But it’s your arms
try to hold it in
I know you hear me
Oh no, how did I m
I’m still looking
So be careful if y
Now I’m dancing, a
I’ll do anything t
You drive me crazy
Beautiful, crazy,

Better wake up bec
A Big Surprise...
Back From The Outb
Back to the Beach
Crack in the Allia
Death of an Allian
Desperate Measures
Dinner, Movie and
The secret dark ar
If you feel insignificant, you better think again. As you sit there trying to read your email, your friends are out there doing amazing things that you can’t even fathom. At the end of the day, you have to remember that you are here on earth for a reason, and it’s a great reason. You can accomplish amazing things, and you just have to let yourself shine. How do you stay inspired? I don’t think it matters what age you are, or where you are in life, all that matters is your drive and your belief. You have to believe you can accomplish anything you want, and that will push you past all of the obstacles you encounter. I want to encourage you to stay in motion. Let your mind be your guide. Let your heart guide you. Do what you can and stay in your lane because it’s where you shine! Here’s a freebie tip: Stay upbeat. As I get older, I try to stay around happier people. Not only do you walk in the same circles as fun people, you’ll feel better about yourself because of it. When you are always positive, you live longer and do more. When you are happy, you glow and others can see it! I love being a positive person, and I want you to be too! So share this message with someone today! Let them know you are loved and your dreams will come true if you stay focused! It may sound cliche, but I’m going to say it anyway: You need to follow your dreams. I know this isn’t easy because it’s hard to find the courage to leave your job. But it has to be done. You have to follow your dreams if you ever want to find true happiness. You have to live in the moment. I’ve been working on my Etsy store for years now, and I’ve learned so much. It has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I am so grateful to say I have created a brand that I love. If you don’t have a dream, create one. Whatever it is, make that happen. I am going to give you some tips to help you get your business off the ground and help you take that first step! Decide your focus. Do you want to be an apparel designer? Work from home and sell a product you love? Become an event planner? Create a blog with your talents? Make a craft or bake something for your friends? There are so many options, so choose one that excites you. Think about why you want to create the product you have in mind, and think about how it will make your life better in some way. How does it make your friends feel? How does it help your family? How does it help others? Take a deep dive into Pinterest. I use Pinterest all of the time when I have a creative brainstorming session and brainstorming is crucial. Think about your competitors. Figure out what they are doing. If they are doing well, don’t fight that. Embrace the fact that your audience might like what they are selling because it’s better than your competition. If you create a product that is just as good as the product your competitor has, they will just buy it because they liked the first product, or maybe the packaging, or the idea behind the product. Whatever it is, don’t let your competition hold you back. Take what they’re doing and turn it into something you love! Start early. Set a goal for yourself, and break it down into very small steps. Make it your goal to earn $1 each day for each goal you have. Maybe you want to learn how to knit, so each day you want to learn one thing about knitting. Make it so that by the end of the day, you have accomplished that. Or maybe you want to start a blog, so you will learn how to set up your blog by the end of the week. The time is now, so if you need help learning something, ask your family or friends. You might be surprised at how much help you get! When you start your journey, know that you will make mistakes. It’s okay to mess up, but don’t give up. There are always lessons to be learned along the way. You can learn something from everyone, and this is the chance to create something beautiful. A great way to find yourself in your entrepreneurial journey is to take a course and go to live events. In order to accomplish anything in life, you have to study your craft. In order to make anything successful, you have to learn from other people who are already successful in their craft. Take a course from your favorite YouTube guru. Take a course in SEO for your business. Maybe even take a course on running a blog. If you can’t afford to take a course, buy the book. You will find a great community of people, and you will meet amazing people, who have the same vision as you and are just waiting for you to join them. You have so much to offer, and you are capable of so much. Learn how to be good at your craft so that you can share your gift with the world. You can create success on every level if you do this, because it will be like working at McDonald’s: You know you have more in you than you think! Be patient, and be sure to practice. Don’t be discouraged if something isn’t working. It takes time for everything to come together, but it will. When I started my business, I was worried that I wouldn’t have what I needed for the first week. I kept telling myself to get to work, but I was too scared to do it. I sat there and stared at my computer and the blank page, and I felt like I couldn’t move. I had been down that road before, and I just needed to push through it. It didn’t always feel good, but I learned something about myself and I got through it. That brings me to the next point, patience! You have to be ready to work hard. Sometimes that may not be the most pleasant thing, but it is what you have to do in order to become successful. You will need to learn patience, and it’s a very valuable lesson. So I want you to think about this: When was the last time you felt like you are just waiting for the bus? Like something is missing in your life, like there is something you want but don’t know how to get it? Maybe you want a new car. Maybe you want a nice home. Maybe you just want a job with health insurance. Whatever it is, you are going to have to make a decision. Either you will work hard and learn how to be patient, or you will let that moment pass you by. It’s up to you! As a personal development coach, I work with so many people who want to live their dreams. You have so many things inside of you, and there is no reason for you to live with anything less than everything you were created to do. So, what can you do today? I want you to think about something you want. What is it? A new relationship? A house? Health? If you can’t think of anything, just look around and look at everything that you have. Whatever it is, I want you to think about what makes your heart feel big, and I want you to write that down. I want you to put it on the mirror or the fridge or your car. I want you to put it on your blog or in a notebook. I want you to put it in your prayer or in your journal. I want you to be proud of yourself, and I want you to be proud of the life you were born to live. I want you to remember this: The universe works in mysterious ways. As we go through our days, we get caught up in our jobs, our family, our stress, and more. The truth is that it all changes, and as much as you don’t want it to, it will. I’m asking you to be bold and to be brave. I’m telling you that if you work hard, you will find success. If you work hard, you will become what you were made to be. If you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can’t do. Life has a way of surprising you. It’s a crazy world, and sometimes you are going to lose and other times you will win, and that’s the truth. It’s not something you will understand unless you experience it, so just know this: If you want to be successful, the secret is to stay on course and stay focused. The days of mediocre are over. Life is too short to be mediocre. Be bold. Be fearless. And remember the power that you hold inside of you. Nothing great was ever achieved by being a doormat! If you want to make your life easier and create a life full of love, joy, peace, and excitement, then join my free newsletter! I give you tons of tips, tricks, and ideas that are guaranteed to help you on your journey. I am here to help you fulfill your purpose, so be sure to sign up. So many of us are afraid to really live our life because we have so many things that are holding us back from living the life we were born to live. How do