You can hold my ha
What are you wonde
What do you want f
And I’m out at a p
Sometimes, I want
It just dawned on
Like a neon dream,
Like diamond rings
Long-neck ice-cold
If I bring you hom

I can be your moun
I’m gonna take my
Beautiful, crazy,
You drive me crazy
I’ll do anything t
Now I’m dancing, a
So be careful if y
I’m still looking
Oh no, how did I m
I know you hear me
When you need to let go, you need to let go and just accept it, don't tell yourself otherwise.” I am learning to live. I will learn this every time I experience something bad. If I really let myself feel it, and embrace it, and accept it without judgment then maybe I can learn to live with it. If I judge myself or punish myself then it doesn't matter how much I need to forgive myself. When I love myself and forgive myself then my self love can help me live and it will allow me to be able to forgive others when they hurt me and when I’ve hurt them. To be able to accept something painful that is happening to you and letting it become a part of you, and not letting it stay there and fester in your mind and holding you back from letting go and moving forward. When we can accept it, and when we can let it go and let it be with us then maybe we can learn to live and maybe that means accepting that we are imperfect and still love ourselves despite all the imperfections. 4) The best thing to do when you know you hurt someone's feelings is to apologize. Even if you know that you've done something or said something that was hurtful but instead of making excuses for yourself, make the effort to be clear with them. So many times, I am so busy not wanting to make an excuse that I don't think about the fact that what I'm saying will upset them. I have been hurting people unintentionally by not making an effort to speak politely with them when I don't mean to. When you realize that you have hurt someone, regardless of what you've done or said that is bad, apologize right away. Do not make a joke about it. Don't minimize it. Don't blame other people or circumstances for it. 5) Never take anything that happened between you and someone else back. Don't try to get back at that person who hurt you by hurting them in return or something similar to that. I’ve been hurt before and I still do that. I try to hurt people before they hurt me. I try to show that I care about myself more than I do about them. It doesn't make me feel better and I can't get over it that way. It makes me feel worse. If someone has hurt me, then hurt them back and I won’t feel better. If they don't understand why they are going through what they're going through then perhaps in time they will or not, but they don't need to take it out on me. Hurt people hurt people and people don't deserve to feel hurt. 6) Sometimes you feel like you deserve it. That is because you don’t. And that is normal. No matter how well you think you know how someone, or what someone deserves, the fact of the matter is that no one deserves to be hurt like that. No one deserves to be blamed for something they haven't done. Not you, not them, not anyone. 7) People can take more than you think they can. They can take more than you think they can and sometimes you will be the one hurt the most. Do not underestimate them or underestimate the harm they can do to you. Be very careful when it comes to choosing who you trust and who you let into your life. Do not blame yourself for the things someone else does. 8) Sometimes people do not treat you right but it does not mean you don't deserve love and respect. You deserve to be treated well. Do not give into guilt over something that has already happened in your life and do not try to keep your feelings for yourself. It is okay to feel happy, to feel loved, and to be treated right when you have been hurt and it will not bring back what has already passed. 9) You should always be the last person on the list of “people to call when you are in trouble”. If someone has had trouble before they can be even more likely to fall into those traps because they have been hurt before. No matter how much you love them you should never put yourself in the same situation you’re putting them in, because if that happens, they will still say it's their fault but they won’t mean it. 10) Sometimes you can't help who you love. You can't choose who you fall in love with or what you feel for someone. People don’t choose who they fall in love with and if they make the effort to fall in love with you then they will take you for who you are. They won’t expect you to change in any way just for their own comfort or well-being. You deserve to be treated like an equal and no matter what you do or how you are you deserve to be treated like an equal. Do not put up with hate or discrimination against people just because of who they are. You are not the cause of their faults. Their faults are caused by their own decisions. People should respect all people and all people should respect each other. Love is love, even if it doesn’t seem like it. The only thing that can make someone happy is love. Only one person can make you feel complete. And you will never be complete if you do not give of yourself to someone who needs you and only you can give them love. Don't deny yourself what makes you happy or what makes you feel complete. If you know that no one will complete you then do yourself a favor and try to find happiness in something that is good for you. Don't live your life for others. They might not be happy to share your life. But if you do have someone by your side who can complete you and who can fill the empty spaces in your heart, then enjoy it while you can and before you know it, life will be gone and love will not exist anymore and all the pain and heartache you went through in your life will not have mattered. Love is worth it and it will be worth it if you hold on to it. If someone loves you enough to tell you this, then you should love them enough to hear it. If you love someone then even if you don’t know how to express it then it will come out one way or another. If you love someone who cares about you than their love will shine through without a shadow of a doubt. You might not know what makes someone happy or how they can complete you but if they do love you and they try their hardest to make you happy then you should try to appreciate that and be appreciative of that and hold onto it as tight as you can because it won’t last forever, nor should it. Hold onto the person who loves you for as long as they can be there for you because if they stay then they will leave something behind and that is good, but if they leave you then at least you can go on without them. No matter what the situation or circumstances, you will feel empty and regretful of the time you spent with that person. But if they made you feel special and loved, if they treated you like an equal and like they were there for you because they knew what you needed, and they would do anything for you because they know you are worth it and they feel so strongly about your relationship then appreciate that love as much as possible, and hold onto it for as long as you can so when you hold each other it will always be the same. To feel their lips on yours, to hear their heartbeat, to talk to them and to listen to them, to kiss them, hold them, and listen to what makes them happy and what makes them cry. Make memories together and keep them for the rest of your lives. Make beautiful memories with them so when you do look back on those memories then it will not feel like the end. Because if you have memories like those, if you were with someone you love like that, then the life you had will have been good. And if you have a life with love then that means you lived. And if you lived with love then you can do it again because you already have proof that it can happen. Love is hope and love is happiness and love is the only thing that can make you truly happy in a way that can never be undone. The only people who are capable of truly loving are the people who are ready to take on the responsibility of loving you and loving the people who are by your side. You have to be willing to make the same sacrifices for them, be able to give them everything they need from you, give them all of your time and give them all of your love, and you must know that they love you back no matter what. People who fall in love and lose each other should keep in mind that things cannot always stay the way they were and things will change and they will change and they will change for the better or for worse, depending on the individual, but if they make the right decisions and can move on and keep going then love is good and not to be wasted. As long as you have your memories of love with someone you truly care about, that can be enough to keep a person going. No matter how much we try to push them away, no matter how much they try to push us away, love always wins. People who have been through so much, who are capable of taking on the responsibility of loving another person, are the only people who can love completely and are able to handle everything. And if you know someone like that, if they love you as much as you love them and even if they make the wrong decision, if they change and it feels as though the world is not the same as it once was but somehow there is more meaning in life, then you should not give up on