to him. Maybe he is out there already, just waiting for you to find him! I think he is good to you, even if he doesn’t always show it. A lot of men are not good to their wives because they are afraid of them. Some of the greatest men in the world are in the military, like George Washington, or great men who have served in the military, like Richard Nixon and Dwight D. Eisenhower. You’re going to have to keep strong because it’s going to be hard to wait to see him. You are the lucky one that is getting all of this love from such a great man, and that’s a great feeling. Keep you chin up! 🙂 ❤ Lovely post. I’m so glad you took the time to write about your love story! It’s nice to have the occasional reminder that love is always there for us. I never had that story, but there were a few women who’ve helped me believe in love and hope, such as you. I’m so glad your love story has inspired and encouraged other. 🙂